Шет тілдері практикалық курсы кафедрасы АҒылшын тілі «География» мамандығы бойынша студенттердің практикалық сабағына арналған әдістемелік құрал Павлодар

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2.2 нұсқа

2.2.1 Мәтінді оқып, қазақ тіліне аударыңыз
Man and Environment

Part II
What are the major aspects and ways of solving this most complicated problem of the 21st century – the restoration of the unity between man and nature, the problem of turning the material production from a purely technical and social element into a biosocial one, into a means of the purposeful transformation of the biosphere?

A scientific understanding of the essence of the relation between man and nature, correct from the point of view of the world outlook and the methodology, can serve as a general theoretical foundation for solving ecological problem.

The rational utilization of recourses and the conservation of nature are a matter of general state policy in all countries. The Constitutions of all countries not only formulate the necessity for the protection and scientific, rational utilization of the environment, but also entrusts the state with the task of realizing different measures on preserving a healthy environment.

All the problems concerning the interaction of man and nature are now of international importance. The pollution of the Ocean by one particular country affects fishing in other countries, often very far away. Pollutants coming from industrial centers in Germany, Belgium and France filter down in Scandinavia or even Eastern Europe and affect forests and fish in ponds and lakes there.

The problem of “Man and the Biosphere” can and must be solved by the efforts of all countries. Cooperation, long-term coordinated development plans for all countries, or joint solution of pressing global problems are possible only in the conditions of peace and détente.

It is clear that only the cooperation can provide the means needed for the long-term programmes proposed and for the solution of global problems.

Мәтінге түсініктеме:

1) reduce … to – ... соқтырады;

2) rather … than – ... салыстырғанда жылдамырақ;

3) per se – өз бетінше;

4) exploration- зерттеу;

5) adverse – жағымсыз;

6) affect - ықпал ету, әсер ету;

7) take into account - назарда ұстау, ескеру;

8) be concerned – мазасыздану;

9) turn into – айналдыру;

10) threaten - қорқыту, сұс көрсету;

11) destroy - қирату, жою;

12)essential - міндетті, қажетті;

13) exist – тіршілік ету;

14) existence – тіршілік;

15) disastrous - мерт ететін;

16) safe - қауіпсіз, мертін ететін;

17) suitable - лайықты, жарамды;

18) meet the needs - қажеттілікті өтеу;

19) purposeful – мақсатты;

20) self-regulation – өзін-өзі реттеу;

21) harmful - зиянды, қауіпті, мерт ететін;

22) warn – сақтандыру.

2.2.2 Төмендегі сөздерді оқып, қазақ және орыс тілінде сондай түбірлі сөздермен мағыналарының жақындығын анықтаңыз. Аударманы сөздікпен тексеріңіз

restoration, biosocial, methodology, theoretical, global, ideologist, civilization, urban, demographic, optimization, optimistic, fact, rational, formulate, sphere, filter

2.2.3 Сол жақ бағандағы сөздермен мағынасы жақынс сөздерді оң жақ бағаннан табыңыз

1. understand

2. harmful

3. essential

4. present

5. realize

6. exploration

7. influence

8. tremendous

9. complex

10. consider

11. interpret

12. ten years

13. result

14. pure

1. protection

2. impact

3. complicated

4. effect


6. explain

7. decade

8. egard

9. clean

10. conservation

11. research

12. adverse

13. necessary


2.2.4 Болымсыз префиксті және жұрнақты сөздерге назар аударып, төмендегі қосарлы сөздердің орысша эквиваленттерін беріңіз

soluble – insoluble; careful – careless; finite – infinite; pure – impure; harmful – harmless; appearance – disappearance; controlled – uncontrolled; balance – unbalance; equilibrium – disequilibrium; suitable – unsuitable.

2.2.5 Төмендегі зат есімдер жасалған ағылшын етістіктерін атап, аударыңыз

restoration, formulation, optimization, cooperation, protection, improvement, preservation, transformation, pollutant, conservation.

2.2.6 Мәтін бойынша сұраққа жауап беріңіз

1.What is the main idea of the text?

2.What can serve as a general theoretical foundation for solving ecological problem?

3. What are the major aspects and ways of solving this most complicated problem of the 21st century – man and environment?

4. What is the task of Constitutions of all countries?

5. What problems are of international importance nowadays?

6. Can the problem of “Man and the Biosphere” be solved by the efforts of all countries?

2.3 нұсқа

2.3.1 Мәтінді оқып, басты ойын анықтаңыз
Nuclear Winter: What This Means
The fact that the climatic consequences of nuclear war will be more terrible than the direct impact is too novel and paradoxical a thought. It has not yet penetrated the global collective consciousness. Catastrophic сhanges in the environment will ensure a few days after a nuclear conflict and will affect the whole planet for a period of up to several years depending on the nuclear war scenario.

The main climatic effect will be an abrupt, exceptionally intensive and prolonged cooling of the air over the continents. The temperature will plummet as a result of the heavy atmospheric pollution by dust during nuclear explosions and by soot released in the conflagration of cities, industrial complexes, fuel and forest reserves.

Calculations based on a climatic model evolved in the Academy of Sciences Computing Centre indicate that within a month after a conflict involving the use of nuclear warheads with a total capacity of 10,000 megatons (the Hiroshima bomb and an explosive power of about 20 kilotons, today the nuclear countries have warheads with a capacity of 10-20 megatons and more) the temperature will drop more than 30 degrees below average in the north-western United States, 40 degrees in the north-eastern United States, by 35 degrees in Alaska, by 40 degrees in Kamchatka, by 50 degrees in Europe, by 51 degrees on the Arabian Peninsula, by 22 degrees in Central America.

