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Сборник конф Фараби Әлемі 2023 химфак-печать

Zhuragat G.
Research supervisor: C.C.S., associate professor Omarova A.A

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan 
Oil and its products are the main raw materials in energy production, its global economic and 
political value has increased. The presence of oil reserves in the state, the ability to export oil and 
petroleum products, allows the state to achieve great success in economic and social prosperity. The 
depletion of natural resources and high requirements for the quality of motor fuels due to the 
constant tightening of environmental requirements by the the Global Community and Organizations 
came to the international treaty such as Paris Agreement. This leads to the need for deep 
hydrotreating and further improvement of fuel quality. Upgrading can be made by designing and 
developing new catalysts with higher activity and selectivity[1-3].
Kazakhstan has large reserves oil with different values of the sulfur and paraffin contents. It 
complicates processing methods of the oil and affects to the cost and quality of oil and its products. 
Currently, the technologies of Catalyst and hydro-treatment processes around the world do 
not meet the requirements for the quality of motor fuel produced. For instance, the transition to new 
technologies requires large investments, oil production plants in the United States and a number of 
other countries are closing.
To solve these problems, it is necessary to create new single-stage Hydro-treatment 
technologies based on a high-performance multifunctional catalyst. Single-stage Hydro-treatment of 
gasoline fractions allows you to simplify refinery models, produce low-carbon motor fuel, which is 
cheaper in cost, but meets Euro-4, Euro-5 standards in quality, and improve the environmental 
In this thesis the influence of temperature on the processing process of straight run gasoline 
under conditions P=4.0 MPA, V=2H-1 on the catalyst MSK-1 (COO-MoO3-SKM(rare earth 
metals)-P2O5-ZSM-Al2O3) would be discussed .Based on the results of the experiment on the 
basis of one catalyst discussion would be held, because the general trend of other catalysts is the 
According to the results of the experiment, when the temperature rises from 320° C to 400 ° 
C, the content of aromatic hydrocarbons decreases from 50.3% to 8.3% for straight-run gasoline, 
the yield of naphthenic hydrocarbons-from 31.4% to 19.1%. The content of olefins has not changed, 
and does not depend on the temperature of the process and is 4-4.9%. The liquid phase yield ranges 
from 96.0 to 60.6% in for straight-run gasoline, with a temperature increase from 320 to 400 ° C. 
The octane number of gasoline of direct distillation up to 400 ° C is a maximum of 92.8 (Z.D.) and 
73.5 (M.D.) (Table 2). 
Concluding the results of the experiment, the transition to a single-stage process based on a 
multifunctional catalyst, simplifying the structure of petroleum products by removing unnecessary 
steps from the process, reducing the cost of motor fuel and increasing the efficiency of oil refining 

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