Сборник научных статей международной научно-практической конференции «Современные тренды педагогического образования»

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pedagogikalyk bilim berudin zamanaui trendteri zhinak

E-textbooks discover the work with mentors: user interface, good 
works, gallery, easy navigation ("all with a click on the first screen"), possibility of 

authorization and a long summary of the material (optional) and much more. 
However, some (20%) have problems with loading and sound. Tutors can express 
their desire to put together their own teaching elements, such as teaching that directly 
adds material to electronic textbooks; there is a wide range of other topics and the 
ability to forward learners immediately.
Modern education is a textbook that introduces digital devices into the learning 
process in the arena and integrates them into traditional learning tools (printed 
textbooks). At this stage of the development of electronic textbooks and their use in 
educational institutions, there are still some problems. An important problem is the 
lack of preparation in educational institutions such as education, which allows all 
participants on tablets to participate in trainings with teachers and methodological 
aspects of modern digital textbooks. Currently available electronic forms textbooks 
do not fully meet the needs of learners and mentors.
Obshchestvennoe obsuzhdenie voprosov ispol'zovaniya elektronnyh uchebnikov novogo pokoleniya 
v uchebnom processe.
Aleshkina O. V. Primenenie elektronnyh uchebnikov v obrazovatel'nom processe [Tekst] / O. V. 
Aleshkina // Molodoj uchenyj. — 2012. — №11. — S. 389-391.
Kuznecov E.M. CHernenko K.A. Klassifikaciya sovremennyh programmnyh sredstv razrabotki 
veb-sajtov // Materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii "Perspektivnye 
innovacii v nauke, obrazovanii, proizvodstve i transporte 2015". Odessa. 2013. Tom 11. – S. 80-83. 
Klekovkina E., Mann M, S. Practice Test for the Russian State Exam. // Taylore – Knowles. 
Macmillan Education, 2006. – S. 247-250. 
Address of the Head of State of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev to the people of 
Kazakhstan: Strategy "Kazakhstan 2050" December 14, 2012

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