ABSTRACT (Social context in poetry of Shortanbay) Shortanbay Kanayuly is one of the greatest poets of the nineteenth-century of Kazakh folk, widely regarded as the greatest representative of the art of improvisation. He is often called Kazakh's national poet. Shortanbay was the man who was concerned with disaster of his society and this contributed him to invent his own philosophical way of thinking. He was great philosopher of his era. Shortanbay Kanayuly lived in the nineteenth century, when the empire of Russia at the turn of conquering all the land of Kazakh people. The conquest was carried out in order of their imperial power’s position of pursuit. National poets of these times had a hunkering for former freedom, times when they have elected khans. The colonization of Kazakhstan by Russia was slowed down by numerous uprisings and wars in the 19th century. All of them showed strong resistance to the invaders colonial empire of Russia. Particularly against in the rule of Russia Shortanbay Kanayuly showed his strong position in his poems, in which he criticized Russian acquiring by force new regime. More precisely, He was against colonization of Kazakh land , numerous takeovers in various ways such as torture and abuse, and evil intentions were forced against aged free country. Depressed Shortanbay described harmful days of the colonization suffer of the Kazakh people almost in all of the poems. In our proposed article called " Social context in poetry of Shortanbay" we tried to show position of Kazakh poets in the nineteen-century Russia at the turn of the colonization and we also underlined affairs of the brotherly Kyrgyz country's great poets such as Shortanbay. Our aim was to show how they described heavy period of Kazakh history. Since the colonial Russia did not only acquire territory of Kazakh khanate, they also laid down in the land of the brotherly Kyrgyz folk. Therefore, in our article apart from Shortanbay we presented other Kyrgyz improviser poets such as Kalygul, Arystanbek. To accomplish this mission in the article was used study of the historical and comparative methods. For instance, Kazakh and Kyrgyz poems of poets were compared. During comparison of the themes of the poets were convinced that they had the same ideals. The two poets provided in their poetry clear evidence of a solid accuse to armed occupation of Russian Empire. Kazakh and Kyrgyz national poets which born in the eighteenth century, were followed by folk to determine the views their nation and defend Muslims from invaders. They did not want war, abuse, conception against Islam. Poets used their poems as weapons to fight unjust dominating Russian empire, who came to install quite strict war loving regime. (438 words) Үмбетаев М.Б., филология ғылымдарының
кандидаты, доцент.