Пән Ағылшын тілі

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Ағылшын тілі





Lesson 3. Children at work


Мамандық таңдауда дағды, икем, қабілеттің алатын орны, еңбекке ерте араласқан балалар туралы пікірлесу,Participle-ды қолдануды үйрету, жаңа сөздікпен таныстыру


Шығармашылық жұмыстарды орындау ақылы оқушының сөйлеу мәденитетін қалыптастыру, қолдану. Оқушылардың коммуникативтік қабілетін дамыту,бірлескен жұмысқа тарту.

Күтілетін нәтиже

Participle-ды ажыратады және қолданады;сұрақ қойып, оған жауап береді, мамандық түрлерін таңдауға қажетті дағды, қабілет туралы әңгімелейді;жаңа сөздікті қолданады;мәтінді түсініп, тапсырманы орындайды

Түйінді түсінік

Ability, quality, skill


Сабақ кезеңдері,модуль

Мұғалімнің әрекеті

Тапсырма мазмұны

Оқушының әрекеті




Диалогтік, оқыту үшін бағалау

I Organization moment

a) greeting

b) duties’ report

II Checking up the home assignment

III The golden rules:

1 Be active

2 First think then speak.

Join other pair.Ask and answer the six questions

Ex:8 p:161

Pupils greet the teacher

Ex 8 p.161

оқыту үшін бағалау

оқулық «Ағылшын тілі»

Аяпова Т


Диалогтық оқыту, АКТ.

New words:

Check that students understand the verb to tangle




Repeat after me.

Match the definations with the new words.

Ex:5 p:166

Match the definations with the new words.

Words from

the text















Become disordered

Make wrong use of

Regular rise in the level of the sea

Pull (with force)



Place for keeping things

Exhausting or severe

A platform built to extend from land out over water


Work hard

 Students perform the task.

Students answer the question.

оқулық ,

интерактивті тақта

Негізгі бөлім

АКТ, талантты және дарынды балаларды оқыту, оқушылардың жас ерекшеліктеріне сәйкес оқыту, Сыни тұрғыдан ойлауға үйрету,оқыту мен оқудағы жаңа тәсілдер,оқыту үшін бағалау .

Work in small groups

Let’s divided into three groups.(To divide students into 3 groups, used coloured notes)

Make up the flipchart with proffessions and abilities which they need
Make up dialogue with your partner.
Read the text and say what the text is going to be about

Task 1. What abilities, qualities, skills do people of the following professions need?

1 group- a doctor

2 group- a teacher

3 group- a pilot

Task 2. Work with another student.Ask him/her the questions on the questionaire and notе his/her answers.

Task 3. Read the text: “Lost childhood, lost future” and answer the questions in your group

1 group- What does Bounali do during 10 hours a


2 group- Do you think Yuliagi should try to

escape his fishing pier? Why or why not?

3 group- Why is difficult labour especially bad for

kids? How could you help them?

Students do this task on the flipchart.

One student from each group reports their flipchart.

Students compare their answers with other students in the class.

One student from each group reports their answers.

Leader of group complete the table with marks.

Оқыту үшін бағалау,топта бағалау,өзара бағалау.


интерактивті тақта


АКТ, талантты және дарынды балаларды оқыту, оқушылардың жас ерекшеліктеріне сәйкес оқыту.

Work in small groups

Well students lets speak about the most important job.

Work with cards.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs: do, get, have, make

Conclusion of lesson.

Film about child’s labour

What have you learned from this lesson?

Home task: Ex:6 p 166. Write how might a childhood labour affect a person when he is an adult.

Give a short speech about the job. Use the headings to make notes for your speech

1)The present pay and conditions of the job

2)The qualifications,skills and personal qualities needed.

3)The imporatance of the job for society.

4)Why the other jobs are less important.

5)What pay and conditions the job should have.

Well lets do the next task. Put the correct verb into the space: do, get, have, make.

  1. She always wanted to _______ a career in law.

  2. After she __________ her exam, she ________ a job in a small company.

  3. Within six months she _________ promotion.

  4. Now she _____________ a lot of money, but one day she wants to _________ her own business.

  5. As soon as I _________ home, I ________ my homework.

  6. I often _________ mistakes, of course, but I always _________ my best.I never work for too long.

  7. I like to _________ some free time to relax.

Child’s labour”.

Discuss in groups. Do children work in our country? Would you like to work if you could?

Students give the short speech about professions.
Students work with cards.

Students watch film about Child’s work and discuss it.

At the end of the lesson students make reflection.

Leader of group complete the table with marks.

Өзін өзі бағалау

оқулық ,

интерактивті тақта,


балалар еңбегі туралы фильм

Questionnaire, which allows to realize self-awareness, give qualitative and quantitative estimation lesson

1. On the lesson I worked

2. With my work on lesson I

3. Lesson for me was shown

4. For the lesson I

5. My mood

6. Material of the lesson to me was

7. Home task for me seem

actively / passive

complacent / not complacent

short / long

has not tired / has tired

became better / became worse

comprehensible / not comprehensible

useful / useless

interesting / congested

light / difficult

interesting / not interesting

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