Scheme 1.
In accordance with the data obtained at the first stage, the choice of exercises reflected the structure of the
child's defect: with the predominant disturbance of the sound structure, the exercises from the second
block (the rhythmic ones) prevailed. If, however, the diagnosis revealed a predominant violation of
syllabic structures, then the music-rhythmic forms were included in the individual program of the child.
The analysis of the results of the forming and control experiments will be published in the next article.
Used literature:
1. G.Volkova. «Logopedic Rhythmics», М., 1985
2. A.Mukhina . ««Speech-and-movement Rhythmics», М.: Astrel,2008
3. Arkhipova E.F. «Styortaya disartria u detey», М.:АСТРЕЛЬ, 2008Г.
4. Steiner «Die Gesunde Entwicklung körperlich-physisch wie die Grundlage der freien Erscheinungsform
herzlich-geistig: das Kind von sieben bis zu zehn Jahren: die Pädagogik und die Didaktik» - Kaluga,