Руководство для педагогов предшкольных групп и классов по Типовой учебной программе дошкольного воспитания и обучения

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train, a conductor, a fare box, a Mercedes-Benz car

badge. Ask the students to think and match the pictures

of the first row with the pictures from the second row.

Then explain their choice.

Students’ answers: a car –a Mercedes-Benz car badge;

a bus – a fare box; a scooter –a small wheel; a bike – a

helmet; a plane – a pilot; a train – a train conductor.

To drill pronunciation, say the rhyme of the previous

lesson (ex.4 p.41).

Main part of

Exercise 1.Learn the new words.

the lesson

Introduce the new words “go”, “stop”, “wait”, “look’,

“listen”. While saying the words show the children

25 minutes

relevant physical movement. Make the children repeat

the words. Then say these verbs and tell the students to

carry out the actions.

Exercise 2. Look at the pictures and listen.

Ask the learners to look at the pictures, listen and


Track 35.

Mother: Foxy, look. It’s red. Stop when it’s red.

Look, it’s yellow. Wait.

Look, it’s green. We can go.

To check comprehension, ask a few questions, e.g.:

What do we do when the traffic lights is

red/green/yellow? Encourage the children to respond

giving short answers, like: Stop. Go. Wait.

Dynamic pause.

Play the game “Traffic lights”. The purpose of the

game is to train students to recognize colours and to

foster learning the basic road traffic rules.

Direct the learners to listen to the colours. If they hear

“red” they should stop, if they hear “green” – walk, if

they hear “yellow” – mime as if they prepare to walk.

Draw the children’s attention to the importance of

following the traffic lights signals.

Exercise 3. Learn the rhyme.

Suggest children saying the rhyme. Make them listen

first and then repeat. While reciting encourage the

children to mime and gesture.

Stop, Look, Listen.

Stop, Look and Listen

Before you cross the street.

Use your eyes, use your ears,

Before you use your feet.

Exercise 4. Look at the pictures and name the actions.

Tell the students to look at the pictures and name the


Students’ answers.


Picture 1. Listen. Picture 2. Stop. Picture 3. Go.

Picture 4. Wait.

Activity book.

Exercise 1. Look at the picture, count the objects and

write the number in the boxes.

The children need to write the correct number of the

objects they see in the picture.


Cars -


Train -


Plane -


Scooter - 3

Bikes -


Exercise 2. Name the actions and colour the pictures.

Tell the students to take their pencils and colour the

pictures. Ask the children to name the actions.

Exercise 3. Listen to your teacher and put a tick or a

cross into the boxes.

The children listen to the text and put the corresponding

sign in the box under each picture.

Teacher`s text:











End of the

End of the lesson:


At the end of the lesson ask the learners to summarize

their activity at the lesson. Elicit their answers via

5 minutes

supportive questions: e.g.:

What the new words did we learn today?

What do we do when the traffic lights are green?

What do we do when the traffic lights are red?

What do we do when the traffic lights are yellow?

Then encourage them to say all the words in chorus,

you can say the words in Kazakh/Russian and they will

give the English equivalents or show the flashcards and

name the pictures.

Revize the rhyme of the lesson.

Keep encouraging the young learners for any success

during the class/ whole course to make them feel more

comfortable, confident and more motivated to acquire

the language.


Unit 6.Why you need to

School: #

know customs and


Lesson 1. Independence



Surname /name of the teacher:


Number of attendees:

Number of absent learners:

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