Ex. I, p. 193
P a t t e r n 1:1. You needn 't have answered this question. It was not meant for
you. 2. He needn't have spoken so long, it bored everybody. 3. She needn't have got
excited over a little thing like that. 4. Need you have bothered such a busy man with
this unimportant question? 5. Why have you come to meet me? You needn't have
Ex. II, p. 193 (possible variants)
P a t t e r n 2:1. Today she has been answering her task even better than usual. 2. Are
you ill? You are looking paler than usual. 3. The way to his office seemed to him on
that day longer than usual. 4. He was in love, and the sun seemed to shine brighter
than usual. 5. He is here already, he has come earlier than usual. 6. The soup tastes
even better/worse than usual. 7. Unfortunately today I'll return later than usual.
P a t t e r n 3:1. She addressed us angrily in that harsh voice/ tone of hers. 2. Did
you happen to see that charming fiance of Miranda's? 3. I didn't want to come up to
you because you were so busy speaking to that dear old mother of yours. 4. I don't
like the way she treats that miserable dog of hers. 5. I wish I knew how I should
bring up/how to bring up this dear little son of mine. 6. No one any longer believes
those tales of his. 7. If I were you, I should throw away these old shoes of yours. 8.
Who could have done such a thing but that good-for-nothing cousin of yours? 9. I
have heard a lot about that latest blockbuster of Stephen Spielberg's.
Ex. Ill, p. 193
1. You needn't have come here so early. No one has arrived yet. 2. Because of/on
account of those tight shoes of hers she was hardly able to walk. We got to the bus
stop later than usual and to be sure/and of course, the bus had already gone. 3. That
day/On that day Judy was ill and feeling more miserable than usual. She didn't
believe her eyes when she was brought a large box full of rose-buds — a gift from
that mysterious guardian of hers.
Ex. I, p. 203
B. 3. It's rather a f u n n y story. — Это довольно-таки смешная история.
I was rather surprised. — Я был несколько удивлен./Это меня несколько
Не went rather pale. — Он заметно побледнел.
I could see he was rather taken aback. — Судя по его виду, это предложение
застало его врасплох.
4. 1. If he couldn't get something to do, he'd commit suicide. — If he couldn't find
a job, he'd commit suicide/kill himself.
2. I got some glimmering of what he was driving at. — I got a vague idea o f / 1
began to understand what he was getting at.
3. I had a lot of work to do that morning and I only just managed to get to the
creek of Tarumi at half past twelve. — I was very busy that morning and I only just
managed to reach the creek of Tarumi at half past twelve.
4. We didn't get the body for about three days. — We didn't find the body for
some three days.
5. Well, I hadn't got a vacancy in my office at the moment. — Well, I didn't
have/There was no vacancy in my office at that time.
Ex. II, p. 203
«Это довольно-таки смешная история, — начал он. — Парень он был
неплохой. Мне (он) нравился. Всегда хорошо одет, всегда опрятен. И по-
своему красив — кудрявый, белокожий, румяный» Женщины от него просто
млели. Вреда от него в общем-то не было никакого, просто человек он был
необузданный, только и всего./Да и человек он был незлой, просто
необузданный, только и всего. Ну и конечно же, он пил. Такие всегда пьют. Раз
в квартал ему присылали из Англии немного денег, и еще примерно столько же
он выигрывал в карты. У меня он тоже выиграл немало — это я хорошо
Он не двинулся с места и заметно побледнел, а потом, немного
поколебавшись, сказал, что ему в последнее время не везло в карты. Вместо
того чтобы, как прежде, играть в бридж, он перешел на покер и проигрался в
пух и прах. У него не осталось ни гроша. Он заложил все, что имел, не может
оплатить свой гостиничный счет, и ему больше не дают в долг. Он потерял все.
Если он не найдет себе работу, то покончит с собой.
Я едва верил своим ушам — уж больно нелепо это прозвучало/уж больно
нелепым был его ответ.
Я представлял на соревнованиях свой университет.
