ПоәК 042-18-38-92/03-2013 №1 басылым

Methodical recommendations

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Methodical recommendations:

1. Read the text and try to understand it.

Look up the words you do not know in a dictionary.

2. Lead and support the conversation with partner.

3. Write a short composition about your future profession using questions.

1. Е.И.Курашвили. Английский язык для студентов – физиков.

Москва Астрель. АСТ 2005

2. Е.В. Хомутова. Интенсивный курс английского языка для физиков. Издательство Московского университета 1983

Lesson 13, 14

Theme: Borrowings

Text: Theory of Electrification

Purpose of lesson:

1. to learn to take the necessary information from the read text and to use it in informal conversation

2. to transfer the own thought in foreign language.

3. to communicate in English with partner on this subject


More than two thirds of the English vocabularies are borrowings. Mostly they are words of Romanic origin ( Latin, French, Italian, Spanish) Borrowed words are different from native ones by their phonetic structure, by their morphological structure and their grammatical forms. It is characteristic of borrowings to be non-motivated semantically.

English history is very rich in different types of contacts with other countries, that’s why it is very rich in borrowings. The Roman invasion, the adaptation of Christianity, Scandinavion and Norman conquests of the British Isles, the development of British colonialism, trade and cultural relations served to increase the English vocabulary. The majority of these borrowings is fully assimilated in English in their pronunciation, grammar, and spelling and can be hardly distinguished from native words.

Borrowings can be classified according to different criteria:

  • according to the borrowed aspect;

  • according to the degree of assimilation;

  • according to the language from which the word was borrowed;

a)There are phonetic borrowings translation loans, semantic borrowings, morphemic borrowings.

Phonetic borrowings are loan words borrowed with their spelling, pronunciation and meaning. Such words are “labour, travel, table, chair, people-French borrowings. “appritchnik, nomenklatura, sputnik ( Russian); “bank, soprano, duet’-Italian etc.

Translation loans are word-for-word translation of some foreighn words or expressions. In such cases the notion is borrowed from a foreighn language but it is expressed by native lexical units: “ to take the bull by the horns” ( Latin) , “fair sex”( French), “living space’ ( German)

Semantic borrowings are such units when a new meaning of the unit existing in the language is borrowed, It can happen when we have two relative languages which have common words with different meanings. There are semantic borrowings between Scandinavian and English, e.g. “to live“for the word “to dwell’ which in OE had the meaning “to wander’ the meaning “ “gap’, подарок for the word ‘gift’ which in OE had the meaning ‘ выкуп за жену’

Morphemic borrowings are borrowings of affixes which occur in the language when many words with identical affixes are borrowed from one language into another

b) Borrowings are subdivided into:

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