The tragedy will not be confined to the hemisphere. In the event of a nuclear war in the northern hemisphere alone, cooling will still affect the southern as well. The intense atmospheric pollution in the northern hemisphere will lead to a thermal contrast between the hemispheres a global change in air movements, and, in consequence, to a intensive transfer of nuclear pollution across the equator. As a result, the air cooling in the southern hemisphere and in the tropic will be approximately the same as in the northern.

While there will be a sharp fall in the air temperature in the lower layers of the atmosphere, the polluted atmosphere as a whole will become more heated than now. From a low level on the land surface the air temperature will gradually rise to a very high level 8-12 kilometers above it. The atmosphere will become supers table. Vertical air craft currents (convection) and, consequently, the vertical transfer of water vapour will

be greatly suppressed. There will be a radical change in the atmosphere’s hydrological cycle. Its natural purification will proceed far more slowly than it does now.

The ocean, due to its colossal thermal inertia, will cool more slowly. Estimates show that in 10 months the average decrease of the temperature of the ocean surface will be about 1.2° C. For this reason the air over the ocean surface will cool be “just a few“ degrees. However, this will be enough to form a thick fog which will persist for many months. The immense temperature contrast between the land and the slowly cooling

ocean will result in fierce coastal hurricanes accompanied by a colossal rise in precipitation in the form of snow over wide coastal strip. In other words, a prolonged “nuclear winter” will set in regardless of the season.

Away from the coasts, in the interior of the continents, the amount of precipitation will be close to zero. Farm crops will be destroyed and domestic animals, if they survive the cold, will be of thirst because fresh water will, in the main, be frozen.

The described drop in the air temperature over the land surface is the main but not the only consequence of a nuclear conflict.

Мәтінге түсініктеме:

1) scenario - шарт, жағдай;

2) plummet - күрт құлау;

3) conflagration - қалың өрт;

4) in the event of - бола қалған жағдайда;

5) several - fold бірнеше рет;

6) abrupt - кенет, күрт;

7) cooling - суыну;

8) drop - құлау, төмендеу;

9) sharp - күрт;

10) regardless - қарамастан;

11) thirst - шөл;

12) burn - өртеп жіберу;

13) range - диапазон, шек, қашықтық, (белгілі бір шекте) тербелу;

2.3.2 Оқып, қазақ және орыс тілінде сондай түбірдегі сөздермен мағынасы ұқсас сөздерді анықтаңыз

paradoxical, atmospheric, thermal shock, calculation, tragedy, intense, contrast, equator, atmosphere, vertical, convection, hydrological cycle, colossal, thermal inertia, disperses, intensity, megaton, monoxide,

cyanide, mechanism, circulation, extreme, psychological stress
2.3.3 Мағынасы өзіңізге түсінікті сөздерді басшылыққа ала отырып, сондай түбірлі сөздерді аударыңыз

combustible-combustion, toxic-toxicity, lethal-lethality, soot-sooty, thirst-thirsty, survive-surviver, circulation-circulate, calculation-calculate, precipitation-precipitate, fluctuation-fluctuate, abrupt-abruptly, purification-purify-purifier, pollution-pollute-pollutant, intensive-intensively-intensify

2.3.4 Төмендегі сөз тіркестерін аударыңыз:

1) combustible substance, combustible mixture, combustible component;

2) regardless of thirst, regardless of disease, regardless of danger, regardless of threat;

3) atmospheric dust, cosmic dust, coal dust, radioactive dust;

4) fatty soot, fuel soot, acid soot;

5) seasonable fluctuations, average fluctuations, temperature fluctuations, thermal fluctuations, total fluctuations;

6) chemical purification, mechanical purification, final purification, water purification;

7) annual precipitation, atmospheric precipitation, chemical precipitation, thermal precipitation, total precipitation;

8) radiation level, pollution level, noise level, toxicity level, water contamination level;

9) lack of timber, lack of fertile soil, lack of fresh water, lack of precipitation, lack of fuel.

2.3.5 Антонимдерді топтастырыңыз:

1) below;

2) rise;

3) perish;

4) inadmissible;

5) cooling;

6) complicated;

7) dangerous;

8) clean;

9) peace;

10) above;

11) admissible;

12) capable;

13) survive;

14) war;

15) safe;

16) fall;

17) polluted;

18) simple;

19) incapable;

20) heating;
2.3.6 Мәтін бойынша сұрақтарға жауап беріңіз

1. What will be the climatic consequences of nuclear war?

2. Why will the temperature plummet?

3. What will happen within a month after a conflict involving the use of nuclear warheads with a total capacity of 10,000 megatons?

4. What will the intense atmospheric pollution lead to?

5. What will happen with the polluted atmosphere as a whole while there will be a sharp fall in the air temperature in the lower layers of the atmosphere?

6. Why will the ocean cool slowly and what does estimates show?

7. What will happen with farm crops and domestic animals?

2.3.7 Мәтіннен Participle I and Participle II бар сөйлемді тауып, көшіріп алыңыз да, қазақ тіліне аударыңыз

2.3.8 3-ші абзацтан сан есімдерді көшіріп алып, жазбаша жазыңыз және оларды реттік сан есімге түрлендіріңіз


20 – twenty - twentieth

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