До меня дошло, на что он намекает, но впечатления на меня это не
произвело. Уж слишком много я повидал на своем пеку людей, которые были в
своих университетах этакими маленькими божками.
В молодости я тоже неплохо плавал, — заметил я.
Внезапно меня осенило.
Ex. III, p. 203
a) handsome ['hæns(ə)m]
well-dressed [ˏwel′drest]
quarter ['kwᴐ:tə]
experience [i к'spɪ(ə)riəns]
lose [lu:z]
suicide ['s(j) u:iɪsaɪd]
pausing ['pᴐ:ziƞ]
current [′kʌrənt]
aback [ə'bæk]
shoulder [′ʃəᴜldə]
drowned [draund]
b) wild[waild]
rather ['rɑ:ðə]
curl [кз:l]
pawn [pᴐ:n]
pass [pɑ:s]
constitution ['kɒnstɪtjuʃ(ə)n]
dissipation [dɪsɪ′peɪʃ(ə)n]
beacon ['bi:kən]
question [' kwestʃ(ə)n]
half [hɑ:f]
vacancy ['veɪkənsi]
poker ['pəᴜkə]
trifle [traɪf(ə)l]
Ex. V, p. 204
1. handsome in a way; 2. to know from/by one's own experience; 3. He could lose
money at bridge with a good grace. 4. to have bad luck at cards; 5. He didn't want to
stick to bridge. 6. He was all to pieces. 7. I understand what he was driving at. 8. I
landed at the creek of Tarumi. 9. on account of; 10. He never turned up.
Ex. VI, p. 204
1. She has curled her hair. — Она завила волосы. The old man was curling his
long moustache. — Старик подкручивал свои длинные усы.
Does her hair curl naturally or does she curl it in curlers? — Ее волосы вьются
от природы или она накручивает их на бигуди?
The smoke from our camp-fires curled upwards among the trees. — Между
деревьями поднимались клубы дыма от наших костров.
I don't like the way she curls her lip when talking to me. — Мне не нравится,
что, разговаривая со мной, она презрительно кривит губы.
The child curled up in the armchair and went to sleep. — Ребенок свернулся
калачиком в кресле и заснул.
I don't like curled hair. — Мне не нравятся завитые волосы.
I liked that plump curly-headed little boy. — Мне нравился этот пухленький
кудрявый мальчуган.
The girl had long curls over her shoulders. — У девушки были длинные
локоны/кудри, ниспадающие на плечи.
How do you keep your hair in curl? — Что ты делаешь, чтобы у тебя не
развивались волосы?
Soon we saw the curls of smoke rise upwards. — Вскоре мы увидели
поднимающиеся вверх клубы дыма.
2. Не fell and broke his leg. — Он упал и сломал ногу.
Who broke the window? — Кто разбил окно?
Glass breaks easily. — Стекло легко бьется.
The mother broke the bread in two and gave each child a piece. — Мать
разломила хлеб пополам и дала каждому ребенку по куску.
The vase fell and broke to pieces. — Ваза упала и разбилась вдребезги.
Не was completely broken as a result of the failure of his business. — В
результате банкротства своей фирмы он полностью разорился.
She was broken after her husband's death. — После смерти мужа она была
совершенно разбита.
to break the law — нарушить закон
to break a promise/one's word — нарушить/не сдержать обещания/слова
to break an appointment — не прийти на назначенную встречу
She broke the appointment. = She did not keep it. — Она не пришла на встречу
(в назначенное время и место).
Не саn’t break with his bad habits. — Он не может отделаться от своих
вредных привычек.
When she came in, he broke off. — Когда она вошла, он замолчал.
Не broke off in the middle of a sentence. — Он вдруг умолк на полуслове.
A fire broke out during the night. — Ночью начался пожар.
The partisans broke through the enemy lines. — Партизаны прорвались через
боевые порядки противника.
I feel tired, let's have a break. — Я устал, давай сделаем перерыв.
We have been working since nine o'clock without a break. — Мы работаем с
девяти часов без перерыва.
