Визуалды өнер арқылы
оқушыларды шығармашылыққа баулуда
тұлғаның белгiлi бір әлеуметтiк құндылықтарды мақсат етiп ұстауы, қоршаған
ортамен карым–қатынасы. Қазiргi уақытта баланың ой-санасы, пікірі,
көзқарасы, сенімі, iскерлiгi, iшкi мүмкiндiгiн ояту болып табылады.
1. Ұзақбаева С. "Тамыры терең тәрбие". Алматы. "Білім"1995 ж.
2 . Қожахметова К.Ж. Халықтық педагогиканы зерттеудің кейбір
ғылыми-теориялық мәселелері. Алматы, 1993.
3 . Табылдиев Ә. Қазақ халық педагогикасы және тәрбие. Алматы,
4 . ҚоянбаевЖ.Б., П.Н.Қоянбаев."Педагогика".Астана.1991ж.
5 . Кемешев Д.А. Визуалды өнер Шымкент,ОҚМУ 2019
ӘОЖ 81-139/44
Іляс Г.Ө. –
М1703-29 тобының магистранты
Ғылыми жетекші: Дуйсенова М. М. –
Phd, аға оқытушы
Оңтүстік Қазақстан мемлекеттік педагогикалық университеті,
Шымкент, Қазақстан
Осы мақалада ағылшын тілін заманауи технологиялар арқылы жылдам әрі түсінікті
үйрету жолдары ұсынылады. Сондай-ақ, ағылшын тілін үйренудің ең тиімді әдістері,
оқушының және мұғалімнің ағылшын тілі үйрену кезіндегі кездесетін қиыншылықтары мен
қазіргі мұғалімнің бейнесі баяндалады.
Эта статья предлагает способы быстро и легко выучить английский язык с использованием
современных технологий. В нем также описаны наиболее эффективные методы изучения
английского языка, трудности, с которыми сталкиваются студенты и учителя при
изучении английского языка, и образ современного учителя.
Ключевые слова: методы, подход, новые устройства, ИКТ, педагогика, учебный процесс,
кооперативное обучение.
Almost over the world, the increasing interest in modern methods of teaching
English raises the issue of how to create it - the curriculum, subject, topic and
methodology should be different from the previously established norms. Many of
works has written about traditional English teaching, and until recently the demand
for information on modern methods of teaching English was limited. Many works
it. He suggested
a curriculum
and teaching methodology that would go beyond other students' perceptions of their
needs, interests, abilities, likes, dislikes, and level of development.
It is easy to develop a system of learning these languages for the younger generation
using modern methods and the introduction of advanced teaching styles. Its
development is also influenced by the capabilities of foreign companies. Sometimes
using the same style in language teaching can reduce a student's interest in the
language. For some types of education, we advise you not to be interested in a foreign
For example:
1. Dialogue is a way for students to communicate creatively with each other.
“Modern methods of teaching English focus on dialogue to develop communication
skills. These skills can be taught in a variety of books, including fiction. Such
dialogues translate texts directly into English, avoiding traditional presentation. In
addition, all dictionaries are well remembered. Students can learn to speak
grammatically correctly by developing communication skills and, of course, acting
immediately, communicating freely in dialogue.
2. Reading the text and convey its meaning. Reading stories, short stories and other l
works by famous Kazakh, Russian and British writers is vital thing of studying. As an
English teacher, you can use a variety of teaching strategies, read unfamiliar words,
use a variety of strategies to increase vocabulary, and prepare and organize artistic
3. Understanding the language by ear- this is how students' speaking skills can be
improved. Listening is a form of speech perception. Listening comprehension is
based on the sense of hearing. Increase what we hear through perception in the form
of internal speech. It is impossible to understand hearing without a speech engine
analyzer. Of course, in order to communicate with your inner self, you need to speak
that language. Audio speech is very important during comprehension, which includes
the recognition of the means of speech and the interpretation of their content.
4. Learn English by watching movies. Teachers must explain students’ values of
reading books, magazines, newspapers, as well as specific books. Because, as you
know, published materials are a much of knowledge, learning foreign languages by
songs and movies are very useful for learners.
5. Learning English by vocabulary. What’s more to learning new vocabulary,
students should learn new vocabulary using unfamiliar vocabulary strategies while
listening or reading a text, and using productive vocabulary in oral and written
language. in isolation. Learning vocabulary does not happen by itself. Vocabulary
improves all skills. [1, p.15]
Many learners are good at grammar, but words are difficult to pronounce. Along the
way, we face a number of questions. This may be true, but the lesson covers all
aspects of teaching in a new style. The theory is supported by various exercises,
games and discussions in one exercise. We talked about the groups that achieved
good results:
The level of knowledge and learning opportunities are mastered and assignments are
given through it.
The students' mood is almost completely fulfilled and no student is ever left out.
During the lesson, students often speak in a foreign language, the translation of
incomprehensible words is not immediately pronounced, but they try to do it with
facial expressions.
Students are divided into small groups and use the following methods: "development
of discussion", "expression of opinion", "cooperation".
Allow students to speak freely, their mistakes will not be corrected immediately, but
they will be discussed together after the students have spoken.
Various grammatical, vocabulary games. Thus, roles are assigned according to
students' knowledge.
View and discuss texts, various pictures and short films, listen to news on the topic
and try to implement them.
