Сарсенов Алдар Сарсенович Қазақстан ауыл-селосындағы интеллектуалдық әлеуеттің қалыптасуы мен этномәдени дамуының тарихи тәжірибесі

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Объектом исследования является определение роли и места политико-экономических, социально-культурных и межнациональных отношений в аграрной среде, исследованы социально-профессиональный, культурно-идеологический облик послевоенных социальных общностей аулов и сел.

Цель работы. Раскрытие в исторической динамике сущности и особенности интеллектуального потенциала и этнокультурной жизни в аулах и селах Казахстана в 1946-1991 годы, изучение взаимосвязи и определение источников интеллектуального потенциала и этнокультурного развития, исследование социального облика их субъектов, выделение путей формирования и этапов развития, определение места, значения и результатов интеллектуального потенциала в агроэкономическом пространстве.

Методология проведения работы. Методологическую основу исследования составляют базовые принципы историзма и научной объективности, системность и признание плюрализма как основы решения актуальных научных и прикладных социально-экономических задач. В методологическом плане для объективного системного изучения социальной сферы используется социальная диалектика. Вместе с тем используются историко-генетический, проблемно-хронологический, сравнительный и статистический методы.

Научно-практическое значение работы. Исследование является решением крупной научной проблемы, имеющей социальное и политическое значение по изучению интеллектуального потенциала и этнокультурного развития в агроэкономическом пространстве Казахстана в послевоенные годы. Выводы и рекомендации диссертации имеют прикладное значение в плане их использования центральными и местными органами управления, а также общественно-политическими организациями. Материалы и результаты исследования могут быть использованы при чтении лекции по новейшей истории Казахстана и подготовке спецкурсов по аграрной проблеме, издании учебных и учебно-методических пособий.

Степень внедрения. Основные положения диссертационного исследования нашли отражение в более чем 30-ти работах, опубликованных в республиканских научных изданиях, в материалах международных, республиканских и областных научно-теоретических и научно-практических конференций, посвященных актуальным проблемам Отечественной истории.

of the Dissertation for the Scientific Degree of the Doctor of Historical Science

Specializing code 07.00.02- Fatherland History

(History of the Republic of Kazakhstan)

Aldar S. Sarsenov

The Historical Formation of the Intellectual Potential

and Ethnocultural Development of the Auls and Villages

in Kazakhstan of 1946-1991 y.y.
It is for the first time in fatherland historiography that authentic results have been achieved on the basis of the analysis of different resources, comprehensively reflecting the formation of the intellectual potential and ethno-cultural development of Kazakhstani auls and villages in the period 1946-1991. The historically conditioned interdependence and interrelations of the intellectual potential of villages with the development of the material and technical base of the agricultural sector has been proven including the interrelations with the social, historical-demographic aspects, cultural life and human destiny.

A systematic analysis of the process of the formation of the intellectual potential and economic development of Kazakhstani auls and villages has been undertaken. It has been proved that the Socialist idea and the Communist Party, which had unlimited power, were guilty for the regress of intellectual potential. In this connection, the author is the first to state that in the conditions following the CPSU’s loss of its leading role, it was human intellectual potential that saved the Republic of Kazakhstan from disaster.

A wide range of material has been analyzed and summarized allowing for an extended and all-sided presentation of the tendencies, character and dynamics of the formation and development of intellectual potential and ethnic culture in auls and villages of Kazakhstan. The intelligentsia’s role in and contribution to the formation of processes for development has been determined. The dynamics of different social layers’ growth has been analyzed – veterinary scientists, technical engineers, teachers, doctors, agronomists, accountants, etc. It has been proved, that in 1946-1991 the intellectual potential and ethno-cultural environment were formed under the influence of factors originating both inside and outside the villages. It is fair to say that the organizer of the inner factor was the executive committees of the central bodies, and the main task of the inner factor was the maintenance of Kazakh national unity.

In the dissertation the author gives a definition to the notion of “intellectual potential”. Intellectual potential belongs to an individual human being. According to his work, his contribution to the solution of global tasks, a human being’s personality can be divided into different categories. Consequently, the research points to the manner of human cognition and the essence of a social society. The study of the history of the intellectual potential and ethno-cultural development of the auls and villages in Kazakhstan promotes the knowledge of the premises and levels of the capacities of independent Kazakhstani people of different ethnic groups. The future of our young state is closely connected with science, and the future of science is strongly tied with state policy. The leadership of Kazakhstan has taken a course of development of science and education. Kazakhstan is supposed to be in the list of the 50 most competitive countries in the world in the near future. According to this strategy, the opening of academic centers and higher educational institutions, as well as cultural development is planned. The institutions and centers will meet the highest world demands.

The object of the research is the definition of the role and place of the political, economical, socio–cultural and international relations in the agricultural sphere. The investigation has been conducted in the social, professional, cultural and ideological image of the post war communities of auls and villages.

The aim of the research:

  1. revealing the essence and peculiarities of intellectual potential and ethno– cultural life in Kazakhstani auls and villages from 1946 to 1991 in its historical dynamics;

  2. the study of interconnections and determining the sources of intellectual potential and ethno-cultural development;

  3. the research of the subjects’ social image;

  4. pointing out the ways of formation and stages of the development, defining the places, meaning and results of intellectual potential in the agricultural-economical area.

Methodology of research is based on the principles of historical and scientific objectivity; systematization; and acknowledgement of pluralism aimed at the solution of problematic scientific and applied socio-economic questions examined in the research. Social dialectics is wholly used as the methodology for the objective and systematic study of the social sphere. Historic-genetic, chronological, comparative and statistical methods were also used.

Practical scientific value of the research is found in the solution of a great scientific issue which has clear social and political value in intellectual potential studies and ethno-cultural development in the agro-economical development of Kazakhstan during the post-war period.

Conclusions and recommendations of the thesis suggest application of the findings of this research by central and local governments as well as socio-political organizations. Materials and results of the research may be very useful on the lectures in the modern history of Kazakhstan as well as in special training courses on agrarian problems, and editing methodological manuals.

The degree of introduction

The basic regulations of the thesis found reflection in more than 30 works published in scientific publications of the Republic, and in the materials of national and international scientific-practical conferences dedicated to the problems of native history.

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