3. to stick a stamp on a letter — наклеить на письмо марку
to stick a notice on a board — наклеить на доску объявление
These stamps won't stick. — Эти марки никак не хотят приклеиваться/никак
не приклеиваются.
The nickname stuck to him. — Это прозвище так к нему и прилипло.
Friends should stick together. — Друзья должны держаться
вместе/поддерживать друг друга.
You must stick to your promise. — Вы не должны нарушать свое обещание.
Though Tom saw that nobody believed him, he stuck to his words. — Хотя Том
видел, что никто ему не верит, он упорно стоял на своем.
The girl stuck a flower in her hair. — Девушка воткнула в волосы цветок.
Не stuck his hands in his pockets. — Он засунул руки в карманы.
The splinter stuck in my finger. — Эта заноза сидит у меня в пальце.
The car stuck in the mud. — Машина застряла в грязи.
The key stuck in the key-hole. — Ключ застрял в замочной скважине.
4. Не drove the horses into the forest. — Он загнал лошадей в лес.
He's learning to drive. — Он учится водить машину.
Shall we drive home or walk? — Мы поедем домой на машине или пойдем
He jumped on his horse and rode away. — Он вскочил на коня и
Не rode over on his bicycle to see me yesterday. — Вчера он приезжал на
своем велосипеде, чтобы повидать меня.
We drove up to the house. — Мы подъехали к дому. I could not understand
what he was driving at. — Я не мог взять в толк, к чему он клонит.
We had a nice drive. — Мы неплохо прокатились (на машине).
Shall we go for a drive round the town? — Прокатимся no городу?
bus-driver — водитель автобуса tram-driver —
вагоновожатый taxi-driver — таксист engine-driver
5. There was a short pause while the next speaker got on to the platform. —
Наступила короткая пауза, во время которой на помост взобрался следующий
A pause is made because of doubt, hesitation or for the sake of expressiveness
when speaking, singing, reading, etc. — Человек делает паузу, когда сомневается
или колеблется, а также ради большей выразительности в речи, пении, чтении
вслух и т.п.
The speaker made a short pause to stress his words. — Оратор/Докладчик
сделал небольшую паузу, чтобы подчеркнуть сказанное/то, что он собирался
Не paused to collect his thoughts. — Он замолчал, чтобы собраться с
Не went on without pausing. — Он продолжал, не делая пауз/не
Не paused until the noise stopped. — Он замолчал и подождал, пока шум не
6. I asked him if he could ring ine up and he nodded. — Я спросил его, может
ли он позвонить, и он кивнул.
She nodded to me as she passed. — Проходя мимо, она мне кивнула.
The servant bowed and left the room. — Слуга поклонился и вышел из
She sat in the armchair nodding over her book. — Она сидела в кресле с
книгой и клевала носом/дремала.
7. The death of Davy's mother was the ruin of his hopes. — Смерть матери
означала для Дэйви крушение всех его надежд/ разрушила все надежды Дэйва.
Не brought his family to ruin. — Он довел свою семью до разорения.
the ruins of Rome — развалины Рима
The enemy left the city in ruins. — Неприятель оставил город в
развалинах/превратил город в руины.
Не knew that he himself had ruined his life by stealing the money. — Он знал,
что сам разрушил свою жизнь, когда украл деньги.
The fellow ruined himself by card-playing. — Он проиграл все свое состояние
в карты./Он разорился из-за игры в карты.
8. The gymnast rubbed his hands with talc. — Гимнаст натер руки тальком.
The dog rubbed its nose against my coat. — Собака потерлась носом о мое
Не rubbed his face/hands dry. — Он насухо вытер лицо/руки.
Rub the oil in well. — Хорошенько вотри масло.
Rub the words off the blackboard. — Сотрите слова с доски.
She rubbed all the pencil marks out. — Она стерла все ка- j рандашные
His manner of rubbing his hands gets on my nerves. — Его; манера (довольно)
потирать руки действует мне на нервы.
She gave the spoons a good rub. — Она хорошенько протерла ложки.
