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Сборник конф Фараби Әлемі 2023 химфак-печать

Bauyrzhan L.N. 
Scientific supervisor: PhD Tatykayev B.B. 
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University 
A smart test in education is a type of computer-based assessment that uses algorithms to adapt 
to a student's performance in real time. These tests are designed to be interactive and personalized, 
tailoring the questions and difficulty level to the student's individual level of understanding and 
performance. Intelligence tests are commonly used in subjects such as math, science, and language 
arts, where they can provide immediate feedback and help students track their progress over time. 
The tests can be used to assess a wide range of skills and knowledge, from basic arithmetic to 
complex problem-solving and critical thinking. 
The adaptive nature of intelligence tests means they can be used to challenge advanced 
learners as well as provide additional support and guidance to those who are having trouble. By 
providing personalized assessments and feedback, mind quizzes can help students stay engaged and 
motivated, leading to better academic performance and a deep understanding of the subject. 
The use of smart tests in chemistry can greatly increase the effectiveness of lessons by 
providing real-time feedback, encouraging active learning, and tailoring grades to individual student 
needs, ultimately leading to improved academic performance and greater engagement in the subject. 
Smart tests have been shown to be more effective than traditional paper and pencil quizzes in 
promoting learning and understanding of chemistry concepts. A study by some researchers found 
that students who used intelligence tests performed significantly better on chemistry grades than 
those who did not use intelligence tests. 
In addition, the use of intelligence tests in chemistry classes can also promote metacognition, 
or the ability to reflect on and control one's own learning. With instant feedback and the adaptive 
nature of intelligence tests, students can better understand their strengths and weaknesses, as well as 
identify areas where they may need to focus their learning efforts. 
Smart tests can also help teachers identify common misconceptions or knowledge gaps among 
students. By analyzing student responses to mind test questions, teachers can gain insight into areas 
where students may have difficulty and adjust their teaching methods accordingly. 
In addition to being effective in promoting learning and understanding, intelligence tests can 
also save teachers time and effort in grading and. With the ability to provide immediate feedback 
and generate reports on student progress, intelligence tests can reduce the amount of time teachers 
need to spend grading and reviewing grades. 
In general, the use of intelligence tests in chemistry classes can increase the effectiveness of 
teaching and learning; promote the development of metacognition, and save teachers time. 

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