Методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов 4 курса, обучающихся по программе бакалавриата

Choose the best word to complete the sentence

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пособие для 4 курса

6 Choose the best word to complete the sentence.
1 accept/except
Do you _______ credit cards? / The government has few options _______ to keep interest rates high.
2 all together/ altogether
That'll be £52.50 _______, please. / It is wonderful to be ________ to celebrate your birthday.
3 appraise/apprise
The President has been ________ of the situation. / He coolly ________ the situation, deciding which person would be most likely to succeed.
4 assure/ensure/insure
Many companies won't ________ new or young drivers. / The airline is taking steps to ________ safety on its aircraft. / The unions _________ the new owners of the workers' loyalty to the company.
5 biannual (semiannual) /biennial
happening twice a year / happening once every two years

Discussion Topics

1 People think that HR requires low-status 'soft' skills. But it's HR managers who appraise, negotiate compensation, fire people and deal with the unions. That's not 'soft'.
О Agree О Disagree

3 Performance-related pay is a horrible invention that creates enormous stress and insecurity in the workplace.
О Agree О Disagree

2 Shortlisting and interviewing should be the responsibility of HR. Other people (from the functional department involved) should only have a minimal input. This ensures fairness and equal opportunities.
О Agree О Disagree

4 Most training programmes are a waste of time. You just put the handouts in a file and forget about them.
О Agree О Disagree

3 Listening

Task 1. Listen to the interview with a HR manager and do the following exercises.

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