Английский язык Пособие для поступающих в магистратуру, докторантуру, резидентуру и адъюнктуру

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Magistr 2008-2018 (копия)

Слушание 2013

1 Text 1
English is a world language. It is the language of science, trade and cultural relations, commerce, business, diplomacy and sports. English is a first language in 12 countries. Number of speakers is 350 mln. It is the official language of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the United States of America, of Australia and New Zealand. English is used as one of the official languages in Canada, the Republic of South Africa and the Irish Republic. People use English as the second language in 33 countries. Number of speakers in many parts of India and Africa is 400 mln. People study English as a foreign language in 56 countries. In our country English is very popular. It is studied at schools, colleges and universities. People need English to socialize with foreigners, to use the Internet, to know foreign countries, their cultures and peoples.
The 10 most frequent words in English are "the; of; and; a; to; in; is; you; it; that". The 10 most studied foreign languages are: English, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Arabic, German, Chinese, Japanese and Turkish.

According to the text, what are the most frequent words in English?The, and, to, in, is
According to the text, what is the number of English speakers in the countries where Enqlish is the first language?350 mln
According to the text, which of the following is true about English?Many people are interested in learning it
English is the first language in ....12 countries
People use English as the second language in ... .33 countries.
What foreign languages are the most studied?English, French, Spanich.
What sphere of the English language's usage isn't mentioned in the text?agriculture

Text 2
Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill was born at Blenheim Palace on St.Andrew's Day, 30 November 1874. His father, Lord Randolph Churchill, was a younger son of the Duke of Marlborough. His mother, Jennie Jerome, was the daughter of an American business tycoon.
Winston's childhood was privileged but not particularly happy. Like many Victorian parents, Lord and Lady Randolph Churchill were distant figures. Letters from his schooldays reveal a wilful and somewhat rebellious little boy.
In 1895 Churchill graduated from Sandhurst. He travelled to the United States and Cuba.
His adventures continued in 1899 when he sailed to South Africa as a correspondent of the Morning Post to cover the Boer War. He was captured and spent his twenty-fifth birthday as a prisoner of war, before escaping and making his way across the enemy lines to Durban.
Churchill was first elected to Parliament in 1900, shortly before the death of Queen Victoria.
In 1908 Churchill married Clementine Hozier, granddaughter of the 10th Earl of Airlie. They had five children, four of whom survived into adulthood. The marriage was long and happy, though there were quarrels.
Clementine Hozier, granddaughter of the____Earl of Airlie?10th
His father, Lord Randolph Churchill was of the Duke of Marlborough.A younger son
What's the aim of his going to South Africa?to cover the Boer War
When did Churchill graduate from Sandhurst?1895
When did his adventures continue? 1899
Where did he sail to? South Africa
Whеre did he travel?The USA and Cuba
Text 3
'AGFLATION' RAISES GRAIN PRICES, BUT NOT CORN ETHANOL This is the VOA Special English Economics Report.
Right now, many people around the world are feeling the pain of «agflation.» Agricultural inflation has been hitting the price of grains and other products. Food prices have risen under pressure from energy costs and growing world demand for food, as well as local problems like the weather. In the United States, grain prices are reaching historic highs. And supplies have dropped to lows not seen since the nineteen seventies. For one of America's leading crops, the growing use of corn to make fuel has driven up the price. The government has strongly supported ethanol production. In two thousand five, Congress set a national goal of using twenty-eight billion liters of ethanol a year by two thousand twelve. President Bush and Congress have since expanded that goal. As a result, farmers are planting more corn. But more hectares of maize for ethanol mean fewer hectares for crops like soybeans. Meat producers now have to pay more for soybeans because there is less available for animal feed. This is how corn-based ethanol affects the price of meat products. Rising grain prices could signal a change for agricultural commodities around the world. For years, developing countries have opposed government support for farmers in wealthy nations. They make the case that farm subsidies drive down prices for agricultural products, hurting poor farmers. Subsidies have been one of the major disputes limiting progress in the Doha development round of world trade talks. Now, there is worry that the increasing demand for food could drive prices too high, hurting the buying power of the world's poor. Many developing countries have a growing middle class. More people than ever have money to buy high-value agricultural products like meat and milk. In China, for example, Premier Wen Jiabao has called for increased milk production. More milking cows means the need for more feed. Yet prices are not rising for all agriculture- based products. In the United States, while the price of corn remains high, it has not affected ethanol prices. In fact, in recent months, those prices have dropped about thirty percent. Production has expanded faster than demand, so now there is a big oversupply of ethanol. And that's the VOA Special English Economics Report, written by Mario Ritter. Transcripts and archives of our broadcasts are at voaspecialenglish.com. I'm Steve Ember.

