Шет тілдері практикалық курсы кафедрасы АҒылшын тілі «География» мамандығы бойынша студенттердің практикалық сабағына арналған әдістемелік құрал Павлодар

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3.2 нұсқа

3.2.1 Мәтінді оқып, басты ойын анықтаңыз

Protection of Water

The water and the air are the most important elements in physical and chemical processes on the surface of the earth. Resources of river, lake and underground fresh waters are distributed very unevenly on the continents. The question of rational use of water resources and their protection from pollution is acquiring growing importance in the world. Water use. Shortage of water in different areas of the world is due not only to uneven distribution of water resources but also to its more varied and intensive use.

All rivers, lakes and underground waters are to be protected from depletion and pollution as water supply resources, a source of energy and means of treatment. Rivers and lakes are also used as transport routes, fisheries, hunting areas and recreation sites.

It is obvious that the exploitation of water resources is extremely varied at the present time. It should be added that the scope of water resource exploitation is growing rapidly due to population growth, fast development of industry and expansion of irrigated land area.

An enormous amount of water is used in industry. To manufacture one ton of paper, 100 m3 of water is required, one ton of synthetic fibres – from 2,500 to 5,000 m3 of water and so on. It has been estimated that industry consumes about 85 per cent for the daily needs of the people.

A sharp increase in water consumption on the planet may lead to a water shortage in the near future. In view of this, measures are being worked out to increase water resources and rationally exploit them.

Redistribution of water. There are two ways to distribute river water by means of reservoirs and through canals.

Reservoirs. In recent decades, cascades of hydroelectric power plants have been built with reservoirs, the largest on the Volga, Kama, Angara, and Yenisei.

Reservoirs are an example of how man intervenes to a considerable extent in natural processes over large areas. measures are being worked out to increase water resources and rationally exploit them. Canals are important not only for redistributing water but also as transport routes. As such they are artificial rivers built by mighty excavating machines.

Use of underground water. Supplies of underground waters are considerable, and, therefore, their rational use helps to compensate for moisture shortages. Academician Karpinsky called water the most precious natural resource. Unlike mineral deposits, water resources are renewed in the course of exploitation.

Geothermal (hot) waters are a kind of ground water source, the water being obtained from the earth’s interior by deep drilling. These hot waters are used to generate electricity (geothermal electric plants), heat homes and livestock breeding farms, and also in hothouses. Recently, geothermal waters have been used for breeding fish in ponds in Siberia.

Мәтінге түсініктеме:

1) acquire - алу, қол жеткізу;

2) scope- сала, ауқым;

3) divert- бетін бұру, кері қайтару;

4) arid- құрғақ, құрғақшылық;

5) drilling- бұрғылау;

6) livestock breeding- асыл тұқымды мал шаруашылығы;

7) exploitation- пайдалану;

8) irrigation - суландыру, ирригация;

9) treatment - өңдеу, емдеу;

10) reservoir- резервуар, бассейн, су көзі;

11) canal- канал- канал;

12) natural- табиғи;

13) navigation- навигация;

14) reserve - қор;

15) depletion- арықтау, таусылу;

16) fishery- балық шаруашылығы, балық кәсіпшілігі;

17) consume- тұтыну, жұмсау;

18) moisture- ылғалдылық, ылғалды, ылғал;

19) recreation- жаңадан жасау.

3.2.2 Оқып, қазақ және орыс тілінде сондай түбірлі сөздерге ұқсас төмендегі сөздердің мағынасын анықтаңыз

рlanet, rational, decade, cascade, territory, compensate, geothermal

3.2.3 Төмендегі сөз тіркестерін аударыңыз:

1) hunting area, irrigated land area, populated area;

2) useable reserves, extensive reserves;

3) water use, water shortage, water transport, water fishery, water redistribution, water consumption;

4) underground water, fresh water, geothermal water, hot water, ground water.
3.2.4 Төмендегі етістіктерден Simple Gerunde Active құрып, аударыңыз


to fish – fishing

to hunt, to add, to use, to increase, to redistribute, to generate, to breed, to drill
3.2.5 Мәтін бойынша сұрақтарға жауап беріңіз

1. What is the main idea of the text?

2. How do you understand the term geothermal waters?

3. What for are hot waters used?

4. What ways of water redistribution are known?

5. Are canals important only for distributing water?

6. What are the consequences of a sharp increase in water consumption on the planet?
3.2.6 Төмендегі сөйлемдерді Future Indefinite-де қолданыңыз


The water and the air are the most important elements in physical and chemical processes on the surface of the earth.

The water and the air will be the most important elements in physical and chemical processes on the surface of the earth.

1) Reservoirs are an example of how man intervenes to a considerable extent in natural processes over large areas;

2) Measures are being worked out to increase water resources and rationally exploit them;

3) The scope of water resource exploitation is growing rapidly due to population growth.

3.2.7 Төмендегі сөйлемдерді ырықсыз етістен действительный етіске түрлендіріңіз


All rivers, lakes and underground waters are to be protected from depletion and pollution.

People must protect all the rivers, lakes and underground water from depletion and pollution.

1) Measures are being worked out to increase water resources and rationally exploit them;

2) An enormous amount of water is used in industry to manufacture one ton of paper, 100 m3 of water is required;

3) Resources of river, lake and underground fresh waters are distributed very unevenly on the continents.

3.2.8 Предлогтарды қойыңыз

All rivers, lakes and underground waters are to be protected … depletion and pollution as water supply resources, a source … energy and means … treatment. It is obvious that the exploitation … water resources is extremely varied … the present time. It should be added that the scope … water resource exploitation is growing rapidly due … population growth, fast development … industry and expansion … irrigated land area.

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