Long term plan unit: Values
School: №21
Teacher name: Аязханова К
Grade: 5
Number present:
Lesson title: Family relationships
objective(s) that
this lesson is
contributing to
5. W4 write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information.
5. R3 understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics.
5.C6 organise and present information clearly to others
Lesson objectives
All learners will be able to:
Most learners will be able to:
Understand the main idea and specific details of the text
Some learners will be able to:
Write and speak about own family
Level of thinking
Understanding and application
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria:
Write sentences applying topical vocabulary to give basic personal information
Recognize factual details in a given argument related to the topic.
Organise information logically;
Language objectives
Skills development:
To speak about family members
Key words: • granddad – grandma • dad – mum
• brother – sister • uncle – aunt
• niece – nephew • son – daughter
• father-in-law – mother-in-law
• husband – wife • cousin – cousin
Discussion points:
-How many people are there in your family?
-What is your ………..’s name?
Vаlue links
Kazakh patriotism and civil responsibility, respect, cooperation, transparency
Cross curricular links
Kazakh, Self-knowledge
Previous learning
Find pairs that have similar meanings:
Amazing, people, die out, nature around us, make, unhealthy food, forecast, to damage, pollute, disappear, predict, environment, create, junk food, human beings, wonderful
Key: Amazing – Wonderful People - Human beings Die out - Disappear
Nature around us – Environment Make - Create
Unhealthy food - Junk food Forecast – Predict To damage - Pollute
Planned timing
Planned activities
10 min
I. Organization moment
Teacher greets with the students and check their attendance.
Warming up: “Telephone game”. Teacher whispers a sentence to the first learner in a line. Learners must then repeat the sentence to the next learner in line and on down the line. The last learner in line will say out loud the sentence as he/she heard it. The first learner in line will either agree or disagree with the sentence.
II. Divide the students into two groups.
Students count one to three.
1st group
2nd group
3rd group
III. Brainstorming.
Solve the rebus and get the word. Learners solve this rebus.
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