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pedagogikalyk bilim berudin zamanaui trendteri zhinak

Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs. Edited by Jennifer Speake, 5
Влас Жуков: Словарь русских пословиц и поговорок 

Orynbekova G. 
South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University 
Mamedova A., Artykbayeva F. 
Silkway International University, 
Shymkent, Kazakhstan 
 Бұл мақалада мектепте ағылшын тіліндегі сабақтарда мәтінмен жұмыс 
жасау кезінде сөйлеу әрекетін оқытудың теориялық негіздері 
В данной статье рассматриваются теоретические основы обучения речевой 
деятельности при работе с текстом на уроках английского в школе. 
Speech is an integral part of the social being of people, a necessary condition for the 
existence of human society. It is estimated that approximately 70% of the time when 
a person is awake, he devotes to speaking, listening, reading, writing - the four main 
types of speech activity. Given the importance in human life, we can distinguish the 
following main functions of speech, inextricably linked: 
- speech is used in the process of joint work to coordinate efforts, work planning, 
verification and evaluation of its results; 
- speech is a means of cognition, a necessary condition for cognitive activity of a 
person: thanks to speech, a person acquires knowledge, assimilates and transfers 
- speech is a means of influencing consciousness, developing a worldview, norms of 
behavior, and forming tastes. In this function, speech is used in order to influence the 
views and beliefs of people, to change their attitude to certain facts and phenomena of 
reality, to incline them to actions and actions, etc .; 
- speech - a means of satisfying a person’s personal needs: in communication, in 
communion with a certain group of people, etc. 
A person, being a social being by nature, cannot live out of touch with other people: 
he must consult, share thoughts, experiences, empathize, seek understanding, etc. In 
general, speech is a fundamental factor in the development of the human person. 
There is no doubt that these speech functions will continue in the future. At the same 
time, we can confidently assume that thanks to the development of technology and 
the means of new information technologies, speech will become more and more 
important in the life of society, in various spheres of human activity, in satisfying his 
spiritual needs, etc. 
Speech is the basis of all mental activity, a means of communication. It is no accident 
that in modern linguodidactic studies so much attention is paid to the problems of 
forming communicative competence among school graduates, which means the 
ability of the speaker and writer to compare, classify, systematize, generalize, 
formulate their own point of view, make it evidence-based, reasoned. 

However, the passive perception of someone else’s speech alone will not develop 
student speech; high speech activity is necessary, it is necessary to create conditions 
under which the student would have the need to speak and write - to make sentences, 
coherent texts for different purposes, volume, content, style and genre. It is necessary 
to create the so-called speech situations that would be natural, would follow from the 
conditions of various types of activities of the student. Here are examples of 
situations that stimulate students' speech: observation of natural phenomena; 
excursions, accompanied by conversations and suggesting the creation of speech 
works as a result; organization of role-playing games. One of the conditions for the 
successful development of speech, the formation of speech skills in children, is the 
need for communication, or communication. Another is the presence of a speech 
environment (speech of parents, relatives and friends, fiction, radio, television, 
cinema and theater, speech of a teacher, language of textbooks). Speech needs not 
only linguistic material, but also factual. The student should have a stock of 
knowledge, material on the subject of the story, then he will be able to highlight the 
main thing - this is also a condition of speech development. 
From the foregoing, it can be concluded that for the development of students' speech, 
special didactic conditions are necessary, that this work should be organized at all 
lessons, that educational and methodological support is necessary for the process of 
mastering speech skills. No less important is the fact that this work should be 
organized in the lessons of the linguistic cycle, in parallel with the assimilation of the 
lexical and grammatical nature of linguistic phenomena. Listening, reading, speaking 
and writing are types of speech activities organized in all classes, but in language 
classes they are also elements of learning. 
What do we mean by the development of student speech? Generally speaking, this is 
the educational, cognitive activity of students, organized, led by a vocabulary teacher, 
based on reading and studying grammar, aimed at improving, enriching 
communicative skills and design skills and expression of their thoughts, feelings, 
motives. M.R. Lvov formulates the main objectives of the development of coherent 
speech, one of which is the creation in the classroom of an atmosphere of struggle for 
a high culture of speech. The main requirements for good speech, according to the 
author, are expressiveness (brightness, persuasiveness, emotional statements), as well 
as the richness of language tools, their diversity [1,2]. 
Internal speech helps understanding and memorizing material, it is one of the 
necessary conditions and means of developing external speech, thought out and 
pronounced, controlled. 
The difference between oral and written speech, first of all, lies in the fact that oral 
speech is sound speech, and written speech is graphic speech. In the first, the main 
role is played by kinesthetic and auditory sensations, in the second - visual and 
motor, associated with the movement of the writing hand. Both types of speech serve 
the purpose of people communicating with each other, but each of them fulfills this 
role in different ways: oral speech is the process of direct communication of people in 
a specific life situation, written speech is usually distracted, abstracted from the 

immediate concrete situation. Oral speech usually proceeds in the form of 
conversation, dialogue (this is especially typical for children). Written speech is 
dispensed with without the personal presence of the reader, and therefore, by its very 
nature, is monological, strictly contextual, requiring a logical sequence and detailed 
presentation, not allowing omissions, omissions, unnecessary repetitions. 
Consequently, written language is more complex and abstract, especially if we take 
into account that the experience of speaking with students is much greater than the 
experience of writing [3]. 
Different are the expressive means of oral and written speech. Raising and lowering 
the voice, logical stress by highlighting the voice of individual words and 
expressions, pauses, slowing and speeding up the pace of speech, gestures and facial 
expressions of the speaker, etc. are characteristic signs of oral speech. And these 
qualities must be developed in children at school. The formation of written language 
is one of the important components of the overall development of children. Written 
language, like oral, is the main means of thinking. It not only expresses a ready-made 
thought, but also is included in the process of formation of thinking. And this is its 
essential significance for the mental development of children. 

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