Практических заданий по дисциплине

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Пз Английская и американская литература

Автономная некоммерческая организация высшего образования

Кафедра общегуманитарных наук и массовых коммуникаций

Форма обучения: заочная


Английская и американская литература




Практическое занятие No1

Stonehenge — a prehistoric monument on Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire, England, consisting of a large circle of megaliths surrounding a smaller circle and four massive trilithons; dating to late Neolithic and early Bronze Age times (c1700–1200 b.c.) and believed to have been connected with a sun cult or used for astronomical observations.

Celts — a member of an Indo-European people now represented chiefly by the Irish, Gaels, Welsh, and Bretons.

Druid — a member of a pre-Christian religious order among the ancient Celts of Gaul, Britain, and Ireland.

pagan — one of a people or community observing a polytheistic religion, as the ancient Romans and Greeks.

Практическое занятие No2
Задание No1

  1. Chaucer was a soldier in French army. F

  2. Chaucer could understand Latin. T

  3. Chaucer wrote his book in 1368. F

  4. The Canterbury Tales is Chaucer’s best work. T

  5. The Canterbury tales is about Thomas a Becket. F

  6. The people in the Canterbury Tales are like people today. T

Практическое занятие No3
Задание No2

In the town of Verona, in Italy, there were two rich families, the Capulets and the Montagues.

There was old quarrel between those two families.
Juliet belonged to the Capulet family.
Juliet was fourteen years old.
One day old Capulet made a great supper.
Juliet’s father no one from the house of the Montagues.
Romeo saw Juliet and fell in love with her.
They decided to marry.
Romeo and Juliet met in the centre of the town. (When dancing began, Romeo saw Juliet)
Практическое занятие No4
Задание No1

  1. Byron was born in — a) London;

  2. He inherited the title of lord— b) in 1798;

  3. Byron was sent to Harrow school where — a) only boys got their education

  4. His literary career began when he was: — c) 17.

  5. Byron hated ... and sympathized with ... — c) exploitation, working class.

  6. In ... he wrote many of his best poems. — a) Italy;

  7. ... had become the aim of Byron’s life. — a) The struggle for national independence

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