Сборник научных статей международной научно-практической конференции «Современные тренды педагогического образования»

participants: the transmitting subject (communicant) - the transmitted object

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participants: the transmitting subject (communicant) - the transmitted object 
(message) - the receiving subject (recipient).
By creating new global opportunities for 
communication, the Internet creates and new models of speech behavior. Essentially, 
mass communication is a kind of phenomenon of language culture, dictating a change 
the specifics of understanding the categories of text and discourse, where under the 
text understand the abstract construct that forms organized speech [Big Encyclopedic 
Dictionary 2000: 286]
The invariant of most definitions of communication as a 
communication activity is the concept of information (information exchange). 
Communication is a process that has a pronounced informational character. That is 
why, depending on the interpretation of information, we can get different ideas about 
communication. A common point in the interpretation of the concept of 
communication is the process of transmitting information, its flow, which 
characterizes the dynamic nature of the phenomenon under consideration. 
Mass communication - historically developed and the technically mediated process 
of creating, storing, distributing, distributing, perceiving and exchanging information 
between a social subject and an object develops over time [Tumanyan 1984: 7J. Mass 
communication is a system of interconnections that allows a large number of people 
to get simultaneous access to socially significant information, regardless of their 
location and social status [Belikov, Krysin 2001].
Analyzing communication on the 
Internet, we can distinguish the following characteristic features of Internet discourse: 
1) limited means of expression - a minimum of non-verbal information; 
2) the substituted nature of communication - "when a minimum of information about 
the virtual interlocutor initiates special attention to metatext information and its 
"completion" to the necessary conclusions" [Goroshko 2006: 165-175]; 
3) emotionality - trying to compensate for the lack of non- verbal information, people 
Express their thoughts more emotionally in writing; 

4) anonymity - information about the participants of the communication can be 
incomplete, false, or missing altogether. It is practically impossible to reveal your 
identity by any means; 
5) distance - people who communicate via the Internet can be as far away from each 
other as they want; 
6) emancipation - a consequence of anonymity and distance, in which the 
communicant can more freely Express their thoughts, without fear of any 
In most studies of this phenomenon, it is noted that mass communication is 
characterized by: 1) the availability of technical means, 2) the presence of a mass 
audience, 3) the variety of communication channels, 4) the variability of 
communication tools (Zinchenko, Meshcheryakov 2005]. Modern information 
networks the Internet the most they clearly reflect these characteristics, given the 
global geographical status that determines the uniqueness of the language field of the 
network, where digital means of information exchange are used. By creating new 
global communication opportunities, the Internet creates and new models of speech 
behavior. In fact, mass communication is a peculiar phenomenon of language culture 
that dictates a change in the specifics of understanding the categories of text and 
discourse, where text is understood as an abstract structure that forms organized 
speech [Moskalskaya 1981; Vereshchagin, Kostomarov 1983], under the discourse - 
various types of its actualization [Arutyunova 1998; Skoropanova 2002]. Since mass 
communication has developed rapidly in recent years, let's consider the phenomenon 
of text specifically in this environment..
Do not forget that a person, being a part of 
society, is affected by technological progress, which in the context of the 
globalization of the world community, of course, leads to the emergence and 
development of completely new ways of communication, clothed in virtual forms of 
implementation in computer communication networks. Technological factors affect 
both online chat communication and real-world communication. Taking into account 
the above about the types of discourse, it can be assumed that the language on the 
Internet is subjected to such the same influence as the language in the real world, and, 
accordingly, tends to save. Taking into account the mass nature of communication on 
the Internet, as well as the linguistic differentiation and language variability 
appropriate for such communication , it is necessary to determine possible linguistic 
situations for further research. Among the communication situations typical for a 
virtual environment, the following can be distinguished: social networks, email, chat 
groups, virtual worlds, and the world wide web.
1. Email or e-mail. Email is the use of computer systems for transferring messages 
between users. AT the contact list can include family, friends, colleagues. Incoming 
list letters are also filled with letters from companies that somehow learned about 
interests of the user. Many of the letters adhere to a certain length and style. 
2. Chat groups are lengthy discussions on a chosen topic, which is organized in 
"rooms" on certain Internet sites. There are two situations, depending on whether the 
communication takes place in real time (synchronously) or alternately 

(asynchronously). Some chat groups are global, their members can be from different 
geographic points of the Earth, but there are also chat groups that can contain users 
within the same country or be regional. 
3. Virtual worlds are an imaginary space in which people can take part in text-
mediated fantasy social interaction. 
Today is gaining communication on social networks. .The most successful social 
network, considered as a form of micro blogging, a full-fledged platform for 
advertising, promotion and communication, in our opinion, is Instagram. Below we 
give a number of arguments in favor of this thesis. 
• The social network has 1 billion users, which is more than 40% of all Internet users.
• 500 million people use the social network Instagram every day.
• 80 million photos are uploaded by users every day.
• Instagram is most actively used by people aged 18 to 29 (59%), followed by the 
group of 30-49 (33%).
• 50.3% of users are women, 49.7% are men, 
• Every day 500 million people upload Stories
Instagram post is always secondary, complex (combined) hypergenre, which 
includes a set of speech genres organized non-linearly (caption to a photograph, a 
message about place, message about the persons marked in the photo). In its turn, 
photo caption may include subgenres (speech genres of other levels similar to the 
primary genres of everyday communication): advice, requests, compliments, 
congratulations, thanks, information messages, requests for information, jokes, etc. 
Comments that may accompany the post of the author of the account, also represent 
sufficient variety of subgenres. An important feature of Instagram is that 
communication as such fades into the background, the main information is 
transmitted visually. However, in Instagram is actively communicating through 
comments, allowing users to express their attitude towards published photographs. 
Instagram comments are a means of additional expressiveness. User communication 
speed through comments appears from the moment the photo was published and 
continues actively act as long as the photo is in the profile buser, which indicates the 
asynchronous communication in within this genre. Highlighting the genre originality 
of Instagram, Yu.V. Shchurina writes about three of its main features: creolized 
character, use of hashtags and interactivity. CM. Karpoyan adds synchronicity to 
these features. In addition, K.V. Kiuru highlights hypertextuality and intertextuality. 
Let's take a look at each of these features: 

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