Сборник научных статей международной научно-практической конференции «Современные тренды педагогического образования»

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pedagogikalyk bilim berudin zamanaui trendteri zhinak

1.Бондаревская Е. В. Школьное образование в контексте культуры. http:// artic1es| 
bondarevskayal.htm (Дата обращения 5.11.2012 г.) 
2.Ктустер Д. Что такое критическое мышление? http: // testolog.narod.ru/ Other15.html (Дата 
обращения .l1.2012 г.) 
3.Гудименко Ю.Н. ГУ «Средняя школа N.29» Технология критического мышления как 
средство развития творческих способностей учащихся. http: //oouk.vko.gov.kz/ru/ 
conference0_227.htm?t (Дата обращения 5.11.2012 г.) 
4.Загаюев И.О. и др. Учим детей мыслить критически — Санкт-Петербург; «Альянс- t 
‹Дельта». Издательство «Речь»,200З. 
5.Программа курсов повышения квалификация педагогических работников PK 
6.Марюал Рэй и Такер Марк. Мышление для жизни: Образование и благосостояние наций 

Основные книги . Нью Йорк. 1992. 
UDC: 811.512.122.
Candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent Karazhigitova K. N.
 Candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior teacher, Nurmanova Zh. K.
South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University,
Shymkent, Kazakhstan 

Бұл мақалада жалпы әлемді тамсандырған Ұлы ойшыл Әл-Фараби мен Дана Абай 
тағылымы туралы, олардың ізгілік жолдары қарастырылады. 


The article offers a multitude of information from different areas of science and education, 
in which the scientific works of the Kazakh sage Abay and the deep thinker Abu Nasir Al-Farabi 
are revealed.
By representing Abai, we represent Kazakhstan, 
Abai is always our national should be our motto.
N.A. Nazarbayev
In his message to the people of Kazakhstan, President Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev 
said: “We celebrate the 1150th anniversary of Al-Farabi and the 175th anniversary of 
Abay Kunanbaiuly. “Anniversary in the process, we must not waste money and 
promote the works of our great people among the people, ”he said, urging all people 
to get to know the great scholars. “Abay Kunanbayevich scientist, thinker, poet, 
educator, founder of the new literature of the nation, translator, undoubtedly, he left 
an indelible mark on the history of the country as a composer. In his poems and 
prose, the essence, composition, life, life, worldview, character, soul, religion, 
language, spirit of the nation were reflected, and later it was assessed as a unique 
phenomenon called the world of Abai –said, the heartless game showed to the people. 
There are significant differences between the eras of Abu Nasir Al-Farabi and Abay 
Kunanbayevich, on which we are based today. About the XX - century (1000 years). 
But there are many connections in the works and principles of these two giants, in 
their spiritual integrity. 
Al-Farabi is an encyclopedic scholar with excellent knowledge in any field of 
medieval science, a deep analysis of philosophy and logic, mathematics and physics, 
music and poetry, grammar and civic policy, as well as historical and Islamic ideas 
that comprehensively master the rich heritage of ancient Greece. That is why the list 
of Al-Farabi's works can be found in the works of Bayhaki, Ibn Usaibia, Omar 
Farrukh, M. Horten, F. Dieteritz, M. Shteinshneider. Farabi heritage researcher 
according to the prominent Uzbek philosopher-scientist M.M. Khairullayev said: “A 
complete list of Farabi's works, that is, about 160 works were named by the Turkish 
scientist You will find it in his works”.

Al-Farabi manuscripts of treatises It is stored in the libraries of Kayir, Damask, 
Beirut, Istanbul, Leiden, Paris, Madrid, London, Teheran and New York in the 
libraries of cities preserved” requisites. A learned scientist and the philosopher 
Aristotle Almost all works on logic, in particular, “Metaphysics”, “Nicomachian 
ethics”, “Rhetoric”, “Poetics”, Ptolemy's “Almagess”, Alexander Aphrodisky's “On 
the Soul”, a number of chapters of Euclid's “Beginnings”, Porphyry's “Isagoge”
made comments. 
Among them are treatises “Preparation for the study of philosophy”, “On the views of 
the people of the good city”, “Civil Policy”, “On the achievement of happiness”. Al-
Farabi not only incorporated the rich heritage of antiquity, especially the 
philosophical views of classical thinkers such as Plato and Aristotle, into the Arab-
Muslim culture, but also synthesized the ideas of Islam and antiquity. He was able to 
play his role in the development of world philosophy and philosophy of science, in 
the dialogue between West and East. The scientist paid great attention to determining 
the nature of spiritual power. In his book “Wisdom basics” he says that according to 
the properties of human nature, he has an external and internal world. 
Environmental phenomena who could recognize the external senses, which make up 
the physiological body structure and posture, also affect the inner world. And the 
inner secret world is the spiritual forces of man, which, in turn, reveals that there are 
three types of developmental processes: the development of man, animal and plant. 
Al-Farabi, who classifies development in this way, explains the content of 
development: “The commonalities in development and cognition, which are protected 
by behaviors such as the preservation of their offspring as plants and the struggle 
against forces superior to animals, cannot expand the field of humankind.The 
development of a person depends on his choice of the path to useful, good, noble 
goals, the pursuit of truth. It is only the consciousness of a person that leads to such 
great goals”. indicates that the ball is pressed. During his lifetime, he divided science 
into five main areas: linguistics, logic (system of thought), mathematics, physics, 
civics. His treatises on socio-economic issues, mathematics and philosophy are still 
valuable for their scientific significance. He is a mathematician It is possible to write 
the secret of natural phenomena on the basis of application. 
According to Farabi idea’s, mathematics deepens human knowledge and has a direct 
impact on the development of other sciences. His mathematical treatises are the basis 
of modern mathematics. According to Farabi, logic is the science of the laws and 
rules of thinking. Al-Farabi has a deep knowledge of philosophy, sociology, 
mathematics, physics, astronomy, botany, ethics, aesthetics, linguistics, logic, health, 
music research. “Beginning of science” means that in his work science is divided into 
several types: real and abstract, as well as theoretical and practical, “Classification 
and definition of science”, In his work, he divides the field of language, logic and 
mathematics in science into three general types, each of which is distinguished. 
In the time of al-Farabi, every open-minded Muslim was obliged to study Islamic 
science. His inclusion in the category of Arabic-speaking scholars began at this time. 
Al-Farabi embarked on the path of 

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