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Filling the spreadsheet MS Excel

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Filling the spreadsheet MS Excel. Before entering given in hutch her(its) do current. The Current hutch possible to do at курсорных of the keys or snub mouse on necessary cell. The Current cell dribble broad frames, but her(its) address is seen in field of the name.

The Number and text are brought in table by usual image. If text begins with numbers then before him it is necessary to open the quote. Under formula is understood set numbers and references to numeric cells, united sign arithmetical operation.

The Formula begins with sign =. To assign the reference to cell, it is necessary to reference in formula its name or snap the mouse on corresponding to cell.

For task more complex molded possible to use the Master molded, residing on panels Standard.

After entering given in cell it is necessary to press the key Enter or key - an arrow.

For editing of the contents of the current cell press the key F2 and after contributing the change - Enter.

Format and change the sizes of the cell. Change the format given in cell at panels instrument Formatting possible or command Format - a Cells: Number, Font, Borders, Justification, Type, Protection.

The Commands Format - a Line or Format - a Column allow to choose the width of the cell. The Width cell possible to assign the method to drag over the borders between lines and column in framing the table.

When filling or editing the table possible actively to use the font, style, justification and etc - here there are practically same possibility, as in word processors Microsoft Word.

Automation of the entering data. For entering reiterative given it is necessary to do the current first cell of the selected range and fill her(it). Then install the pointer a mouse on lower right corner of the cell - on marker automatic filling (?), cursor takes the form крестика (+) and pull, data will multiply. If the contents of the cell - a number, that it automatically increases on unit. If it is required more complex way of the change to sequences of importance, that follows to give command a Reading - Fill - a Progression. In dialogue window Progression choose the direction of the filling, type of importance, step of the change and final importance.

Separation cell. For performing operation with cell, their it is necessary to select. The Separation possible to execute several ways:

-drawing mouse;

-cursor under pressed key Shift;

-for choice integer column and lines use the markers a column or lines on edge of the workspace.

The operations with cell. Keystroke Delete deletes importance’s in chosen range. Cell deletes command a Reading – Delete. On command Reading -Copy, Reading - Slice - a cells of the selected range are dribbled dotted line. The Sliced range stays put before completion of the execution to operations. For insertion cell, copied from clipboard, it is necessary to do the current cell in lion to corner of the area of the insertion and give the command a Reading - Insert. If copying or displacement cell it is necessary to copy the formula with change or copy only importance’s, that is used command Reading - a Special insertion.

Copy and move possible method drag over. For this it is necessary to install the pointer a mouse on border of the current cell or chosen range. After he will take the type of the arrow, possible produce drag over. If drag over uses shift to the right button mouse, that is opened contextual menu, allowing choose the produced operation.

Sorting and filtering data. Sorting - a sequencing given on growth or decrease. For undertaking the sorting it is necessary:

-select the part of table, for which is required sorting;

-give the command Given - a Sorting;

- in appeared window of the dialogue to choose the necessary column for sorting (or line);

- then choose the variant of the sorting (on growth or on decrease) and if it is necessary to choose second (and even the third) column? for additional sorting.

- Snap on button OK.

When filtering are reflected only record, possessing necessary characteristic. For performing the filtering it is necessary:

-select the necessary column;

-give the command Given - a Filter - Avtofilter;

-in chosen column will appear button, snap on her and choose necessary, for instance, condition:

-in appeared list to indicate the condition and write importance;

-confirm the choice a snub on button OK.

Making the diagrams. The Building graph. Given from tables can be presented in the manner of diagrams or graph graphically. For reception of the diagrams in Excel there is so-called, Master of the diagrams, cause which possible command Insertion - a Diagram or snap on button Master diagrams on panels Standard. Then act on his (its) request and help.

The Order action:

  • start the master of the diagrams;

  • choose the type of the diagram and in right window - a subrange, snap on button Hereinafter> in appeared dialogue window to indicate the interval a cell, on base which is built diagram, and snap on button Hereinafter>;

  • in following dialogue window, choosing corresponding to вкладки, indicate the headline, Legend (the explanations to element of the diagram), signature of importance, snap on button Hereinafter> in following window of the dialogue to indicate, where place the diagram;

  • snap on button Ready.

For graphing of the functions it is necessary to create the table with importance of the argument and functions and then in master of the diagrams to choose the type of the diagram: - point, but type - a smooth.

Viewing the table. Before printing the sheet Excel reasonable to press the button a Preview to see, as will look the sheet, found out on seal. In lower part of screen in status line are displayed number of the current page and the total number of the pages on chosen sheet.

For preview of the divined range of the pages choose Print - a Pages, indicate the number of the pages in floor, and press the button a Viewing.

Exterior of the pages in window of the preview depends on available font, permits of the printer, amount available color.

