Методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов 4 курса, обучающихся по программе бакалавриата


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1 Answer these questions and make sure you understand what Writing Paper is about.
Does the report have a suitable structure?
Does it have an introduction, body and conclusion?
Does it include connective words to make the writing cohesive within sentences and paragraphs?
Does the report use suitable grammar and vocabulary?
Does it include a variety of sentence structures?
Does it include a range of appropriate vocabulary?
Does the report meet the requirements of the task?
Does it meet the word limit requirements?
Does it describe the whole graph adequately?
Does it focus on the important trends presented in the graphic information?

2 Compare the two samples of report writing, find the mistakes that make Sample A less successful in terms of structure, grammar, vocabulary and spelling. For more information on assessing a writing paper consult Appendix 7.

Sample A
The aim of this report is to summarise changes in sales forecasts for the three main products of Toller Electrical Ltd for the four quarters in next year.
It is clearly showed that TV's will contribute most to the company for the sales forecasets are the highest in three products every quarter. It will stand at 10 thousands in lst Qtr. Then it will have a steady increase to 15 thousands in 2nd Qtr. Before it will rise to the peak of 20 thousands in 4th Qtr, it will level off in 3rd Qtr.
In contrast, the sales forecast of fridges' trend is totally different. It is 5 thousands in 1st Qtr. Unfortunetly, it remains constant in next 3 quarters, while, the cookers' sales forecast is 5 thousands in 1st Qtr the same as fridges'. However, the cooker will increase steadily and reach the peak of 10 thousands in 2nd Qtr. Then it will has no chang in 3rd Qtr following a drop to 5 thousands the original position in 4th Qtr.
It is clearly concluded that trends of sales forecasts for next year of these products are different. It is good time to take measures to direct the trends in much bright way.
Band 2
This is close to a band 3, but there are a number of non-impeding errors. Also, there is a lack of control in the third paragraph, which would have a negative effect on the target reader. Therefore, it is awarded an upper band 2.

Sample B
Report on sales forecasts for Toller Electrical Ltd

The aim of this report is to compare the sales forecasts for three product areas for next year.

Unit sales of fridges are likely to remain at 5,000 during all four quarters of next year.
TV sales, on the other hand, will significantly increase during the second quarter from 10,000 to 15,000. Unit sales will remain at 15,000 during the third quarter and soar once again to 20,000 during the fourth quarter.
Unit sales of cookers, however, are likely to fluctuate, starting off at 5,000, sales will increase to 10,000 during the second and third quarter of next year, only to decrease to 5,000 unit sales during the fourth quarter.
It was concluded that TVs will be Toller Electrical Ltd's strongest product area in the following year.
Band 5
A very good answer, but a little lexical awkwardness prevents this being an upper band 5.

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