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Task 4. Discuss activity. You have to discuss about next two questions?

- What happens when one process reads while another writes?

- What happens when two processes open a file for writing?
Home task

After this lesson, you should be able to write essay (about 250 words):

- What is a difference between FAT and NTFS file systems?

Lecture 6 Introduction to Word 2007
People use word processors - for writing all kinds of documents, such as letters, school papers and reports. Word processors many advantages over handwriting and manual typewriters. Word processing is faster and easier than writing by hand and you can store documents on your computer; which you cannot usually do on a typewriter. This makes it easier is review and rewrite your documents; You have more formatting choices with word processor, and the spelling, grammar and language tools me useful, too. You can also print copies of your documents, which look neater than handwritten ones. Many language students use word processors to improve their writing skills and because they help them, feel proud of their work.

Word processors do base disadvantages, however. First, it is not easy to read long documents on a computer screen. Second, sometimes the printer does not print an exact copy of what you see on the screen. Not all word processors can read each other's files, winch is another disadvantage, finally, word processors do not always word well e-mail. If you paste a word-processed letter into an e-mail it may lose a lot of its formatting. Many people use a text editor for the Internet, which is similar to a word processor but has fewer formatting features and cannot use graphics: Text editors, such as Notepad, use a simple coding system called ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange), as does e-mail.

Many people who buy and use computers do not know (and do not want to know) about programming. They use computers to perform certain tasks more easily and efficiently, making use of productivity software written by expert programmers. Word processors, spreadsheets and database management systems are examples of this kind of software.

Word processing is the use of computer technology to create, manipulate, and print text materials like letters, manuscripts, etc.

Task. Students have to work in pair share. Before to continue the lecture, work with a partner and ask and answer the questions below. Base your answer on your possible knowledge of the topic.

  • Why do you predict about popularity of Word processor?

Word 2007 is a powerful word processing application that allows users to produce typed documents. These can range from simple letters through

A word processor is an application that allows the user to compose and edit simple documents.


    • Corrections and revisions are easy.

    • Many formatting details handled automatically.

    • Customized forms, form letters, and mail-merge.

    • Structural templates can be defined by the user.

Like computers, text documents have both:

- a logical structure, which stays the same no matter how the document is represented;

- a physical structure, that may be different on paper than on a screen; different with one page layout than another; different from printer to printer

When document gets put out: the «best fit” to that device is calculated from the logical structure that the computer knows.

The information in a document and the order in which it is presented is referred to as the document’s logical structure. Here is one simple logical ordering of information:

  1. Table of contents.

  2. Title.

  3. Author.

  4. Date.

  5. Abstract.

  6. Major heading 1.

  7. Subhead 1.

  8. Text.

  9. Major heading 2.

  10. Subhead 2.

  11. Text.

  12. References.

  13. Footnotes.

  14. Bibliography.

Home task

After this lesson, you should be able to write essay (about 250 words):

- History and present time of word processor.

Lecture 7. The Acquaintance with Excel 2007

Excel - a tabular processor or system for preparing and processing the tabular forms document.

Figure 29 - The structure of the table MS Excel

The Window Excel characteristic of for windows of exhibits Windows. Many elements window Excel similar window to element MS Word: Commands menu, Panels instrument, Bands of the rolling. But there are and differences:

Document Excel presents itself book, consisting of separate sheet. The Tag three sheets are seen left of horizontal band of the rolling.

Workspace window is under table, consisting of column and lines, on intersection which are found cells. The Current cell fat frame - a tabular cursor Instead of horizontal and vertical cell - a name column and number of the lines. The Column named letter Latin alphabet or their combinations, their 256. The Lines are numbered numeral from 1 before 65536.

- In horizontal menu instead of command Table - a command Data.

- Line molded, in which is displayed contents of the current cell.

- Field of the name, in which is found address of the current cell, name of the chosen cell or range cell, or list molded (when entering the formula in cell).

- Button of the separation of whole table, which is found on intersection marker column and lines (left upper corner of the table)

Each cell has an address, consisting of name column and number of the line, on intersection which she is found.

The Address be relative, absolute and mixed. Addressing on method left, right, below, above - is identified to be Relative For indication of the absolute address is used sign $. The Address of the cell possible to assign four ways, A1, $A1, A$1, $A$1. Relative is considered that part of the address, before which no symbol $.

In considered example:

A1 - a relative address $A1 and A$1 - a mixed address $A$1 – absolute Change addressing in formula possible keystroke F4.

In each cell can be recorded different information: text, number or formula. The Numbers in Excel be several types:

- numeric (the number with specified by amount decimal sign after comma) money (with additional sign of the money unit - can be Ru, TG, $ and etc.)

- date (with instruction of the type writing the date - a month by numeral or name) percent (with symbol %), fractional (in the manner of simple crush, 21/25, ), exponential (in the manner of 5,7Е+03 i.e. 5,7 103) Command FORMAT\YACHEYKI\VKLADKA number is used For task of the type of the number.

The Formula begins with sign =. Under formula is understood combination of the addresses of the hutches, чисел, function united sign arithmetical operation. In hutch, where we write the formula, we its do not see, but see only result of the calculation. The Formula will is seen in line molded, at separation corresponding to cells.

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