By whom was this VOA Special English Education Report written?Mario Ritter
Congress set a national goal of using twenty-eight billion liters of ethanol a year by...two thousand twelve
Many developing countries have a ... .growing middle class
The government has strongly supported ... production. ethanol
What is Wen Jiabao?Premier
What kind of worry is there about the prices?The increasing demand for food could drive prices too high.
When did Congress set a national goal of using twenty-eight billion liters of ethanol a year by two thousand twelve?In two thousand five
Whо has strongly supported ethanol production?government
Text 4

When baby Thomas James Ellis grows up, he will have a great story to tell his grandchildren about the day he was born.
On Tuesday 6 January 2004, Thomas was born several weeks early on a Flying Doctor aircraft as it landed at Tamworth Airport. Thomas' parents, Genienne and James Ellis, live in the outback, a long way from any towns.
"This is the third time the Flying Doctors have come to my aid. It's a wonderful organization and I don't know what I would have done without them", Genienne said.
The Flying Doctor service started in 1928. It was the idea of Reverend John Flynn, a church minister who was working in the Australian outback. He had manystoriestotell about how necessary an aerial medical service was, including one about Jimmy Darcy. Jimmy had a bad fall, and it took his friends twelve hours to take him thirty miles to the nearest town. The only person there who knew first aid was the Postmaster, and he performed a seven-hour operation without an anaesthesia, following instructions in Morse-code from his first aid teacher, who was 2,000 miles away. Unfortunately, Jimmy died ten days later.
In May 1928, Dr St Vincent Welch made the first official flying doctor visit. In the following year he saw 255 patients. He had no radio, and used a compass and landmarks like rivers and fences to find his way. Nowadays the Royal Flying Doctor Service has forty-six planes, attends about 500 patients each day and services an area of 7,150,000 square kilometers. The service is available twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year. Modern technology is also available: the doctors have digital cameras and video conferencing facilities. However, a pilot might still, need the help of ordinary people on the ground when he is landing the plane in the outback: sometimes he asks them to do a 'roo run', which means driving up and down the landing area to frighten off kangaroos and otherwild animals!
People who have never been to Australia have often heard of the Flying Doctors. In the 1980s a TV series was made about them, and shown in fifty countries. Also, next time you have an Australian $20 note, look more closely - the Flying Doctors and their founder, John Flynn, are on one 'face' of the note.
1928 refers to.the year that the Flying Doctors started
A seven-hour operation without an anaesthesia was done by.the Postmaster
Genienne _____ the Flying Doctors organization.likes
In the sentence "He had many stories to tell about how necessary an aerial medical service was, including one about Jimmy Darcy" the word 'one refers to:story
The pronoun 'them' in the sentence "A pilot might need the help of people on the ground when he's landing the plane: sometimes he т to frighten off kangaroos, wild animals" refers to:people on the ground :
Thomas' parents live______ far from towns
What does the number 24 refer to?the number of hours per day that the Flying Doctors service is available
What does the number '3' refer to? the number of times that the Flying Doctors have helped Genienne Ellis

Text 5
Right, can I have your attention, please? Good morning to you all. My name is David Hudson, the Director of Studies. I'm going to speak slowly and clearly so that you can all understand me, but if you don't, don't worry, as you can ask any questions when I've finished. First, I'd like to welcome all to the Cambridge Language school. We are very happy that you have chosen to study here with us, and we will do all we can to help you enjoy your time with us, and of course to help you learn as much English as possible. Now, all of you have met your host families. If any of you have got a problem with your family, please go and talk to the accommodation officer, Sharon Black, this afternoon. Her office is next to the reception area, on the left, and she will be there all afternoon from one o'clock till five o'clock. Now in a few moments, you're going to do a short written placement test which will start at 9.30 here in a main hall. This test is so that we can find out what your level of English is. Then there'll be a coffee break at half past ten, and after the break we'll tell you which class you are in and the name of your teacher. Your first class will start at eleven o'clock.
Lunch will be at 1.30 in the canteen, which is on the ground floor and then this afternoon, for those of you who want to go, there is an optional tour of Cambridge for all students, and you'll be visiting some of the university colleges. So if you want to go on the tour, please be outside the main gate of the school at 2.45 where your tour guide, Kevin, will be waiting for you. The tour will start at 3.00 on the dot, so don't be late. If anybody has any questions about anything, you can either ask me now or speak to your teacher. And if you have any questions during the course, my office is on the first floor and the door's always open. So, now it's time for your level test...
Choose the correct answer:What floor is the canteen?On the ground floor.
What is David Hudson?The director of Studies.
What language school does David Hudson manage?Cambridge Language School.
What language will the students learn?English.
When will the tour start?At 3.00 on the dot.
When will their first class start?At 11 o'clock.
Where should the students who want to go to the tour meet their tour guide?Outside the main gate of the school.

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