«Қазіргі заманғы білім беруді дамыту тенденциялары: даму бағыттары, тәжірибе, мәселелер»

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sbornik 2016
физтех, Тарих-и-Рашиди. Книга 1 (Мирза Мухаммад Хайдар.) (z-lib.org)
Әдебиеттер тізімі: 
1. Н.Ә.Идирисова «Мектепке дейінгі педагогика» Қарағанды қаласы, 2011ж. 
2. М.Сансызбайқызы «Балдырғандарға арналған қызықты математикалық тапсырмалар». – 
А. «рауан» 1993ж. 
3. Р.Мәжитқызы «Қызықты математика» - А; 1996ж. 
4. ОүАлександрова «Математика для малышей». – Москва 2012ж.

Валл Е.Н. 
Детский сад «Акжаркын» 
Preschool age is especially favorable for the beginning of learning English: children of this age 
are particularly sensitive to linguistic phenomena, they have an interest in the understanding of his 
speech experience. They easily and firmly remember the small volume of linguistic material and 
reproduce it well. These favorable factors lose their power with age. 
Teaching kids is very difficult job that requires a very different methodological approach than 
teaching students and adults. If an adult speaks English, it does not mean that he can teach others. With 
preschoolers should work only experienced professionals. 
Leading psychologists and teachers have always stressed that the fact that communication is 
necessary for the formation of personality. An important role in the formation of communication skills 
plays the development of speech. Children, who have developed language skills, freely express their 
thoughts, feelings, can tell you about their emotional state, attitude to the world. 
Organized speech further facilitates the child's learning in school. Learning English helps in the 
formation of the native language, correct pronunciation, and introduces the child to the world of another 
culture like language and communication. In addition to communicative functions, English language 
teaching promotes memory, creative imagination, thinking, expanding horizons. When the language is 
naturally woven into the daily life of the child, he begins to use it in the game, communicating with 
others, which is a guarantee of successful language acquisition. 
Early learning preschoolers need to create a positive natural motivation. 
The lessons are organized in such a way as to gradually advance to active the speech of children 
in the form of proposals. Before children begin to communicate and speak in English, it is necessary 
that they successfully learned a lexical unit of language. Each lesson uses a variety of teaching 
techniques and skills and continuity of learning stages and the sequence of the introduction of linguistic 
material provides strength absorption of the material. 
The foundation of the entire course of study in kindergarten is learning vocabulary, which includes 
the following themes: "Animals", "Toys", "Colors of objects", "Count 20", "Verbs of motion", 
"Family", "Sports", "Transport", "My body", "Products" , "Seasons", "My house." 
When teaching preschool children English language using of tools bright colorful clarity, speaks 
at the first place. While vocabulary acquisition is more effective , when the child sees before him the 
toy, a colorful picture and he performs with it actions, as in this case, he does not need a permanent 
In the classroom you can use the following scheme for the activation of vocabulary: 
The teacher shows a picture or a toy and calls the words. Children chorus repeat, imitating the 
pronunciation. In the next phase, the teacher sends a toy or a picture to a child, prompting him to call 
a new word. Next job is the chain from child to child. With this form of work children are met at every 
lesson. The teacher, in addition to new vocabulary, monitors pronunciation, helps each child to ask the 
right tongue. The exercise ends with a choral work: children in chorus repeat after the teacher a new 
The game is great at enhancing the knowledge and method of teaching at which children 
accumulate a certain amount of English vocabulary, memorize a lot of poems, songs, rhymes, etc. 
This form of teaching creates favorable conditions for mastering linguistic and speaking skills. 
The opportunity to build on the gaming activity allows to provide a natural motivation speech in 
English, to make interesting and meaningful even the most basic statements. Game in learning English 
is not opposed to educational activity, but organically linked with it. 
In the preschool years when learning the English language is a gradual development of the 
foundations of communicative competence, which is at an early stage of learning English includes the 
following aspects:1)the ability to correctly from a phonetic point of view, to repeat the English words 

