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Nursali A.
assistant of chair UNESCO, International Journalism and Media in Society
Al-Farabi Kazakh national university

The culture of journalistic speech

In this age of rapid development of the information society in the age of information and communication revolution not only increased the role of information itself, but also increased requirements to the journalist, the quality of his work and the level of its culture.

As a rule, a good speech testifies to the high cultural level of the speaker (writer) and therefore makes communication more effective. The speech of the journalist is a reflection not only of the level of personal culture, but also the level of culture of the newspaper, which publishes his work. The level of speech culture of the modern press is rapidly falling. This is recognized not only by specialists in the field of receivedany, but also by journalists, and readers. Of course, this situation can try to justify the General trends in society as a whole and in the spheres of use of language. Still, the role of the "fourth estate" in this issue so great that the journalists, in turn, are responsible for what level of speech culture they build to normal. Speech journalists is perceived by the reader every day, and thus having, perhaps, the strongest and deepest influence on the formation of speech targets.Success in any work, including journalism, depends on the abilities - individual psychological characteristics of personality that determine the quality of the products. They determine the ease and speed of learning new ways and techniques of activity and is not confined to knowledge, skills and experience.
In journalism as in other professions is always inevitably the existence of certain problems. One of the most acute in recent times it has become the problem of speech illiteracy of the media. In our society there is a General trend of falling voice culture. The reasons for this situation – verbal abuse withdrawal ethical taboos, the various manifestations of verbal aggression, barbarization and vulgarization related to the expansion of jargons. All these symptoms are the base of culture, or rather, lack of culture became a regular in the media.
Literary skills and speech culture, a journalist is determined by the level of professionalism, that is why it plays a special role in the literacy of the speech, the level of speech culture, a skillful command of the language. The attitude of the audience towards a particular media is determined by the skill work of journalists to Express their thoughts through speech and its unique style.
Consumers information product subconsciously imitate the linguistic structures of the media, using them in everyday life, in their everyday life. So, the samples are literate or illiterate speech be available to the General public. On TV, on the radio, where we can directly hear the voice of a man, his speech, there are those cases when language errors some journalists cut our ears. It is also discouraging to observe how on the front channels of the country, from time to time to the audience appeal to an illiterate kazakh language and it becomes clear that many of the presenters are not native speakers of the language and use it only in the air. As you know, speech culture contributes to the establishment of contact with the masses, so for all media representatives is very important that their speech was literate, so their culture has attracted more and more audience. It is therefore important not only to skillfully use your voice, to be able intonation to emphasize important points, to be a good speaker, use non-verbal methods of communication, but also competently to hold the verbal, the speech. In this age of rapid development of the information society in the age of information and communication revolution not only increased the role of information itself, but also increased requirements to the journalist, the quality of his work and the level of its culture.
Incorrectly set forth the idea of the missing letters, inappropriate use of words is not the whole list of errors that can be detected at the first perusal of the news. Before to demonstrate the typical language of the distortion on the example of the well-known and reputable news agencies of Kazakhstan, such as Tengrinews.kz and Zakon.kz here are the main requirements for the work of correspondent of the news Agency:
1. always ready for urgent operational execution of the task;
2. the second feature - "a flair for news." You need to have very close ties with sources of information and know in advance the plans of the objects whose activities are charged to cover the reporter;
3. each message should be interesting as Newspapers and magazines, and radio and television. The correspondent of the need to consider the features of various media;
4. as news agencies sell their products, the journalist has to advertise;
In journalism as in other professions is always inevitably the existence of certain problems. One of the most acute in recent times it has become the problem of speech illiteracy of the media. In our society there is a General trend of falling voice culture. The reasons for this situation – verbal abuse withdrawal ethical taboos, the various manifestations of verbal aggression, barbarization and vulgarization related to the expansion of jargons. All these symptoms are the base of culture, or rather, lack of culture became a regular in the media.
Literary skills and speech culture, a journalist is determined by the level of professionalism, that is why it plays a special role in the literacy of the speech, the level of speech culture, a skillful command of the language. The attitude of the audience towards a particular media is determined by the skill work of journalists to Express their thoughts through speech and its unique style.
Consumers information product subconsciously imitate the linguistic structures of the media, using them in everyday life, in their everyday life. So, the samples are literate or illiterate speech be available to the General public. On TV, on the radio, where we can directly hear the voice of a man, his speech, there are those cases when language errors some journalists cut our ears. It is also discouraging to observe how on the front channels of the country, from time to time to the audience appeal to an illiterate Ukrainian language and it becomes clear that many of the presenters are not native speakers of the language and use it only in the air. As you know, speech culture contributes to the establishment of contact with the masses, so for all media representatives is very important that their speech was literate, so their culture has attracted more and more audience. It is therefore important not only to skillfully use your voice, to be able intonation to emphasize important points, to be a good speaker, use non-verbal methods of communication, but also competently to hold the verbal, the speech. Also in recent years we can note a special passion of the Ukrainian media to the borrowing of foreign vocabulary and slang, which is found everywhere: in the headlines and news programs on television and radio, and especially online, where their language literacy pay less. The professionalism of the journalist does not allow for such linguistic intrusions. Especially today, when our language is invaded by a flow of foreign vocabulary, when it becomes clogged slang and invective elements, which causes linguists to talk about the phenomenon of "antigravity".
Reproduced and widely distributed not only the various errors of pronunciation, word-formation, word usage, but also the violation of traditional national communication and ethics.
The journalist must at all times to improve their writing skills and manner of speech. Indeed, due to the figurativeness of the speech of the journalist, he was beginning to know and speak of him as a talented and competent person who has their own individual style and manner of writing and speech.
Speech is an indicator of culture, as the individual and society as a whole. Than be more careful attitude to cultural heritage accumulated by humanity, including the attitude to the native language, the longer will remain the national culture. Journalists like no other should disturb these problems, because they should be the leaders and representatives of verbal literacy and advanced areas of their media to promote the purity of the language.

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