If sheet Excel contains the built-in diagram, in window of the preview is displayed both sheet Excel, and diagram. Displacement and change the sizes of the diagram in usual mode possible or in mode of the sectoring the page. If diagram was chosen before striking the button Preview, Microsoft Excel will display only it.

The Button Hereinafter serves the following page of the sheet for viewing. The Button Back serves the previous page of the sheet for viewing. To enlarge the scale or return in mode of the image of the full page, press the button a Scale. When increase size printed page does not change. Enlarge the scale and return in mode of the image of the full page possible, also, having snapped any area of the sheet.

The Button Print serves the chosen sheet for installing parameter print and print. The Button Page serves for adjusting parameter unsealed pages.

The Button of the Field serves for image and hidings marker adjustment by flap of the page, flap upper and page footer and widths column.

The Button Sectoring the page serves for switching in page breakup view mode. Adjustment breakup pages of the active sheet Excel is executed In this mode. Also possible change the sizes of the area of the print and change the sheet Excel.

The Button Usual serves for image of the active sheet in usual mode. The Name of the button varies through Usual if striking the button Preview was an active view mode breakup pages.

The Button to Close serves for closing window preview and transition on the current sheet.

Print on printer of the sheet, chosen range, the book wholly

If on sheet Excel is given area of the seal, will be on computer to print only this area. If it is chosen range cell and is installed small flag, Chosen range, will is typed cells thereof range, but determined on sheet Excel area of the seal will be ignored.

1.В menu File choose the command a Print.

2.В group to Out type choose the necessary parameter.

3. If it is necessary to выводимая table completely took seats on one sheet, that it is necessary to assign the Scale of the print by command File-Parameters of the page - in section Scale to install the switch on line. Place no more than on page on width on height.

At printouts on computer several sheets at a time, follows to select them before printing

Work with several workers sheet. First programs, intended for work with spreadsheets, allowed to use only one worker sheet. As a result many users place several tables on one worker sheet. This fraught possibility of the loss data, yes and in general uncomfortably.

The Program Excel allows to use within the framework of one worker of the book several workers sheet. The Names worker sheet are indicated on tag in lower lion to corner of the workspace. The Choice worker sheet for the current functioning execute the snub on corresponding to tag. Each worker sheet keeps its pointer of the current cell so when return on worker sheet position of this pointer is restored.

To create the additional worker sheets, follows to choose the worker a sheet, before which must be added new sheet, and give the command an Insertion > Sheet. Change the order of the following worker sheet possible перетаскиванием tag.

To change the name a worker sheet, it is necessary twice to snap on his(its) tag. Hereon follows to enter the new name and press the key ENTER.

The formulas. Work with formula. Notion to functions

The Formulas present itself expressions, on which are executed calculations on page. The Formula begins with equal sign (=). Is it Below cited an instance formulas, multiplying 2 on 3 and adding to result 5.


The Formula also can include the following elements: functions, references, operators and constants.

The Functions - beforehand determined formulas, which execute the calculations on given value, named argument, and in specified order. These functions allow to execute as simple, so and complex calculations. For instance, function OKRUGL (round) rounds the number in cell A10.

Structure to functions. The structure to functions begins with equal sign (=), for he follow the name to functions, opening bracket, list argument, prepared запятыми, closing bracket.

The name to functions. For appearance of the list available function щелкните cell and press the keys SHIFT+F3.

The arguments. Exist the different types an argument: number, text, logical importance (the TRUTH and LIE), arrays, importance of the mistake (for instance #Н/Д), or references to cell. As argument are used constants, formulas, or functions. In each concrete event necessary to use the respective type of the argument.

The surfacing help of the argument. The Surfacing help with syntax and argument appears the functions after entering. For instance, surfacing help will appear after entering =OKRUGL(. The Surfacing helps appear for built-in function only. The Dialogue window Master function relieves entering a function when making molded, containing functions. When entering the functions in formula dialogue window Master function displays the name to functions, all her(its) arguments, description to functions and each argument, the current result to functions and whole formulas.

Protection book element. Possible forbid the accompaniment and removing sheet, or image hidden sheet. Besides, possible forbid change the sizes or positions window, adjusted for image of the book.

The Action of such protection spreads on the whole book. To hide from the other users whole book, but leave the access to her(its) contents, for instance макросам, choose the command to Hide in menu Window, but then save скрытую book. Protection of the general book. The General book possible to protect, having forbidden her(its) monopoly use or removing after-look journal books. If it is required fix the password for removing given type of protection, necessary to use protection before determination of the joint access to book. Using of protection automatically includes the mode of the joint access to book. Mode of the joint access is disconnected When removing of protection to book and deletes the saved after-look journal. The Other variant is protection of the joint access to book and after-look journal without use the password. The Givenned type of the protection possible to use if to book already open joint access. In this case removing of protection will not bring about cancelling the joint access or removing after-look journal.

