Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов специальностей «Педагогика и психология»

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particular condition». M. Oliver
Read the text that reveals one o f the problem s o f disabled people
and be ready to fu lfil the tasks given after this text
A cceptance
Needs vary but may include financial support, special educational 
facilities, sheltered em ploym ent, support, help in making social contacts, 
and aids and help in the practicalities o f daily life. Often the greatest 
problem is not the im pairm ent itself, but other people’s attitudes which 
may then be internalised by the sufferer.
In the following extract, a woman with multiple sclerosis explains 
how she felt about categories o f normality after the onset o f the disease:

was confused; I still felt fundamentally the same. My body was 
different, I know that all right, but inside it was me. Normality is after all
what you know. The male who is very short is normal to himself, it’s other 
people who make him aware o f an ‘abnormality’.
The ugly female is ‘normal’ to herself, it’s the others who make her 
‘abnormal’. ’N orm ality’ and ‘abnorm ality ’ are socially defined.
Disability can and sometimes does interfere with the practical running o f a 
life, but it is the reaction o f and nonaction o f society which causes 
d isab lem en t. There is no such thing as
The Disabled, there are just people.
On leaving hospital and finding the mande o f ‘disabled’ places 
firmly upon my unwilling shoulders I entered a world which was alien, 
absurd and ultimately defeating. My weak grasp on my identity was no 
real match for the massed forces o f society who firmly believed themselves 
as ‘normal’ and m yself just as firmly as ‘abnormal’. I found myself
inhabiting a stereotype. I became my illness. (By Y. Pat, Mastering Social 

Go back to the text, look at the word(s) in bold and try to explain
them. M ake sentences with these word(s).
Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below. Use the word(s) only
contacts a stereotype the practical running employment the massed 
forces educational alien unwilling the practicalities
1 interfere w ith ....... o f a life
2 sheltered......
3 help in making so cial.......
4 entered a world which w a s .......
5 special....... facilities
6 inhabiting.......
7. was no real match f o r .......
* . ..........
8. help i n ....... o f daily life
9. firmly upon m y ....... shoulders
M ake your comments on the statement underlined in the text. Do
you agree or disagree with these words?
In pairs discuss the problem considered in the text “Acceptance” and 
think what can be done to improve the attitudes to disability? Make a plan 
of your ideas and develop some strategies on how to improve the situation 
in our society and change the stereotypes which exist. Be ready to present
your opinion in class.
You are going to read an article that describes the reaction of the 
American government and officials to the events o f September 11, 2001.
Read the article and fill in the gaps with the appropriate word from
the box. There are three words that you do not need to use.
Hijackers volunteers cells military immigrants war memory religious 
civilian visas silence freedom embassy rights wisdom cultural horror 
Struggling for balance in government reactions
The government too has struggled to balance compassion with fear.
Immediately after September 11, hundreds o f Middle Eastern .......1....
were arrested on visa violations and it was announced that thousands more 
immigrants would be questioned. The reason behind this massive dragnet -
these individuals fit a profile similar to the ...2 ....... They were Muslim,
between the ages of 18 and 33, had entered the country on stu den t.......3..,
and came from nations that were known to have AL Qaeda ....... 4.. But
initial interviews went badly and Muslim leaders and civil ....... 5.....
advocates screamed “racial profiling”. The FBI adopted a different

approach - offering a ....... 6 ...... sensitivity training program to agents,
writing to invite individuals to come in for an interview (rather than
showing up unannounced at the door), and reaching out to ...7 ....... and
community leaders. Looking beyond the country’s borders, the struggle to 
balance fear and compassion is all the more difficult. Americans have 
thought long o f themselves as a generous, open, and just people - self- 
image that made the events o f September 11 all the more difficult to
understand. Why would people hate a nation that believes i n ....... 8 ... and
liberty? So deep was the hurt that even committed pacifists called for
.......9... .President Bush’s approval ratings were extremely high - 80% of
Americans supported t h e ........... 10......campaign against the Taliban. Yet
even in the midst o f this anger came calls for compassion. Concern for the 
Afghan people led the military to drop food and clothing over ...1 1 ........
a re a s o f A f g h a n is ta n . H u n d r e d s o f th o u s a n d s o f A m e r ic a n rh ilrfre n
responded to President Bush’s call to send Their allowances to Afghan
children. Millions o f dollars have been pledged a n d ....... 12........ are being
recruited to help the country to re-build. O f course, much o f this 
compassion was strategic. In the midst o f tremendous pain last September, 
Americans took great comfort in the compassion o f the international 
community: The Star-Spangled Banner playing at Buckingham Palace,
. . . . . 1 3 ....... being laid at the American ....... 14......... In Beijing, a
candlelight vigil in Tehran, a moment o f ...1 5 ........ observed across
Europe - these gestures set an important tone in international cooperation.

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