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Деңиз толкундары күн шооласына жалтырайт
. (Ч. Айтматов)
[deniz tolkundary kün 
shoolasyna jaltyrayt] Lit.:
 ‘Sea waves sparkle in the sunshine.’
b) Passive Voice (Туюк мамиле)
In Kyrgyz the verb of a sentence is put in the passive voice when the agent, who 
undertakes the action to which the sentence refers, is for whatever reason left out of the sentence.
In Kyrgyz the passive voice is not accompanied by the auxiliary verb ‘to be’. The passive 
voice in Kyrgyz is formed by adding to the stem of the verb ‘passive voice’ endings –ыл (-л), -
ын (-н), followed by one of the tense and personal endings. The passive voice can be conjugated 
in all the different tenses. Hence, the passive voice takes the same tense endings as verb in the 
active voice. 
The ‘passive voice’ ending –л is added if the stem of the verb ends on a vowel. E.g.: 
Ошол Байирман “К” колхозунун башкармалыгына дайындалды. 
(Т. Сыдыкбеков) [oshol 
bayırman ‘k’ kolhozunun bashkarmalygyna dayındaldı]
Lit.: That Bairman was appointed as a 
chairman of Kolkhoz “K”.
[дайында+л+ды] If the stem of the verb ends on –л then it is 
followed by –ын. E.g.: 
Жаңы үйлөр салынып жатат. 
[jany üylör salynyp jatat] 
New houses 
are being built
. If it ends on consonants, then it is followed by –ыл or –л (can be changed on the 
basis of vowel harmony). 
Комузду күүгө келтирген колума кишен салынды.
[komuzdu küügö keltırgen koluma kıshen salyndy] 
Lit.: My hands that could turn komuz into 
tune was put into iron.
In Kyrgyz it is mostly inanimate objects and events that take a verb in the passive voice. 
Эшик жабылды. 
[eshık jabyldy]
 ‘The door was closed.’ Жыйналыш башталды. 
[jıynalısh bashtaldı]
 ‘The meeting was started.’
c) Reflexive Voice (Өздүк мамиле) 
In reflexive voice, the subject acts upon him or herself. Reflexive voice is not as 
productive as passive and causative voices. It is expressed by the suffix –
ын (н)
which can be 
changed on the basis of vowel harmony and consonant assimilation. For example: 
кыр-ын/kırın [shave himself/herself] (follows after stem final consonants in back-vocalic stems)
кий-ин/kıyın [dress himself/herself] (after stem final consonants in front-vocalic stems) тара-
н/taran [comb himself/herself] (after stem-final vowels)

Transitive verbs mostly form the reflexive (чечүү (to take off), издөө (to look for), 
катуу (to hide) etc.) Intransitive do not take the reflexive suffix: уялуу/uyaluu- *уялынуу (to be 
ashamed) The reflexive suffix can be also used as a derivational suffix to form new verbs, for 
example: өт/öt (cross), өт-үн/ötün (request), кам/kam (care) кам-ын/kamın (prepare).
d) Reciprocal Voice (Collective) (Кош мамиле) 
Reciprocal constructions are grammatical pattern in which each of the participant 
occupies both the role of agent and patient with respect to the other. Moreover, it can be said to 
express mutual action. Many languages, such as Semitic languages, Bahtu languages, Altaic 
languages, have special reciprocal affixes in verb. Other languages, including English, use 
reciprocal pronouns such us ‘each other’ to indicate a mutual relation. Russian scholar V. 
Nedjakov maintains that Kyrgyz has two main ways to express reciprocity, in his article: 
reciprocal pronoun 
‘each other’ and the reciprocal suffix 
, which can 
appear singly or co-occur in the same clause. 
Кыз менен апасы өб-үш-тү
. [kız menen apası öbüshtü] 
girl-NOM and mother-her-NOM kiss-REC-PAST.3 
Lit.: ‘The girl and her mother kissed.’ 
Verbal forms with the suffix –ш can also express assistive meaning: 
Мен апама камыр жуур-уш-ту-м
. [men apama kamır juurushtum] 
I-NOM mother-my-DAT dough-NOM knead-REC-PAST-1sg. 
‘I helped my mother to knead the dough.’ 
Moreover, Kyrgyz reciprocal suffix can optionally act as a marking of 3PLUR 
on verbs. Therefore, given suffix is can appear twice in the verb form, as a reciprocal 
and as a plural marker: 
Алар камыр жууру-ш-уш-ту
. [alar kamır juurushtu] 
they-NOM dough-NOM knead-REC-3PLUR-PAST-3 
‘They helped (somebody) to knead the dough.’
The reciprocal pronoun ‘
is inflected for case and person. Given 
reciprocal pronoun is in compound relation with the reciprocal suffix. As a result, in (4) 
the reciprocal pronoun sounds odd with the following verb. However, the reciprocal 
suffix is ungrammatical in (5). 
Алар бирин-бири өптү.
[alar bırı bırın öptü]
‘They kissed each other.’ 

Биз бирин-бири терекке байладык
. [bız bırın bırı terekke bayladık] 
‘We tied each other to the tree.’ 
e) Causative Voice (Аркылуу мамиле) 
From semantic point of view, causativization means: the agent (subject) merely 
causes the causee (indirect object) to perform a certain event. In Wikipedia, it is defined as a 
“valency-increasing operation, which indicates that a subject either causes someone or something 
else to do or be something or causes a change in state of a non-volitional event.”
Causative voice has a multiple suffixes, which depend on the verbal peculiarities. 
According to the article devoted to the “Category of Voice and Semantic Types of Situations in 
Kumyk Language” by Gadzhiakhmedov N. E. and Aliyeva S. A. a special feature of a causative 
voice in Turkic languages is their compatibility within the same word forms: causative + passive; 
reflexive + causative, causative + reflexive, reciprocal + causative, causative + reciprocal 
causative + causative and so on. 
Accretion of causative affix to reflexive leads to emergences of new participants of the 
causative situation: decausative situation becomes causative: 
Энеси баласын кийиндирди 
balasın kıyındırdı]
 (кий+ин reflexive aff.+дир causative aff). ‘Mother dressed her child.’
are two participants in the situation: the child, who is passive in this case, and the mother, who is 
an active participant of the action.
Accretion of the causative affix –дыр to reciprocity leads to a different complex situation: 
represents more participants than in the previous situation and all participants are involved in the 
implementation of the verbal action (mutual action): 
Кече энеси менен кызын бакчада 
[keche enesı menen kızın bakchada körüshtürdüm]
 (көр + ыш reciprocal aff. + 
тыр causative aff. + ды past t. aff. +м 1ps.) ‘Yesterday, I organized a meeting of mother and 
Basics of the verbs that have inducing affixes (both transitive and transitive) can take 
secondary inducing affixation and by that form verbs with even more advanced semantic 
relations at the level of participants in the situation. At the same time, verb forms also acquire the 
ability to be combined with the complement in the dative case, which is the actual performer of 
the action, indicated by the original basis
: Мен Муратка энесине кат жаздыртам.
muratka enesıne kat jazdırtam]
 (жаз + дыр causative aff. + т causative aff. + а participle’s aff. 
+ м 1ps.) ‘I will make Murat write a letter to his mother.’ 
(change of situation at the level of 

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