Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов специальностей «Педагогика и психология»

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pension; depression; standard. 
Прочитайте текст и выполните задания к нему
Social Services in the 20th Century
The social services grew extensively in the 20th century. Early in 
the century in Britain, for example, as well as bringing in the health 
insurance scheme, the British government introduced pensions for elderly

people, insurance payments for people without jobs, and other such 
benefits. After World War I, the great worldwide industrial slump
created new problems, for millions o f people were suddenly out o f work. 
During World War II, a new plan for the social services was introduced 
which led to family allowances (payments to help parents pay for the cost 
o f their children); a national insurance scheme for all; national assistance 
(now called income support) to replace the old and much despised Poor 
Law; and a new system o f free education for all children. These benefits 
made Britain into what is known as a welfare state.
A welfare state is one in which the government (national and 
local) organizes services to try to eliminate problems such as poverty, 
disease, poor housing, and unemployment. Each person is believed to 
have a right to a certain standard o f living which includes, for example 
the right to treatment for illness. O ther welfare states include the 
o f Germany, 
Scandinavian countries, and New Zealand.
In the United States, government-funded social and welfare 
services were introduced somewhat later than in Britain, Europe, and
New Z ealand. In the 1930s, the y ears o f the great depression, 
President Franklin D. Roosevelt introduced the New Deal policy to help 
the 13 million wage earners who had no jo b s and the 5 m illion fam ilies
living in poverty. Roosevelt believed strongly that if private industries
not provide jobs, then the government should step into help. The 

ocial Security Act was passed to provide funds to help unemployed
workers, and to create old-age pensions for qualified workers retiring after 
the age o f 65. 
Н айдит е в тексте эквивалент ы к следую щ им т ерминам
пенсия по старости; социальные службы; национальная схема 
страхования; пособие многодетным семьям; плохое жильё; устранить 
проблемы; квалифицированный рабочий; право на лечение.
Н айдит е в т екст е и новой лексике синонимы к следую щ ий
unemployed, work, benefit, children’s allowance, medical 
benefit, social service benefits, unemployment benefit
Закончит е предлож ения, используя следую щ ие

выражения treatm ent fo r illness; pensions, poverty; a welfare state;
poor housing.
The British government introduced ... for elderly people.
A certain standard o f living includes, for example, the right to 
These benefits made Britain into what is known as

The government organizes services to try to eliminate problems 
such as poverty, d ise a se ,... and unemployment.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt introduced the New Deal policy to 
help families living in ....
Выберите m e предлож ения

с утверж дениями которых вы
согласны и переведите их на русский язык
1 The social services grew extensively in the 20th century.
2 After World War I millions of people were suddenly out of work.
3 During World War II new plan for the social services was not 
4 Other welfare states include the Netherlands, France, the 
Federal Republic o f Germany, the Scandinavian countries, and New 
5 The 1935 Social Security Act was passed to provide funds to create 
old-age pensions for qualified workers retiring after the age of 65.
Закончит е предлож ения, выбрав вариант по смыслу
1. A welfare state is .... 
а) .... was introduced to help people
who had no job.
b) ... one in which the government 
organizes services to try to eliminate 
social problems.
c ) ... has a right to a certain standard 
o f living.
d) ... the great worldwide industrial
2. The 1935 Social Security 
A c t....
3. After World War I
4. The New Deal policy
5. Each person
slump created new problems,
provided funds 
to help 
unemployed workers.
О тветьте на вопросы
Did the social services grow extensively in the 20th century?
Did the British government introduce pensions for elderly people, 
insurance payments for people without jobs, and other such benefits
early in the 20th century?
What benefits made Britain into what is known as a welfare state? 
What is a welfare state?
When was the New Deal policy introduced to help the 13 million 
wage earners who had no jobs and the 5 million fam ilies living in 
Read the passage about the problems o f educational provision fo r
disabled people and about care and support services that exist in the UK.
Be ready to answer the questions that are asked at the end o f the passage.
Education and care and support services

There are disadvantages and advantages o f educating children and 
young disabled people in separate schools. A girl with 
restricted movement
in one side tells how the cruelty o f other girls in school led her to ask 
i f
could attend a special school. She says that in the special school: 
It was
much easier to make friends and I didn

fe e l an outsider any more.
Everyone had a disability and no one was selfconscious about it. They
treated each other as human beings and you could be friends with anyone.
This young woman is however aware o f her loss o f contact with the outside 
world. Another woman who suffered from a disease called brittle bones 
tells o f her isolation until she went to a boarding school for girls with 
disabilities. Here she learnt the joy o f sharing doubts and fears. If people 
with a disability are to lead a full life in the community, practical help and 
support are needed. These services are provided either by 
or by 
local social services departments.
Services provided by 
local authorities can vary from area to area but are likely to include the 
following: o f daily living and organise aids and adaptations for the home- 
social workers providing advice, information and counselling; home care 
stuff to help with personal care at home; • meals-on-wheels; occupational 
therapists who provide advice on the practicalities day-centers offering a 
variety o f educational, therapeutic and recreational facilities. All o f these
services may be charged for, although usually on a m eans-tested basis. 
Y Pat, Mastering Social Welfare.)
Explain the m eaning o f the words and phrases underlined in the
passage Education and Care and Support Services ’
using these words and phrases.

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