Сборник научных статей международной научно-практической конференции «Современные тренды педагогического образования»

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List of references 

1.Richard J.C, Rogers T.S. Approaches and Methods in language Teaching/Cambridge university 
press- 2010. 
2. Brougter G. Teaching English as a foreign language. 1996. 
3. Dj. Yuldashev. New pedagogical technology. Primary Education,1999. 
4. Elley, Warwick. 2001. Conclusion: What have we Learned? International Journal of Educational 
Research 35, pp.237-246.
5. Krashen, Stephen. 1989. We acquire vocabulary and spelling by reading: Additional evidence for 
the input hypothesis. Modern Language Journal 73:4, pp.440-64. 
6. Maley, Alan. 1987. Poetry and song as effective language learning activities. In wilga M. Rivers 
(ed.). 1987 Interactive Language Teaching, pp. 93-109. New York: Cambridge University Press. 
7. Nagaraj, Geetha. English Language Teaching Approaches, Methods, Techniques II edition. 
Orient Black Swan Hyderabad 1996. Print. 
Ескермес Арайлым Нұржанқызы –
магистрант 2 - курса, группа М1703-19 
Научный руководитель: Дуйсенова Маржан Молдакасымовна –
Южно - Казахстанский государственный педагогический университет, Шымкент. 
Бұл мақалада электронды оқулықтарды оқу үдерісінде қолданудың тиімділігі туралы 
мәселе қарастырылған. Стандартты дәрістерден айырмашылығы, электронды оқулық 
білім берудің қайнар көзі ретінде ғана емес, сонымен қатар оқушылардың білім деңгейін 
тексеру құралы ретінде қызмет етеді. Оқу процесінде электронды оқулықты қолдану 
оқылатын пәнге деген қызығушылықты арттырады, сондықтан оқу мотивациясының 
жоғарылауына әкеледі. Мақала электронды шетел тілі оқулығының ерекшеліктерін 
зерттеуге арналған. Зерттеудің материалы 2009 жылдан 2019 жылға дейінгі кезеңде әр 
түрлі баспалармен, сонымен қатар әр түрлі баспалар дайындаған әр түрлі типтегі 
электрондық оқу басылымдарын қамтиды.
Шет тіліндегі электронды оқулық оны құрудың және басып шығарудың теориялық және 
практикалық мәселелерін әзірлеуді қажет ететін оқулықтардың ең заманауи түрі болып 
В данной статье рассматривается вопрос об эффективности использования электронных 
учебников в образовательном процессе. В отличие от стандартных лекций электронный 
учебник не только выступает в роли источника учебной информации, но и является 
средством проверки уровня знаний студента. Использование электронного учебника в 
процессе обучения повышает интерес к изучаемой дисциплине, следовательно, приводит к 
усилению учебной мотивации.
Материалом исследования послужили электронные учебные издания разного типа, 
подготовленные разными издательствами, как областными, так и столичными, в период с 
2009 по 2019 годы. Электронный учебник на иностранном языке считается самым 
современным видом учебного пособия, требующим разработка теоретических и 
практических вопросов его создания и изданий. 

There are different points of view in society about the feasibility of utilizing 
electronic textbooks in the educational process. In my opinion, disagreements on this 
issue arose for a number of reasons. First, parents do not always have an idea of the 
possibilities of an electronic textbook. Secondly, some mentors are not yet ready to 
objecti vely assess the educational, methodological and didactic advantages of an 
electronic textbook in comparison with the classical version. currently, the utilize of 
e-learning is not a fashion. It meets the educational needs of the modern generation of 
schoolchildren. What are the "pros" and" cons " of utilizing electronic textbooks? [1]. 
Current education, infrastructure, and communication technologies and methods of 
education as a way to accelerate the development of its helpers in all areas of public 
life, including the educational process, modern educational technology, as well as 
modern technical means in schools, as well as modern forms and modern 
management methods, educational procedures, in addition to this situation, general 
use computer technology and various technical aspects training tools are so natural 
and modern that means that the opportunity to use a research-based and 
communication skills widely taught foreign languages. The current teaching of 
foreign languages effects and is to use relatively inexpensive for electronic textbooks: 
E-textbooks allow you to implement the principles of differentiated and personalized 
learning methods. With the help of electronic textbooks, you can most effectively 
train and test types of speech activities such as listening and reading, as well as form 
and develop learners ' grammar, vocabulary and sound pronunciation skills [2, 389-
E-textbook is a computer-based teaching software tool that is mainly used to present 
a modern educational background,complement printed publications, for personal and 
personalized learning, and allow you to examine the knowledge and skills acquired 
by learners to a limited extent. Let's take a look at some of the features of e-
textbooks: e-textbooks should contain the minimum text in an educational context, 
because long-term reading of text from the screen can lead to significant fatigue and, 
as a result, to a decrease in the level of perception. 
Electronic textbooks should contain a large number of illustrative materials. To limit 
the size of the tutorial, we recommend using a packaged image file format (GIF, 
JPEG), using a limited palette, or using a vector image file. Using video clips allows 
you to go through the dynamics of processes and phenomena. Although the file size 
is large, it is recommended to use them, because using them in this case increases the 
interest of learners and the quality of knowledge increases. In traditional teaching
modern materials are dominated by oral methods. In this regard, the use of audio clips 
in electronic textbooks not only brings it closer to the usual way of presenting 
educational materials, but also improves the perception of modern materials, while 
activating not only vision, but also the auditory center of the brain. E-textbooks 
should contain hyperlinks to textbook elements and may contain links to other e-
textbooks and reference books. Want to have a quick transition to the content of the 
desired chapter or page. The perceptual quality of the modern educational 

