«Балтасап негізгі мектебі» коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі

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1. Choose the right variant:

Why didn‟t you help him? You ____ have done it.

  1. must d) were to

  2. can e) was able to

  3. could

2. Choose the right variant:

But I ____ stay in England for six month, and not for a fortnight as I had planned.

  1. had to d) shall have

  2. can e) am able to

  3. can

3. Choose the right variant:

Last week I ____ go to town on business trip as the Ministry of Education had asked me to come.

  1. had to d) could

  2. might e) was able to

  3. should

4. Choose the right variant:

If one person is careless with a library book, then it ____ be read others.

  1. can‟t d) can

  2. couldn‟t e) mightn‟t

  3. may

5. Choose the right variant:

People who knows a foreign language ____ learn a second one easily.

  1. may d) must

  2. had to e) am able to

  3. have to

6. Choose the right variant:

_____ I have a word with you, please?

  1. may d) must

  2. had to e) am able to

  3. have to

7. Choose the right variant:

At first I _____ skate well, I _____ .

  1. couldn‟t / can d) may / can

  2. mustn‟t / can e) should / shouldn‟t

  3. must / needn‟t

8. Choose the right variant:

She said they ___ go to the cinema if they liked.

  1. must d) had to

  2. may e) could

  3. can

9. Choose the right variant:

I didn‟t want to go there but I _____ .

  1. must d) can‟t

  2. might e) had to

  3. shall

10. Choose the right variant:

1. You … take care of your parents.

  1. Will d) Are to

  2. Shall e) May

  3. Ought to

11. My sight is getting worse. Next year, I‟m afraid, I … read without glasses.

  1. Ought d) Won‟t be able to

  2. Can not e) Mustn‟t

  3. May not

12. Don‟t you see I‟m tired? You …me, you know.

  1. Might have … helped d) Must

  2. Could… help e) May

  3. May … help

13. Police, firefighters, newspapers reporters and radio broadcasters … work on holiday in the USA.

  1. Can d) Must

  2. Could e) Have to

C) Might

14. The real history of the period between 1688 and the middle of the eighteenth century … … summed up in three words.

  1. Need be d) Has to be

  2. Will be able to be e) Have to be

  3. Can be

15. No museums … ever … buy one painting by this artist.

  1. Has … been able to d) Has … been allowed

  2. Have … been able to to

  3. Might … have e) Must … have

16. Choose the correct answer:

Since we have to be there before 9 o‟clock, we … take a taxi.

Otherwise, we‟ll be late.

  1. Must d) Are able to

  2. May e) Had better

  3. Can

17. Choose the right variant:

You … take any book you like

  1. May d) Should

  2. Must e) Can

  3. Have to

18. Choose the right variant:

Nobody is making you do this. You … go to the party if you don‟t want to.

  1. Is not able to d) Coudn‟t

  2. Are not able to e) Needn‟t

  3. Can‟t

19. Choose the correct answer:

… you pass me the salt, please?

  1. Should d) Had to

  2. Must e) Can

  3. May

20. Choose the right variant:

My grandfather was a very clever man. He … speak five languages.

  1. Ought d) Is able to

  2. Can e) Might

  3. Could

21. Choose the right variant:

He lived in England for some time but he … speak English.

  1. Mustn‟t d) Has to

  2. Can‟t e) Ought

  3. May

22. Choose the right answer:

I‟m afraid you will … wait for a long time.

  1. Ought d) Can

  2. Must e) Have to

  3. May

23. Complete the sentence:

Like any top sportsman she ______ to train very hard.

  1. May d) Must

  2. Can e) Has

  3. Should

24. Choose the correct answer. We … do our lessons everyday.

  1. Must d) Might

  2. Could e) Had to

  3. Will have to

25. Choose the right variant:

We had an appointment yesterday afternoon but he ____ see me.

  1. might not d) have to

  2. mustn‟t e) wasn‟t able to

  3. cannot



Ағылшын тілінде екі етіс бар: ӛздік етіс (Active Voice) және ырықсыз етіс (Passive Voice). Егер бастауыш іс-әрекетте жасаушы қызметін атқаратын болса, онда етістік өздік етіс тҥрінде қолданылады.

Егер бастауыш басқа біреудің немесе нәрсенің тарапынан іске асырылып жатса, етістік ырықсыз етіс тҥрінде қолданылады.

