Сборник научных статей международной научно-практической конференции «Современные тренды педагогического образования»

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pedagogikalyk bilim berudin zamanaui trendteri zhinak

1. Чернышев А.А. Корабли и суда Российского флота. – М.: Воениздат, 1997.- Т.1. – С. 241-
312 с. 
2. Кублицкий Г.И. По материкам и океанам. М.: 1957. – 326 с. 
Ғылыми жетекші: Абрамова Г.И. – PhD, аға оқытушы 
Ембердиева П.С. – М1703-19 тобының магистранты 
Оңтүстік Қазақстан мемлекеттік педагогикалық университеті, Шымкент 
Бұл мақалада компьютерлік терминологияның пайда болу себептері және компьютерлік 
жаргондардағы негізгі сөзжасамдық модельдер туралы жазылған.Сондай-ақ, мектеп 
оқушылары қолданатын ойын жаргондары орыс тіліне аудармаларымен берілген.Қазіргі 
әлемде сөйлеу мәдениеті шетелдік сөздер мен жаргондардың күшті шабуылына ұшырайды. 
Бұл әсіресе мектеп оқушыларының сөйлеуінде байқалады.Олар жаргонды "өз" тілі ретінде 
анықтайды. Бүгінгі таңда мектеп оқушыларының жаргоны – объективті шындық. 
Жасөспірімдердің сөйлеуінде жаңа жаргондардың пайда болуына әсер ететін негізгі 
факторлар ұялы телефон байланысының, компьютерлік технологияның және заманауи 
музыканың дамуы болып табылады. 
Эта статья о причинах формирования компьютерной терминологии и базовых 
словообразовательных моделях в компьютерных жаргонах, также посвящена игровым 
сленгам, используемым школьниками с переводами на русский язык. В современном мире 
речевая культура испытывает сильный натиск иностранных слов и жаргона. Особенно это 
заметно в речи школьников. Они определяют жаргон как "свой" язык. Сегодня жаргон 
школьников – это объективная реальность. Основными факторами, влияющими на 
появление новых жаргонизмов в речи подростков, являются развитие сотовой телефонной 
связи, компьютерных технологий, современной музыки. 
Every day the role of the Internet in the real life of society is expanding. Today, the 
Internet helps people stay up to date, engage in science, education, and business. 

Scientific and technological progress, computerization of society have a strong 
influence on the formation of communication and speech skills of students. 
Computer jargon is a new phenomenon in the Russian language. Its novelty is 
determined by the fact. "The development of this phenomenon and its spread among 
an increasing number of native speakers of the Russian language is caused by the 
introduction of computer technologies in the life of modern society". One of the ways 
to replenish computer jargon is to borrow vocabulary from English.
"Network communication can be described as a sphere of conventions of various 
kinds – dramatic – game, written, visual, and etiquette". The arrangement of different 
codes used in chat multiplies its sign and at the same time gives great scope for play, 
creativity, self-expression, bringing it closer to a situation of direct live 
communication. Etiquette conventions are refracted in the features of network 
communication. The unrepresentative social context leads to behaviour. However, the 
current freedom of expression does not negate the responsibility of the speaker and 
the writer. School communication is characterized by a language game approach. In 
everyday school communication, the desire for expressiveness of speech and the 
creation of emotionally coloured means of language expression is clearly manifested. 
The first reason for such a rapid emergence of new words in computer slang is the 
rapid development of computer technology itself. And in the context of such a 
technological revolution, each new phenomenon in this area should receive its own 
verbal designation, its own name. And since almost all of them (with rare exceptions) 
appear in America, they receive it in English. When these developments are learned 
in Russia after some time, then for the vast majority of them, of course, there is no 
equivalent in Russian. And therefore, Russian specialists have to use original terms. 
Thus, English names more and more fill the Russian language. 
Computer jargon vocabulary is replenished by borrowing from the English language. 
The factors determining the predominance of words of English origin in computer 
jargon are the following: 
Firstly, the existence of English-language terminology adopted throughout the world, 
which is associated with the dominance in the world market of American firms that 
manufacture computers and programs for them; secondly, the fashion for English in 
the youth environment and in society as a whole, which leads to clogging the Russian 
language with English words (cf.: impeachment, speaker, marketing, management, 
etc.); thirdly, the educational level of people engaged in this field of activity is quite 
However, not every foreign-language word is immediately perceived as a borrowing 
Most often, being in a new borrowing language environment, words lose the form 
that they had at home and undergo phonetic changes. As a rule, foreign-language 
words adapt to the requirements of a new phonetic environment, to new 
pronunciation standards.
Much more often in computer jargon, English words are borrowed using 
transliteration, that is, transmitting the letter image of the word being borrowed. In 