9. The telephone booth was vacant, and I was able to telephone at once. — В
телефонной будке никого не было, и я смог позвонить сразу.
vacant seat — свободное/незанятое место vacant room — свободный номер (в
гостинице), свободная комната
vacant house — пустой дом; дом, где никто не живет vacant flat — свободная
квартира; квартира, где нет жильцов
a vacant post/position — свободный пост, свободная должность, свободное
место a vacant mind — тупость, полное отсутствие мыслей a free person^-
свободный человек a free state — свободное государство
a free will — свободная воля; свобода воли, собственное желание, своя воля (в
выражении to do smth. of one's own free will — сделать что-л. по собственному
желанию/по своей воле) You are not engaged now, are you? — Вы сейчас не
заняты, не так ли?/Вы ведь сейчас не помолвлены?
I have spare time today. — Сегодня у меня есть свободное время.
I've got spare cash about me and can lend you 3 or 5 roubles. — У меня при себе
есть кое-какие лишние деньги, и я могу одолжить тебе трешку или пятерку.
Не had loose clothes on. — На нем была свободная одежда. All the window
frames in my flat are loose. — В моей квартире все оконные рамы разболтались.
We have a vacancy on our staff. — У нас в штате есть вакансия/вакантное
We advertised for a secretary to fill the vacancy. — Мы дали объявление в
газете, что нам требуется секретарша.
Ex. IX а), р. 204
1. As he was busy yesterday, he couldn't join our company. 2. I tried to get him on
the phone, but the line was busy/engaged. As I was busy, I decided to ring him up
later. 3. "Is the place next to you vacant/free?" — "No, it is occupied." 4. When I
entered the hall, all the seats were occupied, and I could hardly find a vacant/free
seat. 5. "Will you be free tomorrow? Let's go to the country." — "No, I'll be busy at
my office." 6. "Let's find a vacant classroom and rehearse our dialogue there." —
"I'm afraid at this hour all the rooms are sure to be occupied." 7. Have you any free/
spare time today? 8. At this late hour all taxies will be busy. 9. I am young, healthy
and free to do as I please.
Ex. X, p. 205
1. She stuck a few stamps on the letter and dropped it into the mail-box/letter-
box/pillar-box. 2. The friends always stuck together. 3. The key stuck in the lock, and
I couldn't open the door. 4. "Are you busy today?" — "Unfortunately I will hardly
have any spare time." 5. His only son's death ruined all his hopes. 6. "Are there any
vacant rooms in the hotel?" — "Unfortunately all the rooms are occupied." 7.
London fogs are ruinous to health. 8. Has everybody copied out these sentences? I
am going to rub them off the blackboard. 9. He had a strange habit of rubbing his
hands (together) when he was excited. 10. Cold, hunger/starvation and-
want/indigence ruined Hurstwood's health. 11. The speaker paused to collect his
thoughts. 12. You needn't worry, he is a good driver. 13. A shot broke the silence.
Mr. Curtel who had been peacefully nodding/dozing in his armchair jumped up and
began to look about/round/around. 14. I didn't like swimming in the river on account
of/because of the strong current. 15. The teacher waited/The teacher paused till
everybody stopped talking and only then went on with his explanation. 16. They
broke off as soon as I entered. 17. He promised to help me but broke his promise. 18.
On seeing me he curled his lip and just nodded by way of salute/greeting (in salute).
Ex. XV, p. 207
1. My sister's husband was killed in the war, and soon after that her elder child
died of pneumonia. No wonder, she was all to pieces/completely broken. 2. He went
broke because he played cards and drank a lot. When I met him, he was down and
out. Yet, he had always been a nice man, and there was no harm in him. 3. I got some
glimmering of what she was driving at. 4. "She is rather a good cook, isn't she?" —
"Those sort of women always are." 5. Women think a lot of those sort of men. 6. You
said you didn't turn up at the exam on Monday because you were all to pieces. I don't
believe it. I'm sure you just funked it. 7. Couldn't you lend me a bit more money? I
am down and out.
