particle verb
Intentional mood highlights the subject’s conviction, dedication and the
intention to perform the action. For example,
‘Булганч тилиңден башка дагы эмне көрсөтмөк
элең мага?’
(Т. Абдымомунов)
[bulganch tılınden bashka dagy emne körsötmök elen maga]
Literal translation of this sentence is
: What you intended to show except your dirty tongue?
Анвар бизге галерея көргөзмөкчү болду.
[anvar bızge galereya körgözmökchü boldu]
Anvar was going to (intended) show us the gallery.
However, we should not confuse the intentional mark –
with verbal noun (кыймыл
атооч) affix –
They can be differed on the basis of contextual meaning, as intentional mood
refers verbal action, while verbal noun corresponds to English Gerund:
Адамды туумак кыйын,
багып өстүрмөк кыйын, а өлтүрмөк көз ачып-жумганча.
(Ч. Айтматов) [adamdı tuumak
kıyın, bagıp östürmök kıyın, a öltürmök köz achıp-jumgancha] Literal translation of this sentence
Giving birth to human and bringing up is hard, but killing is the blink of an eye.
As can be seen from this examples, the verbal nouns do not come at the end of the sentence,
therefore verbal nouns are morphologically related to verbs, but they are non-finite verb forms.
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