Методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов 4 курса, обучающихся по программе бакалавриата

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пособие для 4 курса

A Marketing: the importance of advertising slogans in promoting a brand or product

B Information management: the importance of keeping staff informed about company policies and plans

C Purchasing: how to achieve and maintain good relations with all suppliers

Part Two
You are given a discussion topic. You have 30 seconds to look at the task prompt, and then discuss the topic with your partner. After you have finished with the task, you will be asked some follow-on questions.
Your company is proposing to send a team of staff abroad for six months to set up an office and train local employees. You have been asked to make some recommendations for the project.

Discuss and decide together:

  • How to select appropriate staff to manage the project.

  • What preparation and advice the staff would need before leaving.

  • How to maintain effective communication between the new office and the company headquarters.

Follow-on Questions
1 What advantages would there be in working abroad for a short period of time?
2 What kind of problems could staff encounter working abroad?
3 How can people get information while they are working abroad?
4 What effect does the increase in international contacts have on the way companies operate? (Why?)
5 How important is it for businesses to have their own offices abroad? (Why?/Why not?)


1. Academic Vocabulary
Research and Study Aims

A Expressing aims




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