There are a few times to raise the grade of knowledge of a foreign language. Classes
are conducted entirely in English, taking into account all the experience. In other
words, students improve reading comprehension, listening, writing skills, speaking
skills, and so on. Classes were aimed at students. And teachers help the student to
learn. The students will be learned in his own way about the possibility of self-
destructive behavior. [2, p. 203]
If the lessons are not traditional, students are divided into pairs or small groups,
depending on the type of task, and work in groups or by themselves. For example, at
the starting of a lesson, a teacher creates a plan and shares it with students. Each of
these students plan and the adoption of the framework on the development
and news reports to one another. As a result, there is an exchange of knowledge and
all students can study the topic. Some exercises are performed in pairs or in groups of
To work in a group, students are given the following tasks: organizing debates,
discussing topics through role-playing games, working with high technology. Hiring
pairs dialogue, grammar and reading. With these methods, we can engage all students
and the teacher can help each student according to his or her needs. [3,
We want to say that the most important thing in language learning is to motivate
students, that is, to motivate them. Students should be actively involved at the
lesson. Pedagogues around the world are searching ways to teach students foreign
languages successfully.
There are many effective teaching methods. One of the big differences between
traditional and modern methods is that modern teaching means "Students learn from
the center", which makes the learning process not only useful but also interesting for
students. In modern teaching, good doses such as project work, dialogue
development, communication skills, group/pair work, classroom activity as a whole,
student motivation, variety of games, role-playing games, and physical
activity are important.
They need to think seriously about making their work useful and enjoyable. Teachers
who learn and use modern English teaching methods are people who
care about themselves,
community. Thus, these people have achieved practical success in their chosen
Modern methods of teaching English can be complex and demanding for teachers and
students; they can also be very stimulating and beneficial. The level of application of
these methods in our institute may depend on the will of our students, the skills of our
teachers, their readiness to use modern technology and the availability of resources in
our environment. At the same time, there is a need to increase the level of education
in higher education. We create an atmosphere of collaborative learning, intellectual
and informational approaches to learning, and help students develop general thinking,
deductive reasoning, reasoning, and individual learning. [4, p. 145]
It is important to provide all the opportunities to expand and expand the range of
activities throughout life. Good learning strategies and methods involve planning and
describing different learning sequences with a clear balance and achievable goals so
that students know what is expected of them. These include project work (class
journals, group wall exhibitions), collaboration, student self-assessment, role-playing
games, group work, working with couples, and dialogues about what to do
with students . All this helps to develop students' ability to work effectively.
“New methods of teaching English focus on dialogue to develop communication
skills. These skills can be taught in a variety of works of art, including books. Such
dialogues translate texts directly into English, avoiding traditional presentation”.
In addition, all dictionaries are well remembered. Students dialogue, to speak freely,
and quickly move to master the art of acting and to learn to speak grammatically
correct, of course. Group and pair work is part of daily learning, we pause and think
before dividing the class to solve some communicative tasks. Group work allowed
the teacher to devote more time to the oral creativity of students who had not
previously been given priority in foreign language classes. [5, p. 149]
Another big issue is motivation. There is a general belief that general motivation has
a great impact on a student's ability to learn. Motivation can be divided into external
and internal forms. The internal form is issued to a student who wants to study for
education. The good news for teachers is that we can do a lot to increase the level of
external motivation. Round games are very useful activities for the general class
sitting in a circle. Many games are vocabulary-related and contain elements of
entertainment. Nowadays, working in pairs and small groups has become
The communicative approach encourages teachers to use pair work more, thus
improving “student communication”. We believe that for the gel group and the
dynamics of a good group, the class should work together over time. Club games are
a good opportunity to unite the team.
Today, it is recognized that some students have their own styles of learning foreign
languages. There is a belief that in order for a lesson to be effective, you need to
change the pace and get the students' attention. For these reasons teachers must
devote time to students. [6, p. 235]
Current trends in English language teaching.
The role of modern teacher researchers defined this term as a technical term
originally comes from sociology and expressing common hopes about how a person
should behave. The teachers should act as an organizer, evaluator, promoter,
participant, resource, teacher and supervisor to cause harm. Language education is the
modern paradigm will go further than verbal language. Basic conceptual framework
for experimental teaching or learning TBLT. TBLT eliminates traditional barriers in
the classroom as the student's role in TBLT changes significantly. Only through
dialogue can a teacher be a real help to language learners. The role of teacher is vital
in teaching. The role of teacher:
1. Facilitator
2. Independent participant
3. Needs analyst
4. Counselor
5. Team Manager
If we study and compare traditional and modern trends of teaching methods, we
can mention some disadvantages of every method. For example, the grammar-
translation method was criticized for its imperfection, because of few verifiable
sources support the existence of such a method. The audio-lingual method is based on
behaviorist theory, while the correct use of a trait would receive positive feedback
while incorrect use of that trait would receive negative feedback. From modern
teaching methods we can mention a lack of material and qualified teachers in CLIL
method, requirement of the teacher to be flexible, ability to switch quickly and have a
lot of experience and being not suitable for preparation for specialized courses such
as exams and for beginner levels in dogma FLT method. [7, p. 79]
We have learnt about some kinds of modern and traditional methods of teaching
foreign language. By comparing them, we cannot surely affirm that one method is the
easiest or more effective from others. We just can choose the most effective method
for a certain group of learners. For instance, flipped classroom method is the best
choice for motivated and above intermediate level students, grammar-translation is
good for preparation for the exams such as UNT.
Across the world information technology is radically changing the behavior of
students around the world; teachers and staff study and work.
and offer different jobs at different levels to create basic strategies for English
lessons. It should be noted that in practice the goal is not to use one technique only in
the successful acquisition of another language. Classes should be conducted using
effective teaching methods. In this way we will achieve our learning goals.
In conclusion, I want to say that teachers should be modern nowadays. The role of
teachers in modern teaching methods is very important. Because the information
technology is changing quickly and teachers have to catch up and learn to use those
gadgets or applications correctly. Otherwise learners and teachers will misunderstand
each other. And this causes more problems, such as, difficulties in teaching process or
in choosing appropriate methods of teaching foreign language.
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