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Слушание 2014
Text 1
In England the national drink isE) Beer
The word «pub” itself is an abbreviation ofE) «Public house”
At pubs it is normal to buy_C) One's own drinks
The «regulars” become members of a «family” butB)relationships often do not extend
The pub becomes a virtual extension _ .B) because of the low quality housing many people live
The most popular place in England is.D)the Pub
The «pub” is the place C) men, women go to drink
Englishmen (and women) go to pubs to drinkE) Some beer
Text 2
Stephene Breitweiser hid the stolen paintings from the museumB) under his coa
Altogether Mireille destroyed art worth dollars.D) two billion
Stephene Breitweiser was the greatest in Europe.C) art theif
Mireille, 53, was Stephene’sC) mother
Mireille was angry to Stephen© so.A) she cut the paintings into small pieces
One day while they were having supper, the police arrived and took him to the police station because .C) he stole 239 paintings from museums
Stephene Breitweiser filled____ his with priceless works of art.E) bedroom
Time when Stephene went into the museums to steal paintings:C) the museums just were closing
Text 3
Two women sing love songs to each other in pantomime because.C) the handsome prince is always played by a woman
Schoolchildren can see pantomime in BritainA) During their winter holiday
Who can see a pantomime?B) parents and schoolchildren
The story of a pantomime is alwaysA) well-known
When does a winter show begin?D) late November or early December
In Britain pantomime is «mime».B) different from
Which of the following stories is not mentioned in the text as popular with most children all over the world?E) «Walt Disney»
Who is Walt Disney?B) A film-maker
Text 4
According to the text, studies have shown that there are actually on Friday the 13th.E) Fewer accidents
Which of the following logical misconceptionsis committed by the man who loses his wallet and blames Friday thel3th?A)Post hoc, characterized by the argument in which two sequential events are said to be causally related, but this is not actually the case; the arguer wrongly concludes that the earlier event cause the later. That is, correlation isn’t the same thing as causation.
If a friggatriskaidekaphobic loses his wallet on Tuesday the 21st he would probably any meaning to the date on which this event occurred.E) Not assign
Which of the following pieces of evidence, if true, would best support the author’s argument in the textA) Studies performed in the United Kingdom reveal that significantly fewer people choose to drive their cars to work on Friday the 13th
While the historical or discussed earlier may have something to
do with this belief, people may also use associational links to justify their superstitions.C) Folk traditions
If people are accidents___ on Friday the 13th, then there are likely to be fewerA) More cautious
This passage is most likely an excerpt fromD) The conclusion of a longer work thatanalyzesevidence about the superstition of Friday the 13th
Based on information in the passage, it can be inferred that an earlier section of this passage likelyE) provided some explanations about why people might fear Friday the 13th and introduced the term «friggatriskaidekaphobia"

Cлушание 2014 2 вариант

Text 1

What other leisure facilities are there any in the hotel?A) a spa and health centre with a pool and Jacuzzi

Where is the hotel locatedB) in the centre of Sweden
The hotel was not chosen because_____C) it is far from Stockholm
Do they choose the Skogshem Conference Centre?C) Yes, it is quite comfortable and close to Stockholm
Do they choose the hotel?E) No, it is far from Stockholm
It takes____ to get to the centre of Liding from the Skogshem Conference Center.C) 35 minutes
What is the correct spelling of the hotel name?D}B-l- double L-l-N-G-E-H-U-S
All Skogshem Conference Centre meeting rooms are equipped withC) ISDN, TV and video, projectors, computers and Internet
Text 2
What was the reason of Tom’s and his uncle’s meeting?B) Because of uncle's illness.
Why did Uncle Philip leave this box to Tom?D) He wanted Tom to remember his Uncle.
The Uncle’s box also containsC) dynamite
Uncle Philip carried out his research in .E) Chemistry
What did Uncle Philip ask Tom to do before opening the box?E) To read the letter.
What was Uncle Philip’s achievement in this field?E) Received the Nobel Prize.
What did Tom do with great fortune?B) Tom could think of nothing butthe box and the fortune
What did he decide to leave to Tom?D) All his fortune.

Text 3
Populars” newspapers are calledC) Small-sized newspapers

How many are national papers published on Sundays?A) Nine
What kind of materials do these newspapers concentrate on?B) The Royal Family
The Sun and The Daily Star- concentrate onB) more emotive reporting of stories
The editors of papers usually allowed to considerateD) Freedom of expression
Newspapers with political bias areE) The Daily Telegraph, the Daily Express
Quality” newspapers report about .A) major national and international events
Papers usually reflect Conservative opinionsE)The Daily Express and The Sun

Text 4
The strange little flower was called after him as people thought thatB) The lad had turned into the flower

According to the text the lad was looking for the friends, sawB) the fountain
According to the text the lad wasC) Handsome
The lad had been hunting and he_E) lost sight of his friends
What kind of day was it?A) Hot
Where did the lad see his reflection?D) In the fountain
Who is the main character of the story?D) A young boy
Whom do we call Narcissus?A) People who like themselves

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