V.Жаңа сабақ Сөздік жумыс Angry ашулы Happy бақытты Tired шаршаған Cold суық Ill ауру, сырқат адам Tuesday 14th I feel better today. Yesterday was terrible. I felt fine all morning, but in the afternoon I began to feel really ill. I was hot, then cold. I had a headache. I felt tired and I felt sick. I finally decided to go home. I arrived home at two o'clock and went straight to bed. I took 2 aspirins and had a hot drink. I slept until this morning - 18 hours in all. May be it was flu. Today I feel better, but I'm staying in bed. I'm enjoying the rest and this book's very good. VI.Пысықтау Сурақ-жауап жумысы When did she begin to feel ill? What was the matter? Did she have a headache in the morning? How long did she sleep? How does she feel today? Why is she staying in bed?