this case, the English reading rules are usually ignored and the word is reproduced in 
Russian letters based on the Latin alphabet or letters similar to English in style. For 
example: u nikh (from the English UNIX) - the name of the operating system; user 
(from English user) - user; gamer (from English gamer) - a lover of computer games; 
Foreign-language words are adapted not only to the phonetic system of the language 
in which they are included. To a large extent, the grammatical system also affects 
them. Foreign words are distributed according to established types of declension, 
change by cases, participate in the formation of other parts of speech, new phrases. 
For example: 
Gamit’ (from noun- game is a game) - to play; ekzeshnik - file with extension exe; 
Rebutnut’sya (from English reboot - reset) - to reboot; helpar’(from English help - the 
help) - the block of hints, rabotat’ v «Vinduzakh» - to work in the Windows system; 
unichtozhat’ bagov - correct errors in the program. 
Transliterated words and basics can be modified to produce a comic effect due to 
phonetic similarities with the corresponding Russian words, for example: 
Durdos(from the English DR DOS) - the name of the operating system; 
Sterver (from English server) - file server (computer network node). 
Word-forming models highlighted by E.A. Zemskaya for neologisms in Russian
using the example of computer jargon. 
1. Suffixal 
The most frequent method of word formation in Russian and the most productive in 
computer jargon: 
beguchka- ticker; butyavka (from English boot) - bootable diskette; visiyuk - a 
program that causes the computer to hang; blinkovat’(from English blink) - blink 
(about light indicators).
Verbs are formed from bases of nouns by means of verbal suffixes: dzhobat’ (from 
English job - work) - to work, gliuknut’,sboinut’- wrong to perform operations (about 
the program), chatit’(from English chat - a conversation) - to communicate on the 
2. Prefixal 
This method of word formation is more characteristic of verbs: 
Sbrosit’, slit’ - copy files to floppy disk; vyrubit’ - to switch off; vzlomat’,vzorvat’ - 
to break the system of protection; zakholdit’ (from English hold - to hold) - to leave 
files for the addressee. 
It should be noted that almost all verb prefixes used in computer jargon translate 
verbs into a perfect form, indicating a single action. 
3. Suffix-prefix method 
This model is also more peculiar to verbs: perebutovat’sya (from English boot - 
loading) - to reboot, also the nouns formed this way meet: podmiyshniyk - a 
mousepad, podokonnik - the program working under Windows (from English 
window - a window). 
4. Adding Foundations 
Most often, this method of vocabulary is used using a connecting vowel: 

Chislogryz - computer; technokriysa - author and distributor of viral programs; 
Blocholov, klopodav - program for error search and program debugging; 
Floppovod (from the English floppy - the jargon name of the flexible disk) - a disk 
5. Abbreviation 
The rapid development of computer technology could not but be reflected in language 
processes. This influenced the appearance of Anglicisms - English words or 
expressions borrowed from other languages. Anglicisms are often used in game slang 
(game jargon) to facilitate communication among youngsters. 
Game slang is quite diverse, but has some difficulties in studying. So some game 
jargons can be used only in one game, which creates a terminology system that only 
players of the same game can understand. 
Often game terms become commonly used (for example, the word "noob" meaning 
"beginner" or a fool, a person who does not think about anything, also passed from 
the game slang to the common one). 
Game terminology arises under the strong influence of English-language names. 
Players communicate with each other during the gameplay, so the slang of the game 
is of particular importance. This is expressed in an effort to reduce your speech as 
much as possible. 
The most common loanwords in games are: 
Дота Abuse (Abuzit’) –from the word Abuse – zloupotreblyat’
AFK (Away from the keyboard) – otoshel ot klaviatury/kompiutera. It is used when 
the player has excommunicated (wants to excommunicate) for a short time. 
Crit (Krit, Kriticheskiy udar) – Your damage multiplied by a certain factor and 
multiple times. 
Damage (Demedj, damag) – damage.
Easy ( Legko) – in accordance with game etiquette, people comment on the past 
match, thank the game and praise the skillful players. In everyday life, people use it, 
assessing the "ease" of achieving their goal. If in Russian we say "it was easy," then 
in games they most often write "isi," and this is enough for understanding. 
Exp, XP (Experience, Opyt) – Experience points received by the hero denotes a kind 
of mockery of the enemy. 
GG (Good Game, ГГ) - Good game. It usually says after the game. Or it means 
mocking an enemy team. 
HF (Have fun) – A wish for a good game. 
Item (Item, Art) – Thing, object, artifact. 
LVL (Level, lvl) – Hero level. Initially 1. can be pumped up to 25. The level is 
received for a certain amount of experience. 
go (го) – in the game lexicon is used as a call to action. If in games this is used as 
"let's start something" and this can be expressed in one word, then in Russian there is 
no such word, so many use "go" in everyday life for convenience. 
Noob/Newbie (Nub) – New person in the game. More often used\perceived as an 
insult. It can also be used in life when someone in some business is new. And 

therefore, in Russian, people shorten the word "beginner" as "nub" to simplify 
NP (No problem) - Sometimes used as a replacement to the word "You are 
Pick (Pick) – Choice. 
PLS, PLZ (Please) – Very often found in life in the form of "plz," they do so in order 
to save time on writing, because everyone will already understand the meaning of this 
Push (Push) – This is the process of quickly destroying waves of enemy crypts, and 
creating a large wave of allied crypts to destroy enemy structures in a short period of 
Here it is possible to observe wide use of reductions, abbreviations, different ways of 
word formations. 

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