В. Н. Комиссаров. Теория перевода. «Альянс», 2013 C

Alexander Fraser Tytler’s (1790) -three general ‘laws’ or ‘rules’

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Lecture 1. Introduction and history

Alexander Fraser Tytler’s (1790) -three general ‘laws’ or ‘rules’:

  • (1) The translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work.
  • (2) The style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the original.
  • (3) The translation should have all the ease of the original composition.

Translation studies as a science

  • The word science was used by Nida in the title of his 1964 book (Toward a Science of Translating, 1964a).
  • Eugene A. Nida was an American linguist who developed the dynamic-equivalence Bible-translation theory and one of the founders of the modern discipline of translation studies.

The framework of ‘Translation studies’ as an academic discipline by the Dutch-based US scholar James S. Holmes (1972, 1988)


  • Translation was formerly studied as a language-learning methodology or as part of comparative literature, translation ‘workshops’ and contrastive linguistics courses.
  • Both a name and a structure for the translation studies was first proposed byJ.S. Holmes, but the context has now advanced.
  • Interrelated branches of theoretical, descriptive and applied translation studies initially structured research in TS.
  • The word ‘science’ toward translation was used by E.Nida (1964).

Control questions:

  • Translation is an object of ….
  • Social study;
  • Linguistics;
  • International relations;
  • Methods of FLT
  • 2. What theories related to Translation studies were developed first?
  • Descriptive
  • Prescriptive
  • 3. “Translation” may mean ….
  • a product;
  • a process;
  • a function;
  • all of them.

Control questions:

4) Which of the following is an example of intralingual, interlingual and inter semiotic translation?

a) Translation of a document from Kazakh into English?

b) Rewording a phrase in the same language?

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