after the teacher, a native speaker or a speaker, then there is a gradual formation of auditory attention, 
hearing and phonetic correct pronunciation;2)acquisition, consolidation and revitalization of the 
English vocabulary;3)mastery of a certain number of simple grammatical structures, the construction 
of coherent speech. 
The game is a leading activity of the preschool child. Despite the fact that on the children's game 
has been written very much, questions of the theory of it so complicated that a single classification of 
games still do not exist. 
The methodology of the direct educational activity should be built taking into account age and 
individual peculiarities of the structure of the linguistic abilities of children and encourage their 
Communication in English must be motivated and focused. You need to create in the child a 
positive mental attitude on the English speech. Way to create this positive motivation is the game. 
Game direct the educational activities should not be sporadic and isolated. You need to use of the 
through games technique, integrating other activities in the language learning process. 
Based on a game methodology is the creation of an imaginary situation and adoption of a child or 
a teacher of a role. 
Learning games are divided into situational, competitive, rhythm-music and art. 
To include situational role-playing games that model situations of communication on a particular 
occasion. Role play is a game activity, during which children act in certain roles, played various life 
situations, for example: buyer-seller, doctor-patient, the actor and his fan, etc. 
They, in turn, are divided into games of reproductive character when children reproduce a model, 
a standard dialog box, applying it to different situations and improvisational games that require the 
application and modification of various models. 
Standard dialogs, for example: 
1. Show me – when the teacher names the object, and the child must approach the card with the 
desired word and point to it. 
2. What's this?- The teacher shows the word, the children speak the words. 
3. What's missing?
4. What's doesn't belong?
5. "Magic mirror" - goal: the development of attention. The mirror fits children wearing masks of 
animals. In the magic mirror reflects some animals. Children should say who they see and in what 
quantity. For example: I see a dog. I see five dogs. 
To competitive are most of the games that promote the assimilation of vocabulary and literacy. 
They winner is the one who knows best the language material. 
It's all kinds of crossword puzzles, auctions, bench-printed games with the linguistic tasks, the 
execution of commands. Crossword puzzles can be on any theme: animals, fruits, vegetables, furniture, 
toys, etc. Commands are different. At the lessons children can play game: “Simon says” – the goal of 
this game is the development of cognitive interests. Children stand next to the teacher. The task of 
children is to execute the commands of the teacher. For example: Hands up! Sit down! Jump! Run! 
Etc. In the process of conducting this game uses a lexical material in different themes. 
Rhythm-music games is any kind of traditional game type of dances, songs and dancing with the 
selection of partners, which contribute not so much the mastery of communicative skills, how to 
improve the phonetic side of the question and the immersion in the spirit of the language, for example: 
“What's your name”, “I like my friends”, “Heard, shoulders, knees and toes” etc. 
Art, or creative games – this type of activity, standing on the border of games and artistic creativity, 
the path to which lies for a child through play. They, in turn, can be divided into: 
1. Dramatization (i.e., staging small skits in English) "In the woods" - example: in the woods meet 
a fox and a bear, and played a little dialogue (Hello! I'm fox. I can run. I like fish); "Red Riding Hood" 
and others. 
Usually the techniques of the theater are used every day for language learning. It played a variety 
of situations: dolls or other toys meet, greet each other, ask each other how someone called as someone, 
who lives where, what they like to do, describe yourself. 

