Руководство для педагогов предшкольных групп и классов по Типовой учебной программе дошкольного воспитания и обучения

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Track 33.

Boaster boy: I have a car. It’s blue. I can drive a car.

Children: Stop! Stop! It’s red.

Boaster boy: Oh no!

Dynamic pause.
After completing the task suggest playing the game “Traffic lights”. The purpose of the game is to train students to recognize colours and to foster learning basic road traffic rules.

Direct the learners to listen to the colours. If they hear “red” they should stop, if they hear “green” –walk, if they hear “yellow” – mime as if they prepare to walk.

Exercise 3. Say.

Before doing the task revize the pronouns “she” and “he”. Then tell the students to describe the pictures. Students’ answers.

Activity book.
Exercise 1. Draw and say.

Tell the students to take their colour pencils or crayons. Explain the task. Before doing the task, the teacher can conduct a survey to find out what activities children can do. Draw a table on the board and write down the results of the survey, e.g.:



Ride a

Drive an

Ride a


electric car












Direct their attention to the pronouns he/she to be used, when talking about their friends from the group. Exercise 2. Colour and say what he can do.

Children should colour the pictures and describe them.


End of the

End of the lesson:


At the end of the lesson ask the learners to summarize

their activity at the lesson. Elicit their answers via

5 minutes

supportive questions: e.g.:

What the new words did we learn today?

What can you do?

Say what your friends can do.

Then encourage them to say all the words in chorus,

you can say the words in Kazakh/Russian and they will

give the English equivalents or show the flashcards and

name the pictures.

Keep encouraging the young learners for any success

during the class/ whole course to make them feel more

comfortable, confident and motivated to acquire the


Unit 5. Where do the

School: #

roads go?

Lesson 3. He can…


Surname /name of the teacher:


Number of attendees:

Number of absent learners:

Aims of the

0.L5 begin to recognize simple sounds of phonemes.


0.L1 begin to recognize simple short instructions for the basic classroom

routines spoken slowly and distinctly.

0.L3 begin to recognize with the considerable support simple greetings.

0.S3 pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes.

0.S1 begin to make the basic personal statements.

Objectives of the

The learners will be able to:

 recognize simple sounds of phonemes.


 recognize simple short instructions for basic classroom routines spoken

slowly and distinctly.

recognize simple greetings.

 pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes.

 make the basic personal statements.

The majority of the learners will be able to:

recognize simple sounds of phonemes.

recognize and carry out simple short instructions for the basic classroom

routines spoken slowly and distinctly.

 recognize and exchange simple greetings.

 pronounce the basic words and expressions with few mistakes.

 make the basic personal statements.

Some of the learners will be able to:

 carry out simple short instructions for the basic classroom routine.

exchange simple greetings.


  • pronounce the basic words and expressions without mistakes.

  • make the basic personal statements.

Background This is the third lesson of this unit, and the children recognize and can use

knowledge vocabulary to make sentence patterns like “I can ride/ drive a…”; know and use pronouns “he/she” to talk about friends.


Scheduled activity




Warm up:

of the lesson

For drills in pronunciation of the sounds [ð], [s], [z]

You can use the

play the following tongue-twisters:

following resources for

5 minutes


tongue –twisters:

This and that,


This and that,


that and this and this.




I saw his six sisters singing at six.




Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear

Fuzzy wuzzy had no hair

Fuzzy wuzzy wasn’t very fuzzy, was he?

To warm up show them pictures of a scooter/ bike/ car.

Tell the students to name them and carry out the

corresponding actions.

Main part of

Exercise 1.Learn the new words.

the lesson

To introduce the new words, use the flashcards. Say

each word and make the learners repeat them. Follow

the words by carrying out the actions, e.g.: “drive a

bus”. Show the pictures and make the students repeat

after you: “ride a scooter, ride a bike, drive a car, drive

a bus”. Then ask them to say without the pictures,

show them just actions. Then introduce the other words,

15 minutes

e.g.: a plane – to fly a plane, a train – to drive a train.

Exercise 2. Look at the pictures and listen.

Direct the learners to follow the pictures and listen to

the audio. Make the learners repeat after the speaker.

Track 34.

Boy: This is my father. He can drive a bus.

This is my grandfather. He can drive a train.

This is my brother. He can fly a plane.

Dynamic pause.

Divide the group into mini groups. Give the geometric

10 minutes

shapes and ask them to build a vehicle they would like,

e.g.: a car or a bus, etc. They should name their vehicle,

its colour.

Exercise 3. Practise and say.

Tell the students to describe the pictures. Encourage

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