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scientific and technological progress, educational programs

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scientific and technological progress, educational programs.
In the 21st century, the term “technology" is an important issue in many areas, including 
education. This is due to the fact, that technology has become the backbone of knowledge transfer 
in most countries. The integration of technology has now gone through innovation and transformed 
our societies, completely changing the way people think, work, and live. As part of this, schools and 
other educational institutions, that are supposed to prepare students for life in the “knowledge 
society”, should take into account the integration of ICT in their curriculum. Educational 
technology tools, such as computers, testing software, data collection and analysis software, digital 
microscopes, hypermedia/multimedia, student response systems, and interactive whiteboards, can 
help students actively participate in acquiring scientific knowledge and developing the nature of 
science and research in the subject of chemistry. When educational technology tools are used 
appropriately and effectively in science classrooms, students actively participate in building their 
knowledge and improving their thinking and problem-solving skills.
Currently, many new educational technology tools are available to science teachers. 
However, integrating technology into learning is still a challenge for most teachers. Existing 
research shows, that technology integration is a long-term process that requires commitment. The 
purpose of this article: is to show, that there are data, proving, that information technologies and 
tools are a good tool for acquiring and assimilating knowledge on the subject of chemistry in 
educational institutions.
Computers and the Internet are positioned, as capable means of empowering users to make 
changes and improvements in the field of education by using different information and resources 
and analyzing information from different perspectives; therefore, cultivating the credibility and 
relevance of educational situations. ICTs help simplify the understanding of complex things through 
simulations, that once again complement real-world learning situations. Therefore, ICTs can 
promote dynamic learning and higher-order thinking.

To improve the academic performance of students, it is necessary to move from traditional 
teaching methods to modern teaching methods. Computer-based learning is space-and time-
independent, allowing students to complete the program at home or on a school computer. It 
promotes interactivity, which individualizes content for each student according to their needs, and 
provides formative feedback on multiple-choice questions. ICT improves learning speed, when 
students can learn more materials at the same time, as regular students. In addition, students who 
receive instructions using ICTs, continue to learn better. The problem of low student achievement 
torments the education system from the primary school level to the university level. This problem 
wastes human potential and educational opportunities. The results of the study confirm the 
effectiveness of ICT in teaching chemistry and also predict that ICT-based learning is better than 
the traditional approach to learning. In addition to improving academic performance, the results of 
the study will increase the interest and retention of students in the field of chemistry [1]. 
In the field of chemical education, ICTs can provide solutions to many problems, related to 
chemical education, and, thus, contribute to improving the quality of chemical education in 
chemistry. Traditional classroom teaching, as we know, is mainly a method of talking and chalk. In 
addition, the teacher is also pressured, to finish the curriculum on time, even if the teacher wants his 
students to gain a deep understanding of the subject. Advanced knowledge of information and 
communication technologies, with a particular focus on tools and methods, is used in teaching 
chemistry at the junior and senior secondary school levels. The traditional chalk-and-talk method 
could not help solve the learner's problem, and, hence, the need for ICT as a tool can improve 
knowledge, as well as the learning experience. There are many concepts, that can be used to 
describe the motivational aspect of science teaching and learning. Computers have been used in 
education in many ways since the very beginning of their history. Several ways of analyzing the use 
of computers and ICTs in education determine the importance of the same things. Any particular 
technology is often considered as a specific tool for the more efficient performance of its task [2].
There are many topics that can be covered with computer programs for teaching chemistry. 
For example, and rotations substances; optimization 3D structure; tautomeric forms; and automatic 
renumbering calculate molar refractive power, surface tension, refractive index, density, 
polarizability and dielectric constant; and import and export of molecules; transformations the 2D to 
3D; the preliminary form of the periodic table; with the structure of carbohydrates; with the 
structure of fullerenes and other larger molecules; editing the structure of the molecule, etc.[2, c. 
ICTs increase the efficiency of teachers' work and can reduce the time spent by teachers on 
administrative tasks. It is important for both students and teachers to regularly use ICT in their 
lessons. Students develop higher-order thinking skills in learning environments where ICT is used. 
In addition, a study by Rusek M., Stбrkovб D., Chytrэ V., Bнlek M. showed that students at 
school have high hopes for the integration of ICT in classrooms, since a new generation is born and 
grows using technology and can be defined as a phenomenon of digital origin.The younger students 
are the higher their expectations for integrating ICT in the classroom. It also proved that the 
integration of ICTs mainly depends on personal factors, which are defined as self-perception. This 
study also shows, that the adoption of ICTs by teachers and students in and out of the classroom, 
results in both being more likely to use technology outside of the classroom. They found, that 
barriers to ICT integration in the classroom are teachers ' confidence, competence, and attitude, 
which reduces the percentage of ICT integration [3].
The results of the study of Zagorsky V.V., Davydova N.A., Menyailova V.V., and Petrova 
E.P. show that chemistry education based on technology is more effective compared to traditional 
classes. This is because the use of ICT tools and equipment creates an active learning environment 
that will be more interesting and effective for both teachers and students.The results correspond to 
the results of a study by Vorobyova O.V., which proved that the use of ICT in chemistry teaching 
will improve students' skills on topics such as the structure of a chemical substance and scientific 
experiments that can be performed differently than it used to be in laboratories, exposing students to 
danger from interaction with chemicals, but now chemical experiments can be performed on 

