Владимира Дмитриевича Аракина одного из замечательных лингвистов России

Comment on the meaning of the verb need

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Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка. 2 курс (7-е издание, 2008)

52. Comment on the meaning of the verb need:

1. He needs sea air. 2. We don't need anything else. 3.1 need not finish my sentence, for you already know what I was going to say. 4. Need it be finished by Saturday? 5. What more do you need? 6. He need say no more to her this evening, and risk giving himself away. 7. You needn't have carried all these parcels yourself. The shop would have delivered them if you had asked them. 8. You needn't take any more pills after next Monday. 9.1 must go at once, but you needn't. 10. You needn't have waited for me, I could have found the way. all right. 11. Looking back I can see exactly how it happened. It need never have happened. 12. And he was always careful to have money in his pocket, and to be modish in his dress, so that his son need not blush for him.

53. Fill in the blanks with didn't have to or needn't have:

1. You ... (to bring) your umbrella, as we are going by car. 2. You ... (to water) the flowers, as it is going to rain. 3. I ... (to translate) it for him, he did it himself, he understands Latin. 4. I... (to answer) the questions, which saved me a lot of trouble. 5. I knew I ... (to lock) the door after me, but how was I to know you wanted to come out, too? 6.1... (to ring) the bell because the door opened before I got to it. 7. I... (to help) them at all, they themselves knew what to do. 8. I ... (to write) him because the news was already known to him. He phoned me shortly afterwards. 9. You ... (to listen) to him. His information was misleading. 10. You ... (to buy) such a lot of flowers. We've already got more than necessary. 11. He... (to get up) so early every day. It was only on that particular occasion that he did. 12. You ... (to say) if you didn't want to. We could have done without you just as well.

54. Fill in the blanks with mast, have to, be to or need:

1. You ... not (to bring) your books to class tomorrow, we are going to listen to a wireless programme. 2. I'm glad the lessons will begin later now. The children won't... (to get up) so early. 3. You ... not (to learn) the poem. You ... only (to read) it. 4. Children ... not (to play) with matches. 5. It was late, and they ...(to light) a fire to cook their supper. 6. You ... (to give) it back to me before you go. 7. You ... not (to be) late for the concert. 8.1 made a few mistakes, so I... (to do) the whole exercise again. 9.1... hardly (to say) how important it is. 10. She ... (to be married) next month. 11. You... not (to miss) that film, it is extraordinary good. 12. You ... not (to strike) a match; I can see well enough. 13. Jim ... (to make) a speech at the meeting, but he had fallen ill, so Tom ... (to speak) instead, 14. You ... not (to bring) any food with you tomorrow. I'll have enough for both of us. 15. We ... (to be) there at 12 sharp. 16, We ... not (to wait) long. A bus came almost at once. 17. You ... (to learn) the whole poem.

55. Translate the sentences into English, using must, ham to, be to or need:

1. Зря мы вышли из дому так рано, поезда не будет в течение часа. 2. Мы можем не спешить. Нам не нужно быть там раньше 8.30. 3. Вы не должны следовать их примеру. Это было бы глупо с вашей стороны. 4. Интересно, надо ли приносить с собой учебники? 5. Мне не пришлось запирать дверь, кто-то уже запер ее. 6. «Если завтра будет сильный мороз, — сказала мать, — тебе можно будет не ходить в школу». 7. Вам незачем беспокоиться, они скоро вернутся. Наверное, задержались на набережной Темзы у здания Парламента: их всё здесь интересует. 8. Не нужно забывать, что в Ист-Энде живут те, кто своим трудом обеспечивают жизнь этого огромного города. 9. Вам не обязательно продолжать, я знаю, вы скажете, что среди архитектурных памятников Лондона особое внимание привлекает Вестминстерское аббатство, построенное в XIII веке. 10. Они должны были встретиться на мосту Ватерлоо в 6 пополудни. 11. Что мне рассказать нашим гостям о поездке в Лондон? — Опиши им церемонию караула у ворот лондонского Тауэра. 12. Она сказала, в какое время мы должны были прийти, и попросила не опаздывать. 13. Мы решили, что дети не должны идти туда одни. 14. Нет нужды упоминать, что Кремль — выдающийся музей и памятник старины. Это всем известно. 15. Мне пришлось принять это приглашение, хотя я очень неважно себя чувствовал. Я не хотел обидеть своих новых друзей. 16. Он знал, что ему, возможно, придется прожить там больше месяца. 17. Спроси старосту, кто сегодня должен принести наушники на урок фонетики. 18. Вчера мы должны были навестить Аню в больнице и поэтому не могли зайти к тебе.

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