background,the ability to generalize and analyze, the speed of memory and the 
integrity of the assimilation of the educational background depends largely on the 
position of the educational background on the computer screen. 
The utilize of electronic textbooks in foreign language lessons at school was started 
with the introduction of textbooks of the Forward line for grade 5. Learners have 
certain abilities and abilities to work with mobile devices, so there were no problems 
with the organization of the educational process. During the 1st half of the year, 4 
lessons were held on the following topics: Holidays, Underwater world, 
Competitions, Past time. As practice has shown, the utilize of electronic textbooks 
has a number of positive aspects. In terms of content, electronic textbooks completely 
copy printed publications, so it was comfortable for learners to work.
Electronic textbooks include interactive elements. Learners test the child's motivation 
to be their knowledge and can get an instant assessment. In the required textbook 
education financing is to look for their features. This approach helps to meet the 
cognitive needs of learners at different levels of Education. Keep in mind that you 
should be familiar with the visual, graphic and audio formats that can provide the 
background at the same time. When teaching a foreign language, an electronic 
textbook plays a special role. An extensive database of media content allows you to 
organize productive work on the educational background and development of 
communication abilities.
The electronic textbook includes audio materials for exercises, interactive objects for 
control and self-control, and illustrative material. If you have a network connection, 
you can utilize on-line dictionaries to work with lexical material. As practice shows, 
when utilizing electronic textbooks, learning to read, especially its phonetic side, is 
faster. Working with an electronic textbook at the initial stage of training allows you 
to improve the level of training of learners in the field of language competence in a 
short time: compliance with the correct stress in words and phrases, features of 
intonation of the main types of sentences [3, 80-83p.]. 
But there are some problems with working with electronic textbooks. There is a 
misconception that printed versions of textbooks are not necessary when utilizing 
electronic textbooks. Currently, they are supposed to be utilized in parallel. It is 
necessary to take into account compliance with sanitary standards when working with 
mobile devices. The solution to this problem depends on the mentor's training and 
skill. Usually, a foreign language curriculum includes not only textbooks, but also a 
workbook, a collection of exercises, and a book for reading, so there is no need to 
work with an electronic textbook during the entire lesson. Since learning a foreign 
language culture involves the development of oral speech abilities, which is included 
in the unified state exam, part of the lesson is devoted to working on this type of 
speech activity. To solve the educational issues of the lesson, the time that is 
determined by sanitary standards is quite enough [4, 247-250p.]. 
Practical exercises: listening issues. Sometimes it can be complicated to hold training 
sessions for a week, especially if your learners spend relatively short time with you. 

Reading through e-books can be changed by listening to part of the lesson or the 
entire lesson. Some e-books have built-in exercises for reading comprehension. 
Practical exercises: Pronunciation issues. After reading or listening to a section which 
addresses learners’ particular pronunciation needs (it may contain a high number of 
problem sounds or question forms, etc.) the mentor ensures that all learners can see 
the section of writing by, for example, projecting the e-book page onto a board. The 
learners can then open a speech recognition app such as Dragon Dictation, which is 
freely available for Android and Apple devices. This app is very simple and requires 
only one tap on the screen to begin dictating and another to stop. The latest dictation 
can be deleted and re-recorded any number of times. Learners can focus on specific 
words or try to dictate whole passages utilizing the e-book audio as a model. The 
mentor’s e-book text could then be hidden and the learners asked to correct the 
resulting dictated written text. This would serve to highlight problem areas, but also 
the links between the spoken and written word. Because utilize this app is free, there 
is no problem with recommending that learners download it onto their own devices 
and practice at home as much as they like [5]. 
Practical exercises: Exam speaking practice. Some e-books contain writing, reading, 
listening and speaking exercises that tie in with specific exams. These exercises can 
be further exploited utilizing voice recording apps. It is very complicated for learners 
to appraise their own speaking, as they are focutilized on specific things at the time 
and on simply getting it done and over with! For this exercise, take a picture from an 
e-book and send it to each iPad being utilized. I utilize a free app called Chirp which 
shares images, URLs and short texts via sound to all iPads within 'listening distance'. 
The picture – or any series of pictures - can then be added to one of the many apps 
that allow learners to record their voice over images.
Learners can be encouraged to focus on different aspects of their speaking, or given 
exam-type grading rubrics and helped to assess their own strengths and weaknesses. 
In this example, a learner practices Cambridge English First speaking with an image 
taken from the Frankenstein reader. 
Practical exercises: Writing issues. Turning reading into writing is by no means 
modern, but there is definitely more authenticity in asking learners to email you an 
email issue such as the one mentioned in the pre-reading issues above, rather than 
writing it on a piece of paper. Revision, error correction and feedback are also easier 
when the writing is in digital format. The few example activities above show how 
class reader lessons can now easily encompass a range of abilities utilizing e-books. 
The focus must remain on the learner’s language outcomes, and the activities must be 
kept technologically simple. Also, don't forget that e-book readers are, of course, 
great for promoting extensive reading too. They are relatively cheap for learners to 
buy and easy to transport. The added audio, built-in dictionary, grammar and 
vocabulary exercises as well as comprehension checking all lend themselves to more 
autonomy and an all-round better experience for learners. 

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