«Секция 6.
Руководитель секции:
проф., д.ф.н. А.И. Антонов
Основные вопросы секции:
Демографические процессы в свете новых вызовов
Трансформация структуры жизненных ориентаций населения в
условиях пандемии
Тенденции изменения миграционных потоков в условиях
ограничения международных перемещений
Практики самосохранительного поведения в период всеобщего
Институциональное взаимодействие семьи, государства и школы в
условиях распространения COVID-19
Vujovic Tatjana Ratko
faculty of philosophy, podgorica, montenegro
Alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic and its
This labor is devoted to the analysis of incrase in alcohol consumption
during the COVID-19 pandemic and its potential consequences, which is
based on a review of the exsiting literature. The global pandemic, social
and physical isolation, self-isolation, they have penetraded into all spheres
of society and in an unpredictable way changed the way of life of humanity.
Although quarantines can be an effective measure to control infection, they
can lead to significant psychological, social and economic consequences.
Bigger exposure to psychological and economic stressors leads to increased
alcohol consumption as a negative mechanism for coping with stressors.
Alcohol use is worrying, as there has been an increase in its sales in many
countries during quarantine. Consideration of ris» factors can contribute
to the creation of concrete public health policies in order to prevent and
mitigation these problems.
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