specialized programs that do not give any risks if students suddenly do not follow safety 
precautions during a chemical experiment.In addition, most teachers in this study agree, that ICTs 
help improves classroom management, as students behave well and are more focused. Moreover, 
this study proved that students learn more effectively using ICTs because the lessons developed are 
more fun and interesting. Accordingly, the participants agreed, that the integration of ICT can 
contribute to the best possible learning of students in chemistry classes [4, 5].
Results of the study Zhou Q., Hu J., Gao S. show, that the use of the Internet in teaching and 
learning chemistry in secondary schools, had a positive effect on the assimilation of knowledge 
since teachers themselves have a positive attitude to the use of ICT in teaching and learning. 
However, another study showed that the process of introducing ICT in chemistry teaching is largely 
dependent on teachers. Так, For example, not all teachers know the use of ICTs in teaching and 
learning, or some teachers have not yet sufficiently integrated ICTs into teaching and learning, as 
teachers ' knowledge of ICTs and network technologies is very limited. However, the effectiveness 
of teachers in schools changes as the length of service and age of teachers increases. This shows 
that the effectiveness of teachers decreases with increasing seniority and age, but somehow the 
decline and belief in effectiveness depending on the school's management. School management here 
means opportunities for peer interaction and the use of learning resources. Schools that could 
provide opportunities for teachers to reflect on teaching and learning with their colleagues, and for 
administrators and teachers - to collaborate and communicate, and support the use of learning 
resources. It follows from this study, that teachers ' belief in effectiveness depends on school 
management and culture. Therefore, if the school always introduces a culture of change, and 
teachers are always sent to training to improve their skills, then преподаваниеit will be easier to 
improve the integration of ICT in teaching in the classroom [6]. 
The study of teachers ' views on ICT, as well as their current level of ICT use, is of 
particular importance in ICT integration studies. The use of ICTs as an effective tool for student 
learning has generated a growing debate among educators and policymakers. Teachers, students, 
parents, and many others, interested in integrating technology, are often overwhelmed with 
providing and evaluating high-quality technology-based learning. ICTs play a central role in school-
community collaboration and in involving parents in the learning process. ICTs are widely 
promoted by central authorities as a teaching and learning tool, but there is still a significant 
implementation gap. ICTs are often recommended for competency assessment, but guidance 
documents rarely specify, how they should be applied. Teachers usually acquire ICT teaching skills 
as part of their primary education, but further professional development is less common [7].
To be able to effectively use ICTs in their lessons, teachers should:
* Be aware of its potential, 
* Choose tools and methods that meet the needs of students, 
* Effectively develop their teaching methods, 
* Develop new learning strategies,
* Know and apply classroom management rules to cope with problems arising in learning 
environments using technology [7, p.94].
The rapid development of ICTs has revolutionized the twenty-first century and has affected 
the needs of developed societies. ICTs are becoming increasingly important both in education and 
in our daily lives. The results of the reviewed studies have shown, that ICTs have a positive impact 
on students ' academic performance in the chemistry subject. Specialized applied chemistry 
programs are more compelling, effective, useful, and valuable in teaching chemistry at the 
secondary school level; therefore, it is suggested, that teachers use ICTs in teaching chemistry. 
Thus, пsoftware for drawing and visualizing a three-dimensional chemical structure, performing 
chemical experiments and other spectroscopic methods, the periodic table and organic chemistry, 
and other topics can significantly improve students ' knowledge of practical chemistry. However, so 
far in our country more attention is paid to theoretical knowledge, rather than experimental work, 
and ICTs can play a very important role in this problem. Technology initiatives can only be 
successful if they are compatible with the learning environment. Initiatives to effectively integrate 

technology into classroom learning should start with curriculum goals. This provides a consistent 
goal. ICT and improving teachers ' skills in using technology in their lessons should be adopted as a 
standard in all schools on a priority basis. 

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