Rolls Royce cars are made in England

Ырықсыз етіс біреудің немесе заттың басқа біреумен немесе заттың тарапынан әсер етіліп жатқанын білдіру ҥшін қолданылады. Сонымен қатар ырықсыз етіс іс-әрекеттің ӛзі маңызды екенін кӛрсетеді.

Сӛйлемді ырықсыз етіске айналдыру ҥшін сӛйлемде толықтауыш болу керк.


Subject verb object

My grandfather built this house


Subject verb object

This house was built by my grandmother

Ырықсыз етіс шақтары ӛздік етіс шақтарының ережелеріне сәйкес ӛзгертіледі.




Present Simple

She writes the reports.

Am/is/are+Past Participle (3rd form of the verb)

The reports are written.

Present Continuous

She is writing the reports



The reports are being written.

Past Simple

She wrote the reports.

Was/were + Past Participle The reports were written.

Past Continuous

She was writing the reports.

Was/were +ing+ Past Participle

The reports were being written.

Present Perfect

She has written the reports.

Have/has + been + past participle

The reports had been written.

Past Perfect

She had written the reports.

Had + been + Past Participle The reports had been written.



She will write the reports.

Will+be+ Past Participle The reports will be written.




She will have written the reports.

Will+have+been+ Past


The reports will have been written.

Modal verbs

She may write the reports.

She should have written the reports.

Modal verbs + be + Past


The reports may be written.

The reports should have been written.

Be going to

She is going to write the reports.

Is/are going to+be+ Past


The reports are going to be written.

Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect Continuous, Future Continuous, Future Perfect Continuous шақтары ырықсыз етісте (пассивте) қолданылмайды.

Wrong sentence: The restaurant has been being built for 4 years.

Right sentence: The restaurant has been under construction for 4 years.

Active: A friend gave my sister this cookery book.

Passive: My sister was given this cookery book by a friend. This cookery book was given to my sister by a friend.

Have something done” конструкциясы

“Have something done” конструкциясында іс-әрекет айтушыға қатысты, бірақ ол іс-әрекетті ӛзі емес басқа адамның тарапынан жасалғандығы кӛрсетіледі.

Have + object + Past Participle



the roof



are having

the house



did you have

your hair




his suits


It + passive verb + clause

Сӛйлеушінің кім екенін керек етпеген жағдайда осы констуркцияны қолданады.

Nurzhan works very hard.

It is said that he works 16 hours a day = He is said to work 16 hours a day.

The police are looking for a missing boy.

It is believed that the boy is wearing a black pullover and blue jeans.

The boy is believed to be wearing a black pullover and blue jeans.

Ырықсыз етісте қолданылмайтын етістіктер.

Кейбір етістіктер ырықсыз етісте қолдынылмайды. Оларға: - die, arrive, fit, have, lack, suit, resemble, agree және басқалар жатады.

For example:

They have a nice house. (But not: A nice house is had them).

My shoes don‟t fit me. (But not: I‟m not fitted by my shoes.

Everybody agreed with me. (But not: I was agreed by everybody.)

Каталог: uploads -> doc -> 115c
doc -> Ана тілі №2. Тақырыбы: Кел, балалар, оқылық Мақсаты
doc -> Сабақ жоспары «Сәулет және дизайн» кафедрасының арнаулы пән оқытушысы, ҚР «Еуразиялық Дизайнерлер Одағының» мүшесі: Досжанова Галия Есенгелдиевна Пәні: Сурет және сұңғат өнері
doc -> Сабақ Сабақтың тақырыбы : Кіріспе Сабақтың мақсаты : «Алаштану» курсының мектеп бағдарламасында алатын орны, Алаш қозғалысы мен Алашорда үкіметі тарихының тарихнамасы мен дерекнамасына қысқаша шолу
doc -> Тәрбие сағаттың тақырыбы: Желтоқсан жаңғырығы
doc -> Сабақтың тақырыбы : Әбунасыр Әл- фараби Сабақтың мақсаты
doc -> Сабақ жоспары Тақырыбы: Үкілі Ыбырай Мектеп:№21ом мерзімі
115c -> Қазақ тілі мен әдебиеті
115c -> Сабақ Тақырыбы: и әрпі және дыбысы Бастауыш сынып мұғалімі: Байжуманов А. К
115c -> Сабақтын тақырыбы «Биология әлемі»
115c -> Қазақстанның қалалары. (3-сынып) Сабақтың мақсаты

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