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Grammar exercises on Verbals for the English department

Functions of the Gerund

(often introduced by the formal it and there is/are)

It is no use reading these notes.
Swimming against the current was dangerous.

Бесполезно читать эти записи
Плыть против течения было опасно


The only way out is telling him the truth

Единственный выход – рассказать ему правду

a part of a compound verbal predicate

to begin
to start
to burst out

to go on
to continue
to keep on

to stop
to cease
to give up
to finish

to intend
to try
to attempt
can’t help

She ceased speaking.
We intend going to Switzerland

Она перестала говорить.
Мы намереваемся поехать в Швейцарию


to avoid
to deny
to mind
to enjoy
to excuse

to accuse of
to agree to
to succeed in
to suspect of
to thank for

to be fond of
to be guilty of
to be indignant at

to be pleased
to be proud of
to be sure of

I like seeing good films.

Я люблю смотреь хорошие фильмы.


way of, habit of, idea of, method of, chance of, etc.

There is no chance of leaving for America

Нет возможности уехать в Америку.

adverbial modifier of


after, before, on, (upon), in, at

Upon awaking I dressed quickly.

Проснувшись, я быстро оделся.


by, in

We spent the day in packing things.

Мы провели день, пакуя вещи.

attendant circumstances


David left London without telling anybody about it

Дэвид покинул Лондон, никому не сообщив об этом .



One side of the gallery was used for dancing

Одна сторона галереи использовалась для танцев.



He has no right to come without being invited.

Он не имеет права приходить, если его не приглашают


for, for fear of, owing to

I feel better myself for having spent a good deal of my time abroad

Я чувствую себя лучше оттого, что долго прожил за границей


in spite of

In spite of being busy, he did all he could to help her

Несмотря на то, что он был занят, он сделал все возможное, чтобы помочь ей.

Exercise 3. State the function of the Gerund and Gerundial Constructions. Translate into English.
1.Upon awakening she dressed quickly and left house. 2. He was angry with me for bringing the news. 3. I wish I’d never told you the truth, but it’s no use denying it. 4. She cannot sleep without seeing and speaking to you once more. 5. Without moving I shouted to him to come. 6. She kept on saying, “Send me away!” 7. Nobody will suspect Jerry of being anything but an English bull-dog, or of having any design in his head. 8. In doing so they will, I believe, understand that there is a very real connection between such political events. 9. He was in jail for having killed a person in a fight. 10. He spent the whole day in packing things. 11. He has no right to come without being invited. 12. In spite of being tired, he did not go to bed. 13. I don’t object to Mary’s visiting us. 14. His being tired was noticed by everybody. 15. You may rely on my setting matters right. 16. The members of the expedition were certain of their reaching the South Pole. 17. It was impossible to give a scientific answer without first critically analyzing Hegel’s reactionary idealistic views. 18. Gorky in this period did other things besides carrying on schools. 19. You may help me by translating this article. 20. A Polish delegation arrived in Moscow with the object of conducting trade negotiations. 21. His work was a success due to his experimenting so much. 22. The art of writing good prose is the lost one today. 23. The task of solving this problem is extremely difficult.

Exercise 4. Translate into English, using the Gerund where possible.
1. После этого мистер Уинкль не мог не пойти на каток. 2. Но Василий Иванович, не оборачиваясь, только рукой махнул и вышел. 3. Мысль увидеть ее так устрашила его, что он с трудом мог стоять на ногах. 4. Левин любил своего брата, но быть с ним вместе всегда было мученье. 5. Услышав это, Анна быстро села и закрыла лицо веером. 6. Я не отрицаю, что видел их в тот вечер. 7. Я не могла не согласиться с ним. 8. Он расплакался. 9. “Она вышла за тебя замуж только из-за того, что я был беден и она устала ждать меня. 10. Все известные шахматисты увлекались игрой в шахматы с раннего детства. 11. Делегаты уже собирались уезжать, когда они получили приглашение посетить собрание рабочих. 12. Существует три способа хранения газов в промышленности. 13. Древние люди мечтали о том, чтобы брать один элемент и превращать его в другой. 14. Я помню, что видел его прежде. 15. Плавание – хорошее физическое упражнение. 16. Он любит читать вслух. 17. Я слышал о том, что его сын уезжает в экспедицию. 18. Существуют различные способы решения этой проблемы. 19. Я знаю, что эта статья интересная. 20. Есть какие-нибудь возражения против того, чтобы я повидал его? 21. Он настаивал на том, чтобы его послали в Крым вместо меня. 22. Простите, что я причинил вам столько хлопот. 23. Он гордится тем, что завоевал эту награду. 24. После того как доктор тщательно осмотрел его, ему разрешили вступить в этот футбольный клуб.

Exercise 5. Insert the correct preposition before the gerund where required.
1. “I hate the idea ___ your going,” he said simply. 2. She said: “Excuse me__ coming in __ knocking.” 3. The other insisted __ accompanying them. 4. I am tired __ being old and wise. 5. We’ll look forward __ seeing you. 6. Why you so anxious to prevent anybody __ being as sympathetic as you have the right to expect. 8. I was afraid __ saying the wrong thing. 9. Look here, it may sound funny, but I’m terrifically grateful to you __ saying it. 10. Both windows needed __ cleaning. 11. I’ve paid very heavily __ being a romantic girl. 12. She could not bear __ lying. 13. I suppose nothing is gained __ delaying. 14. They were in the habit __ coming up to London for the season. 16. I didn’t at all like the idea __ going to the station in the luggage cart. 17. He looked at me for a long time__ answering. 18. He felt he was going to be denounced __ daring to suggest such a thing. 19. I thought you had just been blaming me __ being neutral. 20. If you won’t tell me what’s wrong, what’s the use __ my being here?

