Английский язык Пособие для поступающих в магистратуру, докторантуру, резидентуру и адъюнктуру

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Magistr 2008-2018 (копия)

Слушание 2012

Text 1
How did she pay for her tuition?She gave music lessons.

How old was Blackwell when she emigrated to New York City? 10
What century did she live?the nineteenth century
What did she want to become? a doctor.
What fact impeded Elizabeth to become a doctor?She was a woman.
When was she bom?in 1821.
Where was Elizabeth Blackwell born?in England.
Why couldn’t Elizabeth Blackwell realize her dream of becoming a surgeon?A serious eye infection halted her quest.

Text 2

After the concert the instruments are turned into ...soup
Henley Music Festival takes place...In Great Britain
How many vegetables do they use for one concert?40 kilos
In this orchestra a flute is made of...a carrot
The Henley Music Festival takes place in ... July
The vegetable instruments are used ...only once
The vegetables in Britain tend to be... than in Vienna.larger
This Festival is held for funs of...experimental music
This text is about...Vegetable orchestra
What conditions are needed for producing vegetable instruments?humid
What is the easiest instrument made from vegetables according to the text? Flute
What is the main concept of this orchestra?you can make sounds with anything
When do they make their instruments?an hour before the concert
Where do people make instruments out of old cars?Africa
Why is the Orchestra called «Vegetable”?all instruments are made from vegetables

Text 3
Dolphins like to... be loved and play

The question about dolphins was raised in...Travel programme
Even cynical person would be hard pressed ...not to appreciate these animals
How much does the dolphin hug cost?$135 for 30 minutes
Hugging a dolphin is an excellent activity...to lower the stress levels
One fellow visitor said that meeting with the dolphins.made her look at her life in a different way
The dolphins jump, whistle and click ...to attract your attention
The skin of dolphins is ...smooth
There is a proper protocol for ... a dolphin.meeting
What must you give the dolphins when you want to enter their space?hand signals
Where did the speaker find the Dolphin Quest?On the Island of Bermuda
Where is the platform for watching the dolphins situated?just under the water
You can feed dolphins with ... fish
You can get close to the dolphins even if you are not...a swimmer
Text 4
Anita Roddick is the founder of...The Body Shop
At the programm she appeared with her...mother
Crossing the busy road she...acted as if being confused
How many old people are in Britain?more than 10 million
How old is she?62
In modem society people seem to be judged on the basis of....their economic productivity
In our modem world of fast communications and busy urban lifestyles, I concluded, we seem to have lost.the art of kindness
In what country are old people treated with more respect in comparison with Britain?in Sweden
Native Americans call their old people...elder
ow many old people are there in Britain? more than 10 million
The word «elders” denotes ...wisdom
There is a debate in Britain...how to call old people
What company made her to be an old woman ? Discovery Europe
What have we lost in our modern world? kindness
What is the problem raised in this text?attitude to old people
What was she carrying?two shopping bags
When she was dressed as an old woman people...didn’t notice her

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