Биз бирин-бири терекке байладык
. [bız bırın bırı terekke bayladık]
‘We tied each other to the tree.’
e) Causative Voice (Аркылуу мамиле)
From semantic point of view, causativization means: the agent (subject) merely
causes the causee (indirect object) to perform a certain event. In Wikipedia, it is defined as a
“valency-increasing operation, which indicates that a subject either causes someone or something
else to do or be something or causes a change in state of a non-volitional event.”
Causative voice has a multiple suffixes, which depend on the verbal peculiarities.
According to the article devoted to the “Category of Voice and Semantic Types of Situations in
Kumyk Language” by Gadzhiakhmedov N. E. and Aliyeva S. A. a special feature of a causative
voice in Turkic languages is their compatibility within the same word forms: causative + passive;
reflexive + causative, causative + reflexive, reciprocal + causative, causative + reciprocal
causative + causative and so on.
Accretion of causative affix to reflexive leads to emergences of new participants of the
causative situation: decausative situation becomes causative:
Энеси баласын кийиндирди
balasın kıyındırdı]
(кий+ин reflexive aff.+дир causative aff). ‘Mother dressed her child.’
are two participants in the situation: the child, who is passive in this case, and the mother, who is
an active participant of the action.
Accretion of the causative affix –дыр to reciprocity leads to a different complex situation:
represents more participants than in the previous situation and all participants are involved in the
implementation of the verbal action (mutual action):
Кече энеси менен кызын бакчада
[keche enesı menen kızın bakchada körüshtürdüm]
(көр + ыш reciprocal aff. +
тыр causative aff. + ды past t. aff. +м 1ps.) ‘Yesterday, I organized a meeting of mother and
Basics of the verbs that have inducing affixes (both transitive and transitive) can take
secondary inducing affixation and by that form verbs with even more advanced semantic
relations at the level of participants in the situation. At the same time, verb forms also acquire the
ability to be combined with the complement in the dative case, which is the actual performer of
the action, indicated by the original basis
: Мен Муратка энесине кат жаздыртам.
muratka enesıne kat jazdırtam]
(жаз + дыр causative aff. + т causative aff. + а participle’s aff.
+ м 1ps.) ‘I will make Murat write a letter to his mother.’
(change of situation at the level of
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