Note: negative деепричастие may correspond to the English without +Gerund or not + Participle. It usually corresponds to not + Participle if it is in the function of an adverbial modifier of cause.
Не зная адреса Мисс Бетси, Дэвид не мог написать ей
Not knowing Miss Betsy’s address, David could not write to her. (cause)
If negative деепричастие is used in the function of adverbial modifiers of attendant circumstances and condition, it generally corresponds to without + Gerund.
Дэвид покинул Лондон, никому не сообщив об этом .
David left London without telling anybody about it. (attendant circumstances)
Дети не могли уйти из Салем Хаус, не спросив разрешения
The boys could not leave Salem House without asking for permission. (condition)

Exercise 6 . Insert not + participle or without + gerund.
1. Dr. Wallace filled a pipe from the bowl on his desk, then put it down ____ it. (to light) 2. ___ what he wanted, he looked slowly about the room. (to find) 3. Zee drew a breath and leaned against the birch for a moment ___ anything. (to say) 4. I won’t go abroad ___ you. (to see) 5. ___ what to reply, I remained silent. (to know) 6. On the street he would look directly at friends ___ them. (to see) 7. Only then ___ what further to say, had he become silent. (to know) We walked ___ for a short while. (to speak) 9. Would she have gone away ___ you if she loved you? (to see) 10. Then she saw Lise and turned away, ___ to talk with her. She went hastily to cross the road ___ and was almost run over by a bus. (to want, to look) 11. ___ to leave him in the club, I offered to take him home to my wife, or to go with him to his own house, deserted now. (to like) 12. He returned the salutes of several privates ___ them. (to see) 13. He stopped ___ how to continue and stood shifting from one foot to the other. (to know) 14. Miss Casement stood for a moment, ___ whether to be pleased or not at this unforeseen familiarity. (to know) 15. He sat down, ___ his mackintosh. (to turn around) 16. ___ any sale to take place I told Evan I want a chat with him and took him downstairs. (to wish) 17. They sat there ___ for several minutes. (to talk) 18. ___ him greatly, she could not be jealous in a disturbing way. (to love)

Exercise 7. Point out the Gerund, the Participle and the Predicative Constructions. State their function. Translate into Russian.
1. On trying the door of the girl’s room, she found it still locked. 2. The idea of anybody wasting his time was obnoxious to him. 3. I’ll have you watched as long as you stay in Lewes. 4. Before entering my apartment I was approached by a man who asked me if I was a doctor. 5. Her talking about food made me feel hungry. 6. I like to think of this old house still being of use. 7. Never once had she been seen crying. 8. Nobody can go on living without some belief. 9. It was easy to imagine Cave sitting silent. 10. In the midday quiet of the bush she heard a small bird singing. 11. The two men were heard descending. 12. She heard the musicians tuning up in the back parlour. 13. It is awfully hard work doing nothing. 14. He meant to begin his investigation by seeing the church. 15. There is a growing demand for the kind of information given in these tables. 16. The Danish consul had her passport visaed and sent telegrams for her to her husband.

Exercise 8. Translate into English, using the Gerund or the Participle where possible.
1. Заходящее солнце озаряло своими лучами (to glow on smb.) незнакомку, которая направлялась к дверям дома. 2. Мальчику понравилась дверь, вырезанная в одном боку баржи. 3. Мальчику никогда не удавалось ответить уроки хорошо в присутствии отчима. 4. Поужинав, граф, не раздеваясь, прилег на кровать. 5. Я помню, что видел этого актера в какой-то другой пьесе. 6. Он вышел из зала, не дожидаясь окончания спектакля. 7. Почувствовав себя свободным, бобр сбежал с берега и исчез под водой. 8. Испытания ядерного оружия должны быть немедленно прекращены. 9. Я вспомнил, что слышал о его опытах еще много лет назад. 10. Хотя ученые работают над этой проблемой уже много лет, она еще далеко не разрешена. 11. Просмотрев литературные источники, ученый собрал большой описательный материал. 12. Работая с учащимися над текстом, необходимо обращать их внимание на значение слов в данном контексте. 13. Делегаты уже собирались уезжать, когда они получили приглашение посетить собрание. 14. Он слышал, как в коридоре люди двигались, смеялись, разговаривали, шептались. 15. Мы наблюдали, как лед таял, потом – как он снова замерзал. 16. Вы не возражаете, если я закурю? 17. При появлении лектора в зале раздались громкие аплодисменты. 18. Никто не знал о том, что он уехал в экспедицию. 19. Он откинулся назад; глаза его были лениво полузакрыты. 20. Несмотря на то, что он опоздал, все встретили его с радостью. 21. Из-за вашего отсутствия я не смог вовремя получить статью, которая мне была так нужна для доклада.
Test for self-control (The Gerund)

1. Insert the appropriate form of the Gerund:
Though I saw them, she denies (to speak) with him.

  1. speaking

  2. having spoken

  3. being spoken

  4. spoken

  5. spoke

2. Insert the appropriate form of the Gerund:

After (to talk) with him she went home.

  1. talking

  2. having talked

  3. being talked

  4. talked

  5. talk

3. Insert the correct non-finite form of the verb in brackets:

They say (to smoke) leads to meditation.

  1. smoking

  2. having smoked

  3. being smoked

  4. having been smoked

  5. smokers

4. Insert the correct non-finite form of the verb in brackets:

Life seemed worth (to fight)for
a) having been fought
b) having fought
c) fighting
d) being fought
e) on fighting

5. Define the type of the verbal and its form:

Soames had the peculiar feeling of having overdone his own honesty.

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