2. Fine games such as graphic dictation, picture coloring etc. Coloring pictures, is soothing, not 
always meaningful, but a very common occupation. For example, you can show the finished image. 
While the child is engaged with a circuit, the teacher repeatedly repeats the word, calls details. Graphic 
dictation – example: the teacher says to children that what color, kids paint, and then compare the 
resulting image with that, which dictated to the teacher. 
3. Verbal-creative (collective writing small stories, rhymes selection), for example: 
– Взад-вперёд и сверху-вниз 
Утром с пастой чищу ...(teeth) 
– Так вкусно пахнет цвет у лип, 
Что облизнул свою я ...(lip) etc. 
Starting to learn English, the child has great desire to speak from the first minute in this language. 
In order to maintain this strong motivation to learn a language, you must maintain the original desire 
of the child to immediately enter into the communication process. It is the rhyme facilitates 
memorization of the initial unit required for communication phrases and complex for memorizing 
Rhyming plays a huge role as a means of developing children's speech and components such as 
breathing, diction, sound, pace, the ability to adjust the strength of the voice. Feature of the language 
of the verse is the presence of breaks in the rhyme twice more, than in prose. Reading rhymes helps to 
improve speech breathing, as it creates the conditions for adherence to the pauses. Following the pause 
appears expressive speech. The value of rhyme in the formation of expressiveness and emotion of the 
speech is enormous. Through reading rhymes, the child transmits different feelings and experiences, 
and therefore has to use tonal means. The rhyme strengthens not only arbitrary (meaningful) expressive 
speech. Sound repetition in the rhyme also helps produce correct pronunciation of individual sounds, 
The important role of rhymes is in the formation of diction, a clear utterance not only of sound, 
words, and phrases in General. The ordered repetition of certain sound features gives the rhyme to 
emphasize the rhythm, which contributes to the development of proper diction. 
Through reading rhymes by children is also moderate rate of speech. Regularity and rhythm of 
rhymes, close to children's perception of images develops the ability to retain words, phrases, facilitates 
rapid memorization, which in turn contributes to the development of such mental functions as memory. 
Do not be afraid to enter several rhymed texts or songs, and to pronounce or sing them out: the 
children and the teacher have fun. The kids wonder if the lesson verses and songs used reasonably: it 
is included in the overall plot, combined with a mobile game, appear together with a certain character, 
preceded by some organizational aspects. It is important that the accompanying movements were 
recognizable, clear, associated with certain poems and songs. 
On the border situational improvisational games and creative dramatization is an activity like 
improvisation on the theme of the famous tale, is already lost in established type. For example, the 
game the Turnip, which, depending on the number of players and the assimilation of new vocabulary, 
there are new characters and replicas.
Choosing or inventing a game to include in the lesson, observe the following rules: 
1. Before the game, answer the following questions: what is the purpose of the game, what it needs 
to learn child? What the speech act he needs to perform? Can your child to build such a statement if 
there are additional difficulties? 
2. By answering these questions, try to become child and figure out what interesting situations 
could arise from the statement in such a model. 
3. Think of how to describe this situation to the child so that he immediately accepted. 
4. Happy to play with your child yourself! 
When the vocabulary of a preschooler reaches several tens of words, it is possible to vary the direct 
educational activities using audiotales in the English language. Audiotales can be divided into: 
Audiotales "pure". Audiotales are a great tool for English language learning children. First, it is 
suitable tiny English stories. For example, the children can listen to such tales as "the Three little 
kittens" ,"Three Little Pigs". It is essential that the essence of the audiotale was understandable, because 

otherwise the child will quickly lose interest. A direct educational activity without the interest will not 
be so fruitful and effective. 
Audiotales in combination with illustrative material. During sound audio children together with 
the teacher look at the pictures and at the same time recite the words. 
Audiotales and method of "full immersion". To make listening English fairy tales more interesting, 
you can use one of the methods of fairy tale therapy – drawing stories. But to draw in the process of 
listening happens in the case that the story at least a little the child knows. Therefore, children are given 
pencils and paper when the tale is heard in the second or third time. The fact , that drawing while 
listening is the process which affects the underlying skills of simultaneous perception and reproduction 
of information. In the course of drawing the child has formed the association with the heard. Wittingly 
or unwittingly, English words are remembered, associated with the depicted in the picture story. Along 
the way, you need to pay attention if he knows how to simultaneously listen and draw heard. In four to 
five years skills quick play heard information from the majority of kids do not exist. But to six years 
in those children who regularly listen to and reproduce just heard information in the form of retelling, 
drawing, application, etc., develops the ability to simultaneously listen, to hear, to understand and to 
interpret what they heard. 
English language education should be communicative in nature, when the child masters language 
as a means of communication, not just absorbs the words and verbal images, but learns to construct 
statements known models in accordance with his occurring communicative needs. 
At the primary level English language learning the emphasis is on the development of 
understanding in children conversational English and laid the foundations of pronunciation.
English language teaching in kindergarten is aimed at the upbringing and development of children 
by means of subject on the basis and in the process of mastering language as a communication tool. 
But it is impossible to learn a language without learning a separate vocabulary, because the basic 
material of language is vocabulary, the words. The child will not learn to speak coherent text, if his 
vocabulary is small.
Preschoolers have the ability to quickly master the vocabulary. But learning vocabulary should be 
phased: familiarity with the word, its acceptance, using in the kinds of speech activity. All lexical units 
must be demonstrated clearly. 
If the task of mastering of vocabulary is varied, interesting, they will be well remembered. 
Thus, preschool age is the unique mastery of the English language, so just need to use it. Having 
studied the basic lexical material in the kindergarten, the children will come to the school with certain 
skills and abilities, ready to read and write. 

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