Protection of the file of the book from viewing and editing. The circle of the users, having possibility to open the book and use being kept in her data, possible limit, having installed password on viewing the book or conservation contributed change in it. Possible install two separate passwords, one of which necessary will enter for opening and viewing the book, but other - for contributing the changes to book and their conservations. These passwords pertain to file of the book and differ from protection, installed in dialogue window to protect the book.

Home task

After this lesson, you should be able to write essay (about 250 words):

- Protection data in MS Excel.

Lecture 8. Information Technology in the Real World – Databases. Microsoft Access

The first databases implemented during the 1960s and 1970s were based upon either flat data files or the hierarchical or networked data models. These methods of storing data were relatively inflexible due to their rigid structure and heavy reliance on applications programs to perform even the most routine processing. In the late 1970s, the relational database model which originated in the academic research community became available in commercial implementations such as IBM DB2 and Oracle. The relational data model specifies data stored in relations that have some relationships among them (hence the name relational).

Figure 30 – What is DATABASE?

In relational databases such as Sybase, Oracle, IBM DB2, MS SQL Server and MS Access, data is stored in tables made up of one or more columns (Access calls a column a field). The data stored in each column must be of a single data type such as Character, Number or Date. A collection of values from each column of a table is called a record or a row in the table.
Task 1. Students have to work in pair share. Before to continue the lecture, work with a partner and ask and answer the questions below. Base your answer on your possible knowledge of the topic. Thought Experiment 1:

    • You and your project partner are editing the same file.

    • You both save it at the same time.

    • Whose changes survive?

a) yours; b)partners c) both d) neither e)????
Different tables can have the same column in common. This feature is used to explicitly specify a relationship between two tables. Values appearing in column A in one table are shared with another table.

Below are two examples of tables in a relational database for a local bank:

Customer Table

Accounts Table

The Customer table has 6 columns (CustomerID, Name, Address, City, State and Zip) and 4 rows (or records) of data. The Accounts table has 5 columns (CustomerID, Account Number, Account Type, Date Opened and Balance) with 6 rows of data.

Each of the columns conforms to one of three basic data types: Character, Number or Date. The data type for a column indicates the type of data values that may be stored in that column.

Number - may only store numbers, possibly with a decimal point.

Character - may store numbers, letters and punctuation. Access calls this data type Text.

Date - may only store date and time data.

In some database implementations other data types exist such as Images (for pictures or other data). However, the above three data types are most commonly used.

Notice that the two tables share the column CustomerID and that the values of the CustomerID column in the Customer table are the same the values in the CustomerID column in the Accounts table. This relationship allows us to specify that the Customer Mr. Axe has both a Checking and a Savings account that were both opened on the same day: December 1, 1994.

Another name given to such a relationship is Master/Detail. In a master/detail relationship, a single master record (such as Customer 1003, Mr. Axe) can have many details records (the two accounts) associated with it.

In a Master/Detail relationship, it is possible for a Master record to exist without any Details. However, it is impossible to have a Detail record without a matching Master record. For example, a Customer may not necessarily have any account information at all. However, any account information must be associated with a single Customer.

Each table also must have a special column called the Key that is used to uniquely identify rows or records in the table. Values in a key column (or columns) may never be duplicated. In the above tables, the CustomerID is the key for the Customer table while the Account Number is the key for the Accounts table

The main features of this main screen are the menu bar that runs along the top of the window and the series of tabs in the main window. The menu bar is similar to other Microsoft Office products such as Excel. The menus include:

  • File - Menu items to Open, Close, Create new, Save and Print databases and their contents. This menu also has the Exit item to exit Access.

  • Edit - Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete

  • View - View different database objects (tables, queries, forms, reports)

  • Insert - Insert a new Table, Query, Form, Report, etc.

  • Tools - A variety of tools to check spelling, create relationships between tables, perform analysis and reports on the contents of the database.

  • Window - Switch between different open databases.

  • Help - Get help on Access.

The tabs in the main window for the database include:

  • Tables - Displays any tables in the database.

  • Queries - Displays any queries saved in the database.

  • Forms - Displays any forms saved in the database.

  • Reports - Displays any reports saved in the database.

  • Macros - Displays any macros (short programs) stored in the database.

  • Modules - Displays any modules (Visual Basic for Applications procedures) stored in the database.

When you run Access on any other than an IDA-PC, make sure that the installation of Access included also the wizards (at least in Access 2007, this was optional). Otherwise, you will not be able to follow this tutorial.

You can do the labs using Access 2007 as well. The main windows when starting access look somewhat different but the wizards and the very important property windows look reasonably the same.

When you first start Access, choose to open a blank database in the first window that is displayed on start-up

Figure 31 – Creating database

Access 2007 after start-up: This is the main window from which you will reach all the objects that we create with in Access.

Figure 32 – Working with table

First, you will need to create tables. They are the basic modules you need - also in Access 2007 —when you build a database application.

Later, you will learn about Forms as GUIs for entering data into tables, and Reports for showing data from tables.

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