Keywords: system approach, engineering and scientific and technical personnel, innovation cluster,
enterprises-employers, professional standards, educational standards.
Ensure and guarantee the quality of education, at present, are urgent tasks facing the Kazakhstan society.
The urgency of this problem due to the passage of the country's course of industrialization, which is based on
«non-oil» economy, «knowledge economy» or the so-called innovation economy that requires a new quality
all its participants, and primarily industrial production personnel of enterprises and its engineering corps, in
In connection with the foregoing, in the system of education carried out the necessary changes aimed at
improving the quality of education and increase of efficiency of activity of higher educational institutions and
other educational institutions.
The construction of new modern facilities and the creation of new jobs means the need for ownership,
industrial-production personnel with the skills needed for high-performance technologies and the ability to
predict tendencies of development of technics and technologies in their professional and allied activities. Thus,
modern engineers must be ready for accelerated development, have so-called anticipatory creativity [1].
Modern engineers must possess not only professional knowledge, but to be able to make the right
management decisions, to become the organizer of the production process. Specialist new format must possess
creativity, ability to solve non-trivial tasks in new and unpredictable conditions. For solving problems of
sustainable development of the enterprise, diversification of the economy requires the possession of modern
technologies of management competencies in the field of humanitarian, social and economic activities, i.e. to
have a broad viewpoint.
Based on the requirements of modern engineering personnel, it is possible to define the competencies to be
possessed by a graduate student. They should, in the first place, to include: strategic thinking, system approach,
knowledge of modern technologies, equipment, information technology, and also, equally important are
competencies in the field of humanitarian, social, legal and economic activities, advancing creativity,
leadership qualities, organizational skills, knowledge of communicative technologies, business
communication ethics, responsibility, performing discipline, commitment to team working methods,
knowledge of foreign languages.
To participate engineering staff can, forming and developing according to the «breadth of professional
competences + deep professional knowledge and the ability + willingness to shift» [2] and also possessing a
willingness and ability to develop and maintain their competence on the level of competitiveness throughout
his career. In doing so, they will promote such personal qualities as tolerance, honesty in relationships, breadth
of vision, willingness to assimilate with the corporate culture.
The main document defining the content and process of learning is «an educational program of higher
professional education» in a particular direction (the profile of specialty) training.
In connection with the orientation to the demands of employers, educational program and curricula, at the
present stage, have a high degree of variability that gives the option of future extension and adaptation to the
requirements of specific industries and businesses.
However, now the consistency requirements of industrial employers and the requirements of the standards
in educational institutions is not achieved sufficiently.
One possible reason for this is the inefficiency or lack of marketing, market analysis of educational services
and timely resolve discrepancies.
The fundamental principle of quality management is customer orientation, i.e. at the company - the
employer that assumes the existence of objective and adequate criteria for the assessment of quality of training
of graduates and professionals working in enterprises, and the availability of professional standards.
With an integrated process approach to solving the problem of insufficient coherence of educational
institutions and employers can be solved the issues related to the lack of objective criteria for assessing the
relevance and competitiveness of graduates; lack of effective criteria and feedback from employers; that there
is no mechanism of updating of professional competencies. An important role can be played by the
development and practical application of the revocation mechanism has a graduate qualification and its
periodic verification.
Innovative firms are more structured compared to the old industrial production, and in this regard, the
engineering staff can be subdivided into the following groups: engineers-researchers, engineer’s
manufacturers, engineers-the system owner and the engineers, creating new products. Therefore, the
development of educational programs needed a different approach to the training of engineers, tailored to their
follow-up. For example, currently the enterprises are widely used to automate processes based on more
complex equipment is required for more highly skilled engineers, developers, engineers and researchers in the
field of information technology. For example, currently the enterprises are widely used to automate processes
based on more complex equipment is required for more highly skilled engineers, developers, engineers and
researchers in the field of information technology.
Given the above trends the required changes to the requirements for organizational forms of the educational
process, to the functional responsibilities of the faculty, to the role of educational institutions.
Multifunctional training of engineering personnel for the enterprise is possible only at Association of efforts
of all stakeholders in the modern educational process in which active participation will take not only
universities, but also enterprises – employers and learners themselves.
Universities and faculty must ensure the development and implementation of new educational technologies
and information interaction of all participants in the process, build the required competencies of graduates, and
coordinate all educational activities of the participants.
Companies-employers as partners in the educational process should participate in the development of
requirements for skills and competences of the graduates to participate in the development of professional
standards, development of training plans and programmers and the certification of competencies of graduates.
However, the organizational principles existing at this stage in the system of higher education, the
implementation of problem-oriented training of specialists, in practice, it is difficult.
One possible reason is the virtual absence of professional educational standards with a focus on
implementable state industrial-innovative program and the needs of professional communities, based on the
specific requirements of employers and the labor market, and responsive to continuity in their design. In
addition, it is necessary to develop system evaluation criteria competencies of graduates, developed by
universities in collaboration with professional communities, organization in addition to the state certification
system of independent certification of engineering qualifications of experts and graduates.
Development and implementation of an independent system of certification of engineering qualifications;
the organizational structure, membership system; definition of functions and the order of interaction; ensuring
the relevance and competitiveness of graduates; and increasing the enterprises-employers in the development
of professional standards will contribute to the improvement of the current state of the system of training
personnel of higher qualification.
The system approach to solving the problem of training of highly qualified engineering and scientific
personnel the importance of the principle of continuity, continuity of education. Depending on the quality of
initial training the applicant to become available in this problem-oriented innovation cluster, all levels of
education with guaranteed employment, from working professions, to the specialist of the highest qualification
with the constant maintenance of the required competitive level.
The state sets the requirements for applicants and graduates requirements to educational institutions, as well
as requirements to the educational process and employment.
In this regard, preparation and implementation of the state program of industrial-innovative development
of the country, promotes youth interest in engineering.
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