Сабақтың барысы Мұғалімнің рөлі Оқушы белсенділігі Сергіту сәті үй тапсырмасын сұраймын

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Қысқа мерзімді сабақ жоспары

Бекітемін М.Ж. Сафанова күні: 06.04.2016 ж.

Пән мұғалімі: Сүндетова Г.Б. сыныбы: ПДТ-6

Grade :




The theme of the lesson:

Washington D.C.

The aim of the lesson:

The correcting aims:

To take education about Economy of the USA

To develop pupils to correct words about economy

The results:

Lesson equipment:

pictures, wallpapers, photos, presentation


ICT, dialogue

The procedure of the lesson

  1. Organization moment:

Good morning pupils. You are welcome to our lesson.

  1. To check up hometask

  2. The new theme

  3. Brainstorming

  1. What is the largest and the smallest ocean?

  2. How many oceans are there?

  3. Which ocean is covered with ice?

  4. Name some things you can find in the ocean.

  5. What is the difference between an ocean and a sea? 12 minutes

  1. To give some information about USA 8 minutes

  2. Articulation exercises 3minutes

  1. Writing 8 minutes

Didactic game “ I`ll begin, you`ll continue”

Physical drill 5 minutes



Home work

From heard to heard

To explain home task 2 minutes

1 minute


Students write their opinion 2 minutes

Қысқа мерзімді сабақ жоспары

Бекітемін М.Ж. Сафанова күні: 11.04.2016 ж.

Пән мұғалімі: Сүндетова Г.Б. сыныбы: ПДТ-6

Grade :




The theme of the lesson:

The sights of Washington D.C.

The aim of the lesson:

The correcting aims:

To take education about The sights of Washington D.C.

To develop pupils to correct words about The sights of Washington D.C.

The results:

  • Can communicate with friends in a cultured manner on this theme, speak in English

Lesson equipment:

pictures, wallpapers, photos, presentation


ICT, dialogue

The procedure of the lesson

  1. Organization moment:

Good morning pupils. You are welcome to our lesson.

  1. To check up hometask

  2. The new theme

  3. Brainstorming

  1. What is the largest and the smallest ocean?

  2. How many oceans are there?

  3. Which ocean is covered with ice?

  4. Name some things you can find in the ocean.

  5. What is the difference between an ocean and a sea? 12 minutes

  1. To give some information about USA 8 minutes

  2. Articulation exercises 3minutes

  1. Writing 8 minutes

Didactic game “ I`ll begin, you`ll continue”

Physical drill 5 minutes



Home work

From heard to heard

To explain home task 2 minutes

1 minute


Students write their opinion 2 minutes

Қысқа мерзімді сабақ жоспары

Күні: 13.04.2016 ж.

Пән мұғалімі: Сүндетова Г.Б. сыныбы: ПДТ-6

Grade :




The theme of the lesson:

New York

The aim of the lesson:

The correcting aims:

To take education about New York

To develop pupils to correct writing

The results:

  • Can communicate with friends in a cultured manner on this theme, speak in English

Lesson equipment:

pictures, wallpapers, photos, presentation


ICT, dialogue

The procedure of the lesson

  1. Organization moment:

Good morning pupils. You are welcome to our lesson.

  1. To check up hometask

  2. The new theme

  3. Brainstorming

  1. What is the largest and the smallest ocean?

  2. How many oceans are there?

  3. Which ocean is covered with ice?

  4. Name some things you can find in the ocean.

  5. What is the difference between an ocean and a sea? 12 minutes

  1. To give some information about New York 8 minutes

  2. Articulation exercises 3minutes

  1. Writing 8 minutes

Didactic game “ I`ll begin, you`ll continue”

Physical drill 5 minutes



Home work

From heard to heard

To explain home task 2 minutes

1 minute


Students write their opinion 2 minutes

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