Practical value and the scientific significance Some initial steps are happened in our country by insert of the dual education into a system of
higher pedagogical education. At this time in Kazakhstan are opened 16 Nazarbaev Intellectual Schools,
but there aren’t any higher educational establishment which should prepare some specialists for
Nazarbaev Intellectual Schools. Therefore some talented teachers of comprehensive schools begin their
working in Nazarbaev Intellectual Schools, as a result we can see the falling of quantity of knowledge in
secondary comprehensive schools.
It brought up to the appearance of necessity of the dual teaching in a process of preparation of
competitive teaching staff in some higher educational pedagogical establishments:
Its necessary to prepare the specialists for all specialities in some higher educational
establishments who should be knowing several languages.
Its necessary to have the professional preparation on the base of Nazarbaev Intellectual Schools in
order to rise the quantity of knowledge of the future teachers not including the theoretical
knowledge of innovative technologies as a result they must pass an exam.
Significance of pr oject on the national and inter national level is mor e impor tant
Firstly, students of the higher educational establishments have got a possibility to hear some
lectures of famous foreign scholars:
Secondly, the future teachers can use their theoretical knowledge, also they are able to use the
practical experience of Nazarbaev Intellectual Schools in their pedagogical activity:
Thirdly, some head-teachers of higher educational establishments, school-teachers can participate
in listening to lectures of teachers of NIS:
Fourthly, it will be realized the line methodical help on On-line, it opens some possibilities for
exchange of experience.