А. П. Голубев, Н. В. Балюк, И. Б. Смирнова

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Answer the following questions: 
Where is Washington, DC situated? 
Why is the city unique? 
When did the government move to Washington, DC? 
Where is the official residence of the President of the USA situated? 
What is the Capitol? 
How many chambers are there in the Congress? 
Why aren’t there any skyscrapers in Washington, DC? 
What is the population of the city? 
Is there any industry in Washington, DC? 
What are the main attractions of the city? 
Find in the text the sentences with the predicate in the Passive Voice. 
Transform the Passive Voice into the Active Voice where possible. 
Find in the text the sentences containing the Complex Object. 
Translate into English. 
Вашингтон, Колумбия округі, — америкалық өлшемдер бойынша 
өте ірі қала емес. Онда 900 мыңға жуық адам тұрады. Бұл қызықты 
жерлері мен көрікті жерлері көп өте әдемі қала, олардың бастылары – 
Ақ үй мен Капитолий. Ақ үй Құрама Штаттар президентінің ресми 
резиденциясы болып табылады, онда президент өз отбасымен тұрады, 
жұмыс істейді және ресми қабылдаулар ұйымдастырады. Капитолий – 
ел парламентінің отыратын орны. Америкалық парламент екі палатадан 
– өкілдер палатасынан және сенаттан тұрады. Капитолийдің негізін 
АҚШ-тың бірінші президенті Джордж Вашингтон 1790 жылы қалаған 

Make up the outline of the text. 
Retell the text using the outline. 
T e x t 4 
New York 
New York, or the Big Apple, as the Americans often call it, is the largest 
city in the USA and in the whole world. It stands in the mouth of the Hudson 
River. The people of New York City (NYC) live within five boroughs of 
Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island. Manhattan 
Island, the oldest part of the city, was bought from the Native Americans for 
the amount of goods worth $ 26. 
Now it is one of the busiest financial and cultural centre in the world, 
offering the visitors a unique collection of experiences and attractions. There 
is a wide choice of internationally acclaimed theatres, restaurants and 
museums, historic parks and churches. 
Manhattan is also a district of business and finance. In Wall Street there 
are offices of large companies and banks, as well as New York Stock 
Exchange, which dominates the business life of the whole world. New York 
is an international city. On the map of Manhattan one can find Little Italy 
with the Italian restaurants and its own way of life, Brighton Beach, where 
the immigrants from the former Soviet Union live and Chinatown, inhabited 
by the Chinese. NY is also famous for its fine department stores and 
boutiques. In the evening you can enjoy one of its many nightclubs, the 
ballet, opera, a show or concert. Broadway is the centre of nightlife. It is the 
longest street in New York with many sights. 
The best way to go around NY is on foot. One word applies to driving 
your own car in Manhattan: don’t! Streets are jammed and the parking is 
scarce and astronomically expensive. However, NYC is a paradise for 
walkers, who enjoy the finest window shopping and people-watching. When 
proper caution is exercised, most areas are safe. It is best to use well-lighted, 
busy streets at night. You can also travel anywhere you want by subway and 
buses. Subway, though rather inattractive and not so well organized as in 
Moscow, runs 24 hours a day. The fare is $ 1.50 for a single journey, payable 
with tokens. Free bus and subway system maps are available from hotels, 
tourist information centres and subway stations. 
However one gets around New York, it is important to know some basic 
geography: Fifth Avenue divides the city between East and West. Street 
numbers begin at Fifth Avenue, so Two W. (west) 57th Street is just a few 
steps to the west of the Fifth Avenue, while Two E. (east) 57th Street is just 
to the east. Most streets in Manhattan are one-way. With a few exceptions, 
traffic on even-numbered streets travels east, and traffic on odd-numbered 
streets travels west. To New Yorkers, “downtown” does not connote the city 
centre. Rather, “downtown” simply means “south” and “uptown” means 

Americans often call New York 
Manhattan Island is
The Stock Exchange dominates 
Broadway is famous for its 
Streets in New York are
In New York you can travel 
anywhere you want
You can get free bus and
subway system maps
Traffic on even-numbered streets 
travels east, 
and traffic on odd-numbered 
streets travels west.
from hotels, tourist information 
centres and subway stations. 
the Big Apple. 
the financial life of the whole 
nightclubs, opera houses, shows 
and concerts.
by subway and buses. and the 
parking is scarce and
astronomically expensive. the 
oldest part of the city. 
Thousands of tourists come to New York every day to see the Statue of 
Liberty, which is situated on Liberty Island and is a symbol of American 
democracy. It has a torch of Freedom in her right hand. 
New York is famous for its skyscrapers, among which are the Chrys- ler 
Building and the Empire State Building. 
The unprecedented terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 disguised the 
face of New York. Two twin towers, which used to form the World Trade 
Centre, were destroyed as the result of the planes crash. This was the tragic 
day for the people of the USA and for the whole world. Two towers were in 
ruins in the matter of minutes. The life of the big city was paralyzed 
completely for more than a month. Now the WTC is under reconstruction. 

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