Ex. XXI, p. 208
1. This book is rather dull, you had better take another. 2. The suitcase is rather
small, I am afraid you won't be able to pack all your clothes in/into it. 3. "Would you
like another cup of tea?" — "Yes, rather." 4. This news rather excited him. 5. I would
rather take this record. 6. He is ignorant rather than stupid./He is rather ignorant than
stupid. 7. We were rather surprised at his early arrival. 8. She looked rather tired
after her two-kilometre walk. 9. She seemed to me rather a good-looking girl/a rather
good-looking girl.
Ex. I, p. 216
tobogganing [tə' bɒgəniƞ] санный спорт
yachting [′jɒtɪƞ] парусный спорт; плавание на яхте
lawn-tennis [ˏlᴐ:n' tenɪs] теннис
wrestling ['reslɪƞ] борьба
athletics [æθ′letɪks] легкая атлетика (= track-and-field)
gymnastics [dʒɪm' næstɪks] гимнастика
calisthenics[ˏkælɪs'θenɪks] художественная гимнастика
billiards ['biljədz] бильярд
draughts [drɑ:fts] шашки
tournament ['tᴜənəmənt, ′tᴐ:nəmənt] турнир
enthusiast [ɪn'θju:zɪæst ] энтузиаст
soccer ['sɒkə] футбол (классический)
rugger ['rʌgə] — регби (=rugby)
court [kᴐ:t] корт
amateur [ˏæmə′tɜ:,'æmətə, 'æmət ʃ(ᴜ)ə] любитель (в спорте и др. видах
Ex. IV, p. 217
wrestling — wrestler
cycling (велосипедный спорт) — cyclist
weight-lifting (тяжелая атлетика) — weight-lifter
swimming — swimmer
diving (ныряние; прыжки в воду) — diver
running — runner
mountaineering (альпинизм) — mountaineer boxing — boxer skiing —
racing (гонки; скачки) — racer (гонщик; скакун) hunting — hunter
playing football — footballer, football-player
playing chess — chess player playing draughts — draught-
player athletics — athlete skating — skater
playing volley-ball — volley-ball player playing basketball — basketballer,
basketball player playing hockey — hockey player
Ex. Va), p. 217
Sport is very popular in Britain. In other words a lot of British people like the
idea of sport, a lot even watch sport, especially or the TV. However, the number who
actively take part in sport is probably quite small. On the whole British people prefer
to be fat rather than fit.
The most popular spectator sport is football. Football is played on a Saturday
afternoon in most British towns and the fans or supporters of a particular team will
travel from one end| of the country to the other to see their team play.
Many other sports are also played in Britain, including golf in which you try to
knock a ball into a hole; croquet in which you try to knock a ball through some
hoops; basketball in which you try to get a ball into a net; tennis in which you try to
hit a ball sc that your opponent cannot hit it and cricket which is played with a ball,
but is otherwise incomprehensible. As you can see, if the ball had not been invented,
there would have been no sport.
Actually that's not quite true. Athletics is not played with a ball, nor is horse-
racing. Perhaps that explains why they are not so popular as football.
Ex. VII, p. 218
shout for his/one's team — to raise one's voice in support on his/one's team while
it is playing
is in good form today — is in good shape today, is in a good condition of health
and training today
lost the toss — To decide or choose smth. people often (especially in sports) toss
a coin, i. e. throw it lightly into the ai to see which side of it will be up when it falls.
If you say "tails' ("решка") and it falls with the tails up, you win. But if it falls with
the heads ("орел") up, you lose.
to play with/against the wind — It is easier for a football team to play when the
wind if there is one is blowing in their backs
i. e. they are "playing with the wind" than when it is blowing in their faces, i. e. they
are playing against it. If the captain loses the toss ( see above), his team has to play
with their faces to the wind in the first time, but in the second time the teams change
to kick off — to begin a game of football by kicking the ball
Come on! — 1. Thy harder! Make an effort! 2. Hurry up! 3. Cheer up!
the game of his life — the most important game of his life, the game that could
decide his future and be the making of him (вывести его в люди)
3 minutes to go — There are three minutes left.
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