Пән мұғалімі : Жаксыбаева Э. О. Сыныбы: 9 А/В 2021-2022 оқу жылы кіріспе

Theme № 7 The Degrees of Comparison of Adjective / Сын есімнің шырайлары

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Theme № 7 The Degrees of Comparison of Adjective / Сын есімнің шырайлары

Сын есімнің түрлері

Simple adjective
(Негізгі сын есім)

Derived adjective
(Туынды сын есім)

Compound adjective
(Күрделі сын есім)

Qualitative adjective
(Сапалық сын есім)

Relative adjective
(Қатысты қ сын есім)

Green, nice, small, good

Useful, helpless, famous, formal


Red, big, cold, black

Woolen, golden, wooden.

The degree of comparison

Сын есімнің шырайлары

Absolute Жай шырай

Comparative Салыстырмалы шырай

Superlative Күшейтпелі шырай






the easiest
the simplest


more interesting
more beautiful
more comfortable more serious

the most interesting
the most beautiful
the most comfortable
the most serious

Кейбір сын есімдердің салыстырмалы және күшейтпелі шырайлары ережеге бағынбайды.


farther -further

the best
the worst
the lest
the most
the farthest
the furthest

Кейбір сын есімдердің салыстырмалы және күшейтпелі шырайлары –er, -est жұрнақтарымен және more, (the) most сөзі арқылы жасала береді: clever, common, cruel, gentle, pleasant, polite, quite, simple, stupid, tired.

Сын есімдердің шырайларының жасалу жолдары

-er, -est ының алдында -y (егер оның алдында дауыссыз тұрса) –I –ға өзгереді.

Lazy – lazier – the laziest
Funny – funnier- the funniest

Егер сын есім дауыссызға аяқталып, оның алдында қысқа дауысты тұрса, онда дауыссыз қосарланады.

Sad-sadder-the saddest
Fat-fatter-the fattest
Big-bigger-the biggest

Егер сын есім –е жалғауына аяқталса, -er, -est жалғаулары жалғанғанда, бұл жалғау түсіп қалады.

Nice-nicer-the nicest

Есте сақтаңыз!
Ағылшын тілінде бір сөйлемде зат есімді сипаттайтын бірнеше сын есім келуі мүмкін. Ол сын есімдер белгілі бір орын тәртібімен қолданылады.
She is wearing elegant black high-heeled shoes.

Test № 7 / Тест № 7

1.It was _____ music I have ever heard.

  1. beautiful

  2. most beautiful

  3. more beautiful

  4. less beautiful

  5. the most beautiful

2. Choose the right variant.

It`s _____ powder I have ever used.

  1. good

  2. best

  3. better

e) the best

3. Choose the right variant.

John is ____ of all to act

  1. quickest )

  2. quick

  3. the quickest

  4. bquicker

4. Choose the right variant.

I have _____ time than he does

  1. bigger

  2. less

  3. larger

  4. least

e) most

5. Choose the right variant.

Mark Twain, one of _____ and ______ American writers, lived in a small town in his children.

  1. greater / most popular

  2. more great / the most

  3. great / more popular popular

  4. the greatest / most popular

  5. most great / the popular

6. Choose the right variant.
Your English is much _____ now. You made ______mistakes this time.

  1. best / least

  2. good / less

  3. better / less

  4. best / the least

e) the best / less

7. Choose the right variant.

Of the four girls Marcia is _____

  1. prettiest

  2. the prettiest

  3. prettier

  4. prettier

e) –

8. Find the positive adjective:

a) Poor
b) The most interesting
c) More difficult

9. . Find the positive adjective

a) Better
b) The best
c) Light
d)The most important

10. Find the superlative adjective:

a) Easier
b) The longest
e)More active

Leveled exercises № 7
Деңгейлік тапсырма № 7

I level / I деңгей

Fill in the blanks with the comparative or the superlative degrees of the adjectives given in brackets:

  1. Your brother is much ______ (tall) than mine.

  2. This island used to be much ______ (green) before the forest fires.

  3. Slow down! You`re ______ (fit) than me and I can`t keep up!

  4. Veronica seems _____ (happy) since she moved schools.

  5. It`s actually _____ (trendy) to wear your hair up this year.

  6. As the time for the performance got nearer, I got (nervous).

II level / II деңгей

Fill in the blanks with the comparative or the superlative degrees of the adjectives given in brackets:

  1. I met my (good) friend yesterday.

  2. Dorothy is (young) in her family.

  3. Henry is not (strong) than his elder brother Bob.

  4. It isn`t very warm today, is it? – No, it was (warm) yesterday.

  5. Your friend looked upset yesterday. I`m glad he looks (happy) today.

  6. Where is the (near) post-office, please?

  7. February is the (short) month of the year.

III level
III деңгей
Fill in the blanks with one of the words in the box.

Small big smaller bigger biggest smallest

  1. The double bass is the __________ of the violin family.

  2. The cello is ________ than the double bass.

  3. The cello is ________ than the viola.

  4. The viola is not as ________ as the cello.

  5. The violin is not as ________ as the viola.

  6. The violin is the __________ of the violin family.

  7. The text of lesson 5 is (interesting) than this one.

  8. I live far from the studio but my friend lives (far).

Answers Test №
Жауаптар Тест №

1E 2E 3C 4B 5D 6C 7B 8A 9C 10B

Leveled exercises №

Деңгейлік тапсырмалар №

I level
I деңгей

  1. Your brother is much ___taller___ than mine.

  2. This island used to be much ______ green before the forest fires.

  3. Slow down! You`re __fitter____ than me and I can`t keep up!

  4. Veronica seems _____ happier since she moved schools.

  5. It`s actually _____ more trendy to wear your hair up this year.

  6. As the time for the performance got nearer, I got more nervous.

II level
II деңгей

  1. I met my (good) friend yesterday. The best

  2. Dorothy is (young) in her family. The younest

  3. Henry is not (strong) than his elder brother Bob. The strongest

  4. It isn`t very warm today, is it? – No, it was (warm) yesterday. The warmest

  5. Your friend looked upset yesterday. I`m glad he looks (happy) today. The happiest

  6. Where is the (near) post-office, please? The nearest

  7. February is the (short) month of the year. The shortest

III level
III деңгей

  1. The double bass is the biggest of the violin family.

  2. The cello is smaller than the double bass.

  3. The cello is bigger than the viola.

  4. The viola is not as big as the cello.

  5. The violin is not as Small as the viola.

  6. The violin is the smallest of the violin family.

  7. The text of lesson 5 is more interesting than this one.

  8. I live far from the studio but my friend lives futher.

Theme № 8 World formation / Сөз жасау

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