Тексты аудиозаписей к учебному пособию «Английский язык. 10 класс»

Memoirs: My senior year in high school

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Unit 3, Lesson 7, Ex.3b)

Memoirs: My senior year in high school

I occasionally still dream about my final year of high school and then wake up, relieved it's no longer a part of my life. Who are the people that twitter on about school being the "best years of your life"? It certainly wasn't for me.
I attended an all-girls' Catholic school. Looking back, it was a good school - strict, but still good. I'm sure it played a part in helping me become the woman I am today. And the teachers - many of them had hearts of gold and only wanted the best for the girls they taught.
I wasn't very academic, nor was I too popular. I just wasn't there. I was quiet and shy, and the only time I came to life was when I did Irish dancing at the talent quests and played my flute at concerts and liturgies. I was never picked for school or class captain. I was just too timid and too quiet for that sort of thing. And despite being praised for my music and my dancing, my self esteem wasn't very high. I was bullied a lot by other girls.
Some girls did try to reach out to me, but I didn't trust them. It was hard to know who were genuinely trying to be friends and who were just mucking around. So I closed myself off from everyone, only speaking to the odd few who I felt knew me best. Like many shy people I was often mistaken as a snob.
I had no plans on what I was doing after I left school. All I cared about was my dancing. I didn't see anything beyond competing in the next Nationals. When I saw the timetable for the HSC (Higher School Certificate) and everybody stressing about it, I just shrugged and thought to myself, "I hope I don't get much homework tonight; don't want to miss tonight's dance class, practicing for the Nationals."
The only thing I knew I was going to miss when I left school was music. I really came alive in that class. My teacher was not just my teacher - he was my friend and confidant and the one who really knew me the best. He'd be delighted to know, I'm sure, that the music exam was really the only exam that I studied the most for.
I didn't do well in my final exams, simply because I wasn't interested - although I did receive a good mark in music! The rest, well - who cared? That was honestly how I thought. And my parents knew that I wasn't going to be a flash student anyway; right from the time in kindergarten when I said that I hated school. In the end they basically said that they didn't mind if I didn't get a top mark, it was enough to try my best - and at least pass - which I did!
I still cried at my graduation. I don't know why. Relief, probably. And shock. After thirteen years of being told what to do, here I was, answering to no one but myself.
It was a strange, strange feeling.
I left school at 18. I was never one of those kids who did part time work through school, so when I started work, I also started my first job - ever. I embarked upon a series of office jobs throughout the next few years and studied at TAFE (Technical and Further Education) college.
I'm now nearly 27 and finally, after all this time, I feel that I can finally live and speak my truth with no fear of retribution from others. I have never enjoyed my life more since I left school!

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