Методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов 4 курса, обучающихся по программе бакалавриата

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пособие для 4 курса
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1 Fill in the missing letters.

  1. A list of all employees and how much each one earns is called the 'p..……..ll'.

  2. 'Equal opportunities' means making sure that everyone has the same chance to get a job or get promoted. One of the most common forms of 'disc……….ation' (= treating a certain type of person unfairly) is on the grounds of 'dis………..ty' (= a physical problem that makes someone unable to use a part of their body properly).

  1. Freelancers are often brought in to do jobs that were previously done 'i....-h…………..' (by employees of the company).

  1. The activity of discretely approaching employees of one company and asking them if they want to work for another is called 'h…….….ing'.

  2. A small group of job candidates who have gone through to the final interview stage is called the 's……………..'.

  3. Somebody's work history, and in particular their successes and failures, is called their 'tr…………….d'.

  4. The formal process by which an employee's performance is measured and discussed by a supervisor is called the 'a………………..l process'.

2 Put the HR activities on the right into the most appropriate category on the left.

Appraisal process: _____ _____

Training and development: _____ ______

Worker-management relations: _______ ______

  1. apprenticeship programs

  1. dealing with disciplinary issues

  1. identifying talent and rewarding performance

  1. health and safety

  1. coaching and mentoring programs

  1. getting suggestions for improving procedures

3 Complete each explanation with a pair of words from the box. The words may not be in the right order.

bonus / commission candidate / applicant coaching / mentoring employees / staff retirement / pension wage / salary

1 A …………………. is paid monthly, but a ……………………. is paid hourly, or by piece work.

2 A/An ……………… is one of the people being actively considered for a job, whereas
a/an …………………. has sent a completed form and CV but is not necessarily being considered.
3 …………………… is where an employee is “paired” with a more experienced employee who supervises and guides them; ……………………. is a more limited term, and is where someone is rained under active supervision to use a piece of equipment or carry out a particular process.

  1. The word ……………… refers to all the people who work in an organization; the word ……………… can have exactly the same meaning, but it can also refer just to non-managerial workers.

  1. If you receive a fixed percentage of every sale you make, you get a …………….; if you (or your team or your company) performs well, then at the end of the year you might get a ………………..

  1. Your ………………..is the period of your life after you stop working (eg after 65); your ………………….is the money you receive during this time (